The little cafe at Denis editions

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Type : Bar gay & straight
City :  Épinac
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small coffee-bookstore, but of great humanity and kindness. Open daily, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.You can park in front or a little further if you want to keep some * discretion * (at your convenience).The owner is a permanent transvestite (isabelleghn), smiling and respectful of everyone.

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Phone : 0972813197

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8 d. ago
Oui clealakokine, toujours ouverte... tous les jours... mais je ne cherche plus de plan suce... j'en ai marre (sourire). Et je continue ma transition... tranquilou. Bizoo

24/09/2024 in 13h40
Toujours ouverte ? ou en es tu dans ta transition ?

10/09/2024 in 08h50
Bonjour à toustes, "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" est toujours là ! S'il n'y a pas de possibilité d'y "faire du sexe", par contre vous pouvez vous y donner RDV pour des premiers contacts... en toute sécurité et dans une ambiance safe et un cadre cool. Ouverte de 9h à 18h tous les jours (même fériés) Isabelle (Transfem Queer-Anarcho-Radicale) vous y accueillera avec le sourire. Bonne rentrée à toustes !

14/05/2024 in 15h40
“L'ptit café chez Denis éditions”, sera fermé exceptionnellement du 17 au 19 mai. Vous pourrez me trouver à “Livrosaurus”, aux Tanneries de Dijon, pour le festival du livre alter (anarcho-queer). En attendant je suis ouverte (de 9h à 18h tous les jours ! Et j'accueille toujours avec le sourire même si l'on ne me “consomme” plus. (sourire)

09/05/2024 in 12h57
Oui... chodukusoumis... mais les choses bougent, rien n'est figé dans la vie. (sourire) Désormais je cherche mon Homme... je ne veux pas crever toute seule ! Et en fait, je n'ai simplement plus envie — personnellement — de "petit coup en passant"... mais chacun fait comme ça lui plaît... tant qu'on ne me marche pas sur les pieds. (sourire)

09/05/2024 in 11h59
On avait pourtant consommé avec toi...

09/05/2024 in 11h45
“L'ptit café chez Denis éditions”, tenu par une anarchiste TransMtF, Isabelle, vous accueille pour vos rencarts dans un lieu "safe". Vous pouvez venir tel.le que vous êtes, librement et sans contrainte ! Il y a aussi à disposition un jardin de 1000m2, tranquille, où vous pourrez faire plus ample connaissance, sereinement, à l'abri des... “autres”. Seule règle : pas de consommation sexuelle sur place.

07/05/2024 in 12h52
À TOUTES ET TOUS Attention aux nouveaux fakes En effet, avec l'IA ("Intelligence" artificielle) les fakes sont de plus en plus "dangereux"... même à la voix ! Ne vous fiez uniquement qu'à la rencontre en vraie 3D. J'écris ça d'expérience ! Et surtout ne donnez jamais (évitez surtout) des rendez-vous hors d'un lieu "safe" (sûr) comme un bar, un resto... bref : un lieu public ! Je m'adresse évidemment à mes copines et copains trans et TDS principalement. Tout le bien à toutes et tous.

01/05/2024 in 07h59
5 MAI 2024 POUR LES DROITS TRANS PARTOUT EN FRANCE “L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions” soutient la communauté Trans, puisque tenu par une Trans (isabelleghn). Café ou citronnade offerte à toutes et tous les trans, trav et tds (uniquement) ce jour-là.

01/04/2024 in 17h34
@Clealakokine... Non, j'en ai marre de servir de passe-temps. J'ai fêté mes 60 ans... et j'ai plutôt pas envie de crever toute seule. Je n'en veux à personne bien sûr. Tous ont été super gentil... mais simplement j'ai besoin de stabilité. Donc, voilà. Si un homme (dans mes âges plutôt) désire construire quelque chose... je suis dispo pour faire connaissance (bon point aux artistes, anarchistes et autres “déviants” sociaux anticapitalistes). Le lieux malgré tout, existe toujours et il est toujours accueillant et safe pour ceux qui voudraient y prendre leurs RDV... mais pas de consommation sexe sur place (désolée). Qui plus est, l'été il y a le jardin où l'on peut discuter en toute quiétude.

19/03/2024 in 23h09
Hello ca tourne encore ?

