Toilets face Carrefour Créteil Soleil


Cruising spot gay in Créteil

proposed by alex_celib_94  (02/07/2016)

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Type : Public toilets gay
City :  Créteil
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In front of Carrefour, toilets with holes in the walls to crush his neighbor. On the second floor, near the door 24. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!). Be discreet !!!

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
Avenue des Compagnons de la Libération
94000 Créteil

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50 Avenue de la France libre, 94000 Créteil, France
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28 d. ago
Hello, I really want to get sucked. I'm visiting Henri Mondor hospital

20/01/2025 in 11h52
Possible to make a plan in the car on one of the parking lots of the shopping center in a quiet corner? I'll be there soon, if a TBM guy with big balls and big ejaculations wants to empty himself, I'm a customer. A preference for hairless cock and balls as well as impeccable hygiene

08/12/2024 in 09h31
Hello, un mec a vidanger ce matin sur l'un des parkings du centre commercial de Créteil Soleil ou ailleurs ? J'aime grosse queue, couilles bien pleines et pendantes sans poils exclusivement ainsi qu'une hygiène irréprochable. J'aime éjaculation très abondante et tout avaler jusqu'à la dernière goutte

02/07/2024 in 08h59
I'm in the cc, who's there to watch in the toilet?

30/06/2024 in 11h29
Hello, a guy has to drain now in one of the parking lots of the Créteil Soleil shopping center? I like big cock, very full and hanging balls without hair as well as impeccable hygiene

02/04/2024 in 09h55
Looking for a little slut available today, direct plan without blah blah... in direct pm please

01/04/2024 in 14h18
I'm on my way there for an hour.

18/03/2024 in 11h36
Anyone in Créteil soleil?

23/07/2023 in 10h54
Hello, is there a guy emptying his tank now in one of the parking lots of the Créteil Soleil shopping center?

25/06/2023 in 10h36
Hello, is there a guy draining around the Créteil Soleil shopping center?

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