Merci pour ta précision, @clealakokine ;-)
Coucou je souhaiterais y aller lundi 17/03 merci de me laisser un message si vous pensez vous y rendre peut être que ??? A plus vite
Hello everyone ;-) Never been there... but I'm thinking of going there on a Monday afternoon, one day, as a single guy. How is it, indoors? Are there people? Is it easy to use the pool, sauna, hammam? Since you undress in the changing room and have flip-flops and a towel... but is it possible to walk around naked everywhere? I like being naked and jerking off... ---) thanks for your info (in PM, it would be better)
exitant de danser tout NU le samedi 8 mars ?
Samedi 8mars A 21H30 Soirée A POILS , tous le monde A POILS
Je vais tenter pour une première demain (lundi) après midi. Y a t il souvent du monde le lundi après midi ?
Bonjour J'y serai lundi vers 15h jusque 17h
Hello, who would be up for it on Monday, I would like us to have as much fun as possible, send me a message that would be ok
Come on, a bottle in the sea, I'll go back Friday afternoon, in case a couple or a lady wants to