01/02/2024 in 09h20
Effectivement... malheureusement il n'y a pas la place pour un "gros cul" (sourire) Bon... sinon, je sais je vais pas forcément très bien en ce moment pour vous accueillir comme vous aimez... mais un peu de tendresse ne me ferait pas de mal... et avec votre gentillesse... je pourrais vous faire plaisir. Gros bizoo et merci de votre compréhension... je ne suis qu'une être humaine. (sourire)

09/01/2024 in 14h40
Ça m étonnerait qu'il y ai assez de place à ce que j'ai vu

09/01/2024 in 08h15
Comme chaque jour... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h... Isabelle sera là pour vous offrir sa bouche et son sourire, si tant est que vous soyez entreprenant. Si en plus vous êtes du genre "dominateur", c'est un plus que j'apprécie.

04/01/2024 in 08h39
Tout d'abord très bonne année à toutes et tous... avec plein de les bonnes choses dedans ! Comme chaque jour... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h... Isabelle sera là pour vous offrir sa bouche et son corps, si tant est que vous soyez entreprenant. Si en plus vous êtes du genre "dominateur", c'est un plus que j'apprécie.

29/12/2023 in 14h18
Absolutely Clealakokine like every day!... the café-pipe is open until 5 p.m.... even on December 31 and January 1. Isabelle will be there to offer you her mouth and her body, if you are enterprising. If you're also the "dominant" type, that's a plus that I appreciate. See you soon !

28/12/2023 in 23h30
CAFE PIPE is open on December 31 and January 1!

28/12/2023 in 15h07
Thank you Clealakokine (smile)... that’s exactly it! And like every day... the café-pipe is open until 5 p.m.... Isabelle will be there to offer you her mouth and her body, if you are enterprising. If you're also the "dominant" type, that's a plus that I appreciate. See you soon !

22/12/2023 in 23h53
Le seul endroit de FRANCE ou la serveuse offre sa bouche pour un massage de bite !

21/12/2023 in 15h40
C'est hyper agréable de retrouver un "habitué"... après quelques mois. En plus, il était très caressant, sa main sous ma jupe m'a fait tant de bien (je suis toujours en manque de câlins)... et goûter son membre derrière mon bar... un moment vraiment adorable. Merci à toi et encore merci pour le "hugh". Bizoo

21/12/2023 in 08h45
Like every day... the café-pipe is open until 5 p.m.... Isabelle will be there to offer you her mouth and her body, if you are enterprising. If you're also the "dominant" type, that's a plus that I appreciate. Finally, note that I am available on December 24, 25, 31 and January 1! I wouldn't settle for a chocolate log (naughty smile).

21/12/2023 in 08h42
Yesterday, a charming gentleman passed by. He arrived and directly, after I asked him "What do you want?" (usual phrase), he replied “a café-pipe”. This was good, because not only was I dressed quite sexy (short skirt, long colorful socks and a top that gave access to my breasts), I was also quite "missing" a cock. He was adorably gentle and took me tenderly, offering me his very pleasant cock. Thanks to you !

11/12/2023 in 08h24
Comme chaque semaine... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h,tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande. D'autre part, Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu 'L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amour pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

07/12/2023 in 11h44
Comme chaque semaine et même le weekend... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande. D'autre part, Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu 'L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amant pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

05/12/2023 in 15h57
@clealakokine : parce que je ferme à 18h et que je ne désire pas que quelqu'un arrive juste pile poil à 18h... car ensuite... moi je me déconnecte du mode et je me regarde des images qui bougent (sourire) Il peut y avoir des soirées... mais uniquement avec quelqu'un que je connais déjà... vala vala Bizoo

05/12/2023 in 15h50
Pourquoi 17h ?

05/12/2023 in 08h19
Comme chaque semaine... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h,tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande. D'autre part, Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu 'L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amant pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

01/12/2023 in 08h32
On est vendredi... et le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

30/11/2023 in 08h07
Jeudi... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

29/11/2023 in 08h35
En ce mercredi... le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande. D'autre part, Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu 'L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amant pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

28/11/2023 in 11h52
Notez (on sait jamais)... que je suis absente de 13h à... 16h. J'ai mon premier RDV avec une endocrinologue pour mes hormones. À plus (sourire)

28/11/2023 in 10h39
Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu 'L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amant pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

28/11/2023 in 10h03
Bonjour à tous, après une petite interruption de quelques jours... (cause perso) le café-pipe est ouvert aujourd'hui mardi jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

25/11/2023 in 09h09
Hello everyone, the café-pipe is open this Saturday until 5 p.m., like every day!... Isabelle will be there for your pleasure with a kind smile and a delicious mouth.

