Undergrowth of Blyes, near PIPA


Cruising spot straight in Blyes

proposed by jh01pourcple  (28/06/2021)

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Type : Nature straight
City :  Blyes
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Undergrowth or illegitimate couples come to have a good time, because near the industrial park.you have to come by the gravel path, park a little upstream and wait for cars to arrive.
Address :
Chemin de Marcillieux
01150 Blyes

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La Vie des rats, Blyes, Belley, Ain, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France métropolitaine, 01150, France
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10 d. ago
no one tonight near st vulbas cemetery?

14 d. ago
Hello, any women around this afternoon?

19/11/2024 in 11h02
Sorry, I wrote it wrong, I'm looking for a couple

19/11/2024 in 11h01
Bonjour à tous, en couple du temps de midi, je fait ma coupure par là-bas

14/11/2024 in 16h07
It's weird though, all these people who go there without meeting anyone. They don't meet each other, even though they're there. Maybe not on the same day, but then in that case, write when you go, not after you've been there. You'll also end up collecting mostly glowing comments, which would be a change from your empty testimonial profiles.

14/11/2024 in 10h01
mythical place TO REPORT

14/11/2024 in 07h31
I drop by from time to time and never anyone either!

14/11/2024 in 07h20
I never saw anyone there either.

14/11/2024 in 06h43
Nice wood but too bad there is no one in this wood

12/10/2024 in 10h08
I am looking for a woman or a couple, I really want to get sucked or take Mrs in front of her husband too... or with him. I am in Lagnieu so I can be there quickly after mp

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