Way of Rocques


Cruising spot gay in Lisieux

proposed by profilsupprime  (30/06/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Lisieux
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
When you take the road to go to the wood of Rocques, you go over a bridge and before the bridge there is a road. Take the road, and the first road to the left that is. Not a lot of passing, but when there is, it's great.
Address :
52 Chemin de Rocques
14100 Lisieux

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15/01/2025 in 15h32
Person who comes

15/01/2025 in 12h35
Hello, I'm there this afternoon.

16/11/2024 in 14h34
Who comes?

16/11/2024 in 12h51
I'm here who comes

31/10/2024 in 13h04
Who comes, I'm here until 2 p.m.

24/10/2024 in 11h38
I'm there this afternoon

20/09/2024 in 13h06
Who comes?

19/09/2024 in 10h59
Am I there at noon?

17/09/2024 in 12h48
Who comes?

24/08/2024 in 13h34
Who comes?

23/08/2024 in 10h33
Who comes to the woods at noon?

22/08/2024 in 13h16
Who goes to the woods

01/07/2024 in 11h24
I'm here until 1 p.m.

28/07/2023 in 14h34
I'm there and nobody currently

06/02/2023 in 02h22
Still active this place?

14/08/2020 in 23h44
Next week I would go to Bois de Roques in the afternoon to let myself fiddle with and see more I wear mini skirt panties thong but I'm not feminine or work I would be slightly transparent white pants

07/07/2019 in 09h31
Passing on Deauville from 10 to 13 July. Evening free. I look for active men with mouth and ass available. Contact me if interested.

07/09/2018 in 09h49
that for Sunday morning, contact me? ..

22/03/2017 in 13h26
Who to dump me?

26/02/2014 in 10h12
I'd Wood Friday at 14 hours 30 I have a red sxara kisses to all

03/10/2013 in 12h40
There's hard tails in the corner or not?

24/09/2013 in 10h24
Who does my ass today?

16/08/2013 in 20h48
I went before yesterday. No one. There is more life in a cemetery !!

… close history