24/11/2023 in 07h17
Hello everyone, the café-pipe is only open (exceptionally today) until 4 p.m.!... Isabelle will be there for your pleasure with a kind smile and a gourmet mouth.

23/11/2023 in 10h24
L'un de mes visiteurs m'a suggéré d'ouvrir une cagnotte pour financer l'aménagement du futur "Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”... je crois que c'est une excellente idée. Par contre, j'avoue être une brêle sur les travaux... et là j'aurai vraiment besoin d'aide... quitte à remercier comme je sais le faire. (sourire)

23/11/2023 in 08h42
Tout d'abord... Merci Stephou de ce gentil commentaire. (sourire) Et bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

23/11/2023 in 05h47
J'y suis passé il y a quelques jours et c'est un endroit qui demande à être connu et surtout dans son futur projet. La propriétaire est agréable, souriante et qui sais s'occuper de vous comme il se doit . Merci a toi Isabelle et à très vite . Kiss

22/11/2023 in 13h45
Eh Hop ! Une agréable bite à sucer... d'un quidam autochtone... mais en plus un être humain au regard adorable... ça ne gâche rien ! Bien au contraire... je suis peu portée sur les "relous" (sourire) Bizoo à toi donc, qui passa il y a quelques minutes.

22/11/2023 in 10h06
The rest of the proletarian after a little coffee... it's a joy to do good in passing. And a beautiful cock cannot be refused. (naughty smile) Thanks to you who just relaxed... see you next time!

22/11/2023 in 07h31
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

21/11/2023 in 11h15
Isabelle, propriétaire de ce lieu et du futur “Club libertin — hétéro friendly, LGBTQIAP+”, cherche aussi son Maître-amant pour l’aider à tenir le futur lieu… et me soumettre à lui aussi bien sûr (j’ai 30 ans d’expérience en D/s). Je ne suis pas bégueule, très libertine et sans doute rêveuse. (sourire)

21/11/2023 in 08h34
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable et une bouche gourmande.

21/11/2023 in 08h33
Hier soir, juste après la fermeture (c'est très exceptionnel), un homme est venu, nous avons bien discuté du futur "Club libertin — Le Pink" et je l'ai remercié ensuite de sa visite par une bonne pipe... et j'avoue que j'ai fort apprécié sa queue dressée. Merci à lui... pour tout.

20/11/2023 in 08h18
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable.

19/11/2023 in 17h08
Un gentil mec vient de passer pour une bonne fellation, agréable, toujours agréable, surtout quand on s'occupe aussi un peu de moi. (sourire coquin)

19/11/2023 in 09h11
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h, comme tous les jours !... Isabelle sera là pour votre plaisir avec un sourire aimable. Je me permet de réitérer mon PROJET : J’aimerai proposer la seconde pièce (29m2) de mon établissement pour des rencontres plus chaudes… mais voilà j’aurai besoin d’aide à tout niveaux… le tout à discuter. C’est un projet sérieux. Si ça vous “parle”, contactez-moi par message privé. Bizoo

18/11/2023 in 17h15
Bonsoir, le café-pipe sera ouvert demain (comme tous les jours) de 9h à 17h... Isabelle vous fera du bien avec plaisir et sourire aimable.

18/11/2023 in 11h40
PROJET : J’aimerai proposer la seconde pièce (29m2) de mon établissement pour des rencontres plus chaudes… mais voilà j’aurai besoin d’aide… le tout à discuter. C’est un projet sérieux. Si ça vous “parle”, contactez-moi par message privé. Bizoo

18/11/2023 in 08h12
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à 17h... Isabelle vous accueillera avec plaisir et sourire aimable.

17/11/2023 in 11h57
Merci pour les charmants messieurs...mon copain m'a bien pris après que tu l'aies bien sucé pour le faire raidir. On s'est fini dans ta bonne bouche très accueillante. On reviendra...promis!!

