Cruising spots ville
Hôtel désaffecté
Cruising spot gay & straight in La Roche-de-Rame
proposed by palomabitch37 (27/06/2022)
Chemin au bord de l'Indre
Cruising spot gay & straight in Châteauroux
proposed by yohan36 (12/03/2022)
Metro Line 3 bis Porte des Lilas - Gambetta
Cruising spot gay in Paris
proposed by enzau (08/12/2021)
Small corner for sex appointment in Evian
Cruising spot gay & straight in Évian-les-Bains
proposed by plancul74500 (12/04/2021)
Remains of the Château de Vendôme
Cruising spot gay in Vendôme
proposed by profilsupprime (01/03/2021)
Port of Grenelle
Cruising spot gay & straight in Paris
proposed by profilsupprime (21/07/2020)
Asian Massage and aesthetic Serenity Asia
Cruising spot straight in Grenoble
proposed by roseau38 (29/01/2020)
In front of the Japanese Garden (Boulevard Marquette)
Cruising spot gay in Toulouse
proposed by passifdiscret31 (25/08/2019)
Garden left at the door of the clock.
Cruising spot gay & straight in Parthenay
proposed by andropat (07/04/2019)
A garden square St Therese Leon Blum
Cruising spot gay & straight in Narbonne
proposed by christyne (23/02/2019)
Add a cruising spot !
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