Etang de Prérault

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Périgné
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Au bord d'un étang arboré ,avec tables de pique nique et sanitaires discrets. Ce liue est fréquenté par des promeneurs en journée.Le soir c'est quartier libre.Propre et calme.
Address :
Le Boulassier
79170 Périgné

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Aire de Pique-Nique, D 119, Le Boulassier, Périgné, Niort, Deux-Sèvres, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France métropolitaine, 79170
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16/08/2024 in 19h30
Good evening, any women or couples in the area tonight?

12/08/2024 in 08h48
Tonight around 10:30 p.m. I will be there with my wife, preferably for couples or women. Write me in pm

21/07/2024 in 11h16
Tonight me and my wife will be there around 9:30-10pm. Come by PM preferably women or couples.

21/07/2024 in 09h44
Tonight me and my wife will be there around 9:30-10pm. Come by PM preferably women or couples.

25/06/2024 in 22h15
I'm there, a couple just left

25/06/2024 in 15h22
We will be there tonight with my wife around 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Write to me in PM

02/05/2024 in 09h58
I'm currently there to get emptied.

03/04/2024 in 12h09
Anyone planning to go there?

17/03/2024 in 10h38
I'm currently a couple or a woman there, to empty my balls

03/03/2024 in 20h07
It's really quiet here, we're leaving

… history