17/11/2023 in 11h40
Deux charmants messieurs sont passés, ce fut un plaisir que de leur offrir ma buccalité (sourire), et de boire à leur (bonne) santé. Merci à eux et au plaisir de reprendre langue. Bizoo

17/11/2023 in 08h35
PROJET : J’aimerai proposer la seconde pièce (29m2) de mon établissement pour des rencontres plus chaudes… mais voilà j’aurai besoin d’aide… le tout à discuter. C’est un projet sérieux. Si ça vous “parle”, contactez-moi par message privé. Bizoo

17/11/2023 in 08h29
Bonjour à tous, le café-pipe est ouvert jusqu'à... 17h !

16/11/2023 in 23h26
Testé une fois, c'était sympa

16/11/2023 in 23h10
le café pipe n est pas mort , ca marche .TOP

16/11/2023 in 09h42
Il n'y a pas de message codé (sourire). À tout à l'heure alors. Bizoo

16/11/2023 in 09h40
Bonjour , Y a t'il un message codé ? Je ne connais pas du tout ce lieux , je viendrais vers 14 ou 15h prendre un café ++

16/11/2023 in 08h54
Bonjour, “L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" est ouvert... Le café-pipe disponible, comme tous les jours, de 9h à 17h ! nb : je ne fais jamais le premier pas... j'aime que ce soit l'homme qui le fasse. (sourire) Bizoo à tousæ ! —Isabelle— (la taulière)

15/11/2023 in 18h09
Demain, réouverture de “L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". Le café-pipe (ou café-bière... ou etc.), comme tous les jours, de 9h à 17h ! Bizoo à tousæ ! —Isabelle— (la taulière)

15/11/2023 in 17h14
Lol,trouver des femmes sur ce site c'est une rareté...

15/11/2023 in 16h49
Je tenterais bien demain , dommage qu'il y es pas de femme pour moi qui suis hétéro

15/11/2023 in 15h52
Et une deuxième visite !... d'un mec adorable... qui a fait 80 bornes pour ce moment si agréable... merci à toi (j'ai oublié de te demander ton pseudo). Je te souhaite tout le bien et très bon courage ! Bizoo tendre

15/11/2023 in 14h11
Merci hbimtv... au plaisir ! Ce début d'aprèm... déjà un homme de satisfait. (sourire)

15/11/2023 in 14h09
Je confirme, il y a un peu de choix et elle avale...

15/11/2023 in 12h48
Bien sûr... si vous préférez autre chose qu'un café... avec la pipe... il y a un peu de choix. Quant à moi... j'avale !... et pas que votre foutre (sourire coquin)

15/11/2023 in 08h09
Bonjour, “L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions" est ouvert pour le "café-pipe" (ou bière-pipe — sourire — j'ai lu le commentaire de la copine "clealakokine")... jusqu'à 17h. Bizoo à tous —isabelle—

14/11/2023 in 13h06
Bonjour. Je suis la propriétaire de “L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions"... Une bonne nouvelle (sourire... si j'ose dire) : je me suis faite larguer... aussi je reprends mes anciennes habitudes... en vous proposant le "Café-pipe" (TLJ 9h-17h... je ferme à 18h). Je suis libre aussi pour une relation longue durée... voire plus.

26/10/2023 in 10h22
J irait bien qui y est déjà allez et si c est bien ?

25/10/2023 in 12h33
Arrivee a epinac librairie cafe etc. Jusqua 16h

11/10/2023 in 06h40
J'irais bien y faire un saut aussi

09/10/2023 in 21h41
J'y suis passé une fois,petit moment sympa .

09/10/2023 in 20h11
Grosse envie d y aller un apres midi

24/08/2023 in 23h19
C 'est deja une bonne idée un kfé ou l on peut tout faire !

24/08/2023 in 23h15
Peut-être. Mais je ne sais pas pour l alcool

24/08/2023 in 23h13
Café pipe ! et biere pipe ?

24/08/2023 in 22h54
Ça fait déjà un moment

24/08/2023 in 22h50
C'était quand?

24/08/2023 in 21h16
Moi ça me fait 1h de route c'est pour ça que je n'y suis pas retourné

24/08/2023 in 21h08
Il faudrait que j'y aille...j'habite à 2kms

24/08/2023 in 13h53
La "patronne " avait proposé un café pipe, mais je n'aime pas le café j'ai eu une bonne pipe bien confortable dans le fauteuil

24/08/2023 in 13h44
Ok...mais quel type de conso? La fantaisy buccale ou le grand jeu?

