Touris - Valletta


Cruising spot gay in Le Revest-les-Eaux

proposed by rice83  (16/12/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Le Revest-les-Eaux
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Coming from the east side Toulon take direction Revest. Skip Valletta and continue on the D46. At the summit before descending and turn right towards the Coudon. Follow the road (without going Coudon), past the cemetery and continue. At the top of the coast a large oak tree and ruins. Park there or a little further at the other ruins (300 m). Meetings are there or on the small path reread both places. Discreet place with lots of vegetation for discretion. Some racers and sometimes a truck driver. More passing in the spring because the days get longer.
Address :
Chemin de Tourris
83200 Le Revest-les-Eaux

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Tourris, 83200 Le Revest-les-Eaux, France
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29/04/2024 in 19h14
Want to get fucked good tonight. Who wants to take care of me? Meet here or elsewhere. Feel free to contact me. I can't receive. Thank you.

13/12/2018 in 11h14
went Sunday morning and no one, yet few cars parked on the car park !! went to ruin and near the small water retention pond and person!

11/11/2017 in 21h22
there went the 11nov Saturday. some parked cars but no trace of presence (hikers? Are there a specific location?

20/03/2017 in 11h34
If you feel that I relieve you, please let me know

19/04/2016 in 20h38
Who would I find this place?

10/04/2016 in 22h25
I would love to discover the place being well accompanied if possible)