Cruising spots nature
Coin dans le bois route de Pardaillan depuis La Sauvetat
Cruising spot gay & straight in Moustier
proposed by petitsexe23 (17/07/2022)
Rivière après le village de Faijao
Cruising spot gay & straight in Pampilhosa da Serra
proposed by profilsupprime (15/07/2022)
Relais Total de la Marronède
Cruising spot gay & straight in Fos-sur-Mer
proposed by druuna13 (14/07/2022)
Aire de la Nasque , parking et nature très calme
Cruising spot gay in Gonfaron
proposed by profilsupprime (13/07/2022)
Parking nature proche circuit du Var
Cruising spot gay in Gonfaron
proposed by profilsupprime (11/07/2022)
the little wood, rue du little wood Créteil
Cruising spot gay in Créteil
proposed by hchgarsreel (14/04/2023)
Small pond in Cressat with a wooden chalet and toilets
Cruising spot gay & straight in Cressat
proposed by kaliman (09/07/2022)
Etang de coueslay (car park, toilets, wood)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Allaire
proposed by profilsupprime (09/07/2022)
Barrier lake between conques and Villegly
Cruising spot gay & straight in Villegly
proposed by magret11 (06/07/2022)
drink from fathers to minims
Cruising spot gay in La Rochelle
proposed by fred17lr (04/07/2022)
Add a cruising spot !
Your username will appear on this spot, bottom right. Thank you in advance for your help !