J'y serai demain matin pour ce qui veulent me sucer ou que je les prennes...
Sabine78 : j'avais oublié de préciser que j'y suis aller vers 5h 5h30 le matin. Et comme je passe pas loin 3 fois par semaine, je vais y retourner régulièrement. Mais c'est vrai, comme tout lieu où il y a du public, faut faire attention.
tophe9377 : il faut juste faire attention aux clients du restaurent qui ferme tres tard. Apres la fermeture c est le festival des voitures curieuses et des jeux divers
Salut. Est ce que des bonnes Travs (non vénales) s'y rendent ce mercredi soir ?
J'ai découvert cette endroit par curiosité,en voyant une voiture partir dans cette impasse. Et je n'ai pas été déçu, un gars m'a proposé de me pomper c'était cool. En plus, vous avez le lac en bas avec un banc pour plus de fun.
Hello traveling to Paris today. I would be there around 3:30 p.m. Send me a message ;-)
I am available near this place during the day/evening to suck good cocks, possible in the car, PM to arrange a meeting ;)
Hi. I'll be there tonight. Attention all the guys who want to get off.
I go there I pump everyone especially at the same time
Last night 14/11 after 2 hours it was zero. fortunately 1 man dared to take me directly from the parking lot but the others ..... I had to leave to be followed ....... what courage
I'm going there this morning. Who wanna get pumped?
I'm in the Woods, who wants to suck?
This day at 2 am; good assfucked and throat fucked by a guy
Yesterday evening 8 p.m. 2 rebeu bomales were waiting for me. I could only satisfy one because it was already necessary to retuurn. I'm going back there tonight from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Come make me scream with pleasure .... LOLA
passed yesterday around 2h00. Only one person I know who used me. What was impressive was that all the rest of the woods were deserted. I met only 4 prostitutes, 2 tans in a Catalan van, 1 tans breasts in the air, and a very beautiful young woman wears mute. Compared to other days ...
Tuesday 13/10 around 2:30 am: I went there. Not many people. There are parking blocks and bans everywhere. So to park you have to push back the blocks. At least the place was lit because all the other places in the woods that I know were in absolute darkness
Soumise j y passe dans 1h pour une bonne queue Je peut bouger
Who for an appointment around 11:30 pm. Peaceful place. I am hot.
08/19/2020 around 2 a.m. - After the altercation at Auteuil I came here. The guy who had helped us at Auteuil was there. We naturally start discussing again and slowly warm up. An "asshole" joined us. We didn't understand what he was saying, he wanted, he didn't want ... The guy I was talking to was nice and as I was confident I broke my rule never to isolate myself . At first everything was fine then at one point he tried to force me without a condom. So I allow myself to "advertise" such a con: He is a chtit, transporter and he parks his truck with a mute door 2 steps from here and because of his profession he frequents the Ateuil and here in week by walking and asking to be transported. Fortunately, the end of the night was more pleasant. A guy made love to a trans right in his car in the parking lot. What health because it lasted a very long time, so much that it bored the voyeurs who passed. lol.
08/14/2020 around 2 a.m. - Last night I went to see. I had forgotten that on Thursday evening there is the "C .." which "bumps" and intercepts all the transvestites who pass and to chase them away ...
Thank you titoufr for the warning. Wood is becoming really infrequent because it is really dangerous .... Be careful ...
To all those who frequent the wood, be careful. Last week, I stopped at Route de la Muette. While I was parked checking my phone, three individuals came out of the woods and attempted to open my car. Fortunately for me, I always drive with the doors locked. I left quickly. One of them tried to open the front passenger door, another had already passed the driver's side, I hadn't noticed. I discovered it in my rearview mirror.
I'll be there tonight. Either here or along the road of the mute In search of good tail to empty. Fat bitch mode activated: P
slycalin ..... I give my holes I was going to go to the woods even in front of guys
Wednesday 22/07 around 3:30 am just after AUteuil. I arrived there were 3 cars including one towards the barrier. I remade as in Auteuil, I parked, I got out of the car, I pulled up my skirt and put my hands on the hood. But this blow if the home did not dare. He was circling the car, then all of a sudden he owed me and then my sodomy. 10mn later he had left
Monday 13/07 - 1h30 - After the Atlas, Auteuil and another corner of Boulogne which had not satisfied me, I arrive at this high place that I had never visited too much on a Sunday evening. Surprise, there is not the inevitable population of the restaurant. So it looks like a Saturday night around 2:30/3am. Several parked cars and just 2 people walking around. Here is my exhibitionist from the place before. I stayed 1/4h in the car to watch the ballet of cars passing by. I spotted an h on a bench, he who got out of his car and turns around me and an old man who walks. I get out of my car, frankly scruffy, suspenders visible, buttocks half exposed (I took off my thong on my way home. Atlas in the early evening) blouse completely open on my basque. I head for the closed road and lean against the barrier. Nothing happens. I sink a little more on the road. The old man approaches me and wants to take me to a dark corner, which I hate. So he drags me to the side of the road against a barrier post, makes me bend over, puts on a condom and takes me. no one else followed what a pity.
Who was the pretty trav 2 weeks ago between 2h 4am in twingo? :)
Qui.recois in paris or elsewhere je.bouge I am hot
I spend this night there around 3am to put my holes in the back of the truck. I receive you in pj and string For appointment leave message in pv
Who joined me I put my holes available
This morning around 4 jy went on my way home after a disappointing evening. But it was raining. At one point I was anyway out of my car and I'm done thrashing around against my car. c is all disheveled that I have sucked the guy to another guy in the car. J've looked the guy in his car. He has not looked for are smartphone. C is impressive as people stay glued to their smartphone, certainly connected to a dating site hoping to find what he had under the eyes but do not see .And is not that here. lol
jy were that night ...... hot nickel made myself fuck by 3 guys at the same time
Good evening. Y went last night Thursday, June 13 Nothing at all. Already difficult to park because evening at the Chalet of the islands, but even after the end of the evening, not more presence. Does one really encounters at this place ??
good evening, someone on site to be empty?
J spends in 30 minutes to empty some beautiful tails ...
Sunday around 5:00. there were a few car. C The problem is that people do not really attracted m. In addition you can really see all that it happens in the woods because the vegetation is not there. at one point I got out of my car and I'm lying on the lawn leg gap down contra parking. The sueul who came to see me want to do anything here. And then the time advancing there were the first joggers. I did not think there were who were running with lights so early. A waitress from the restaurant and a delivery truck arrived. Not a good time to come as vegetation didnt repousée.
25/12 around 3:30 / 4h 3bis- places Between 2 passage Auteuil here I am. I like it here because can dehambuler in flagship cars. I believe that I have never been in the woods under lol. On the road, on the edge of the trunk road between cars or on the lawn yes but never in the woods. A car with a couple. Given the time and place ... they do not come to ceuillir mushrooms lol. At the sight of the lady, I removed my skirt, open my meanteau and opened my shirt and then walks in basque, fishnet stockings and panties on the road. Only 1 h m tackle dares to go and suggests I go to hide that it warms me. I refused and asked him to do it on the road in front of the lady. But he refuses. The couple and go too. c is when I enter my car the guy want to do well and I want and that another wonder too. too late. I share leadership Auteuil
Who will be there tomorrow around 9 am?
Yesterday after 3h jy went. No. Yet I cruised on the road in basque and everything I've had a long discution c is at the window of a car. But the guy what time do we have, and then c's still quite explicitly not our desires?
J will like to go there during my weekend in Paris. One can enter without a car?
I ve tested last Wednesday night 04/08 around 2:00. surprise the world. But a guy's too boring is planted in front of my door and my most laché even when I told him no. The forest area is really very dark and saw the bad HOME I avoided. The edge of the lake but such interesting given the welcome I had my way. By cons go there before closing the restaurant on the island, I think it's not great. Tip: when a transvestite (or FPIC) has in these places is that he wants c. So let happen quietly rather than pounce on him for it is aggressive limit and it cuts everyone. Thank you
jy will be tomorrow morning at 07h
a plan tonight? I submitted guy.
qq one this morning? was not far
me very passive open any plans tonight?
that night? I very open bitch any plan. I have popers
jy will can be that night, subject open to all
I very slut submitted any plan
who tonight? I opened bitch any plan
I submitted slut very, very desire of cock .... one or more .....
I submitted slut very, very desire of cock .... one or more .....
aurra there are a bitch tonight
Guys tonight larver me? With current poppers when jy'm
Tonight? despite the cold I very whore for one or several guys
tonight? I very slutty even for several guys .....
tonight .... I bitch open any plan
jy'll soon ..... me very slutty for one or several guys .....
it depends if the guys go there but am available all night I have never been to this endraoit, descend along the lake or in the woods across the parking lot?
I would love to but I have not I have just string latex
me this very very passive dog night
I submitted, when one or several guys?
you have to go along the jetty for the cottage or go in the woods across the parking lot?
desire to be very slutty several guys that night
Who will be this Wednesday from 17h? young guys max 32 MP
I can be there in 30 minutes to go?
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