24/08/2023 in 13h35
Ça dé je l avais fait

24/08/2023 in 13h29
Oui je suis passé devant ce ne sais pas si on peut consommer sur place?

06/06/2023 in 22h06
Toujours ouvert ?

14/04/2023 in 08h00
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

10/04/2023 in 10h57
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

07/04/2023 in 08h09
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

03/04/2023 in 08h13
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

02/04/2023 in 09h55
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

01/04/2023 in 12h30
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

30/03/2023 in 08h18
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

26/03/2023 in 09h08
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

24/03/2023 in 10h22
Stock up on fuel, condoms and gel above all!!

24/03/2023 in 09h43
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

23/03/2023 in 07h50
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

21/03/2023 in 10h24
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

19/03/2023 in 07h55
Hello everyone. Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

18/03/2023 in 08h21
Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "drinking" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

17/03/2023 in 08h07
Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "consumption" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

16/03/2023 in 08h13
Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "consumption" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

14/03/2023 in 09h11
Isabelle, transgender transvestite, offers an open and respectful place for libertines of all kinds... "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions". You can meet there to get to know each other in this public place... a "safe" and respectful place (no "consumption" on site — smile — ...not yet). Bizoo

07/03/2023 in 08h28
In short... Tuesday... and open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

07/03/2023 in 08h27
Lizette... let's calm down... you will note that it was Clealakokine who sent the message, and not me (Isabelle Ghn). So "sotto voce" plize... even if I agree with what the "kokine" (smile) wrote. I don't do politics... here... (very friendly smile).

06/03/2023 in 19h40
You don't have sexier things to say than talk politics on this site, besides such nonsense.

06/03/2023 in 14h12
The retirement law must not pass, otherwise you will come back at 40 hours or more and reduced paid leave!

06/03/2023 in 10h46
A new week, and I'm still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

04/03/2023 in 10h09
Like every weekend... I'm always open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

03/03/2023 in 08h18
Okay "Camelot21"! See you soon!... and still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

02/03/2023 in 12h42
I will be visiting the ptitcafé if someone could think at the same time as me for a little more human warmth I think you would always be welcome. Hugs to Isabelle

02/03/2023 in 08h25
Thursday... still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

01/03/2023 in 08h21
Hey Hop! Wednesday... and I'm still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

28/02/2023 in 09h32
Hello gentlemen... Tuesday and I'm still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

27/02/2023 in 08h14
Hi everyone... it's Monday and I'm still open (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) despite the cold (smile)... L'p'tit café at Denis Editions is a welcoming place... like me! I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

26/02/2023 in 08h27
It's the weekend... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I'm available for a pleasant moment (obviously door closed)... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. Always dressed as a girl, I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

25/02/2023 in 08h19
It's the weekend... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I'm available for a pleasant moment (obviously door closed)... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. Always dressed as a girl, I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

24/02/2023 in 08h20
I'm open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I'm available for a pleasant moment (obviously door closed)... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. Always dressed as a girl, I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

22/02/2023 in 08h34
The little café at Denis edition is open and so am I for a pleasant moment... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

20/02/2023 in 08h23
And HOP!... new week... L'p'tit café chez Denis édition is open and so am I for a pleasant moment... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

19/02/2023 in 07h48
Sunday, L'p'tit café at Denis edition is open and so am I for a pleasant moment... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

18/02/2023 in 08h38
It's Saturday... my little café-bookstore is open and so am I for a moment of love... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

17/02/2023 in 08h41
Weekend... Friday, I'm available for a moment of love in my café-bookstore... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

16/02/2023 in 08h20
It's Thursday and I'm available for a moment of love in my café-bookstore... rather in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I am open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

15/02/2023 in 08h37
Wednesday... I'm available for a moment of love in my café-bookstore... rather this afternoon next to a good wood fire. Today I am open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

14/02/2023 in 07h55
Tuesday, February 14... Valentine's Day, I am available for Valentine's Day... for a moment of love in my café-bookstore... and in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

13/02/2023 in 08h05
Monday... always so hot to meet people in my café-bookstore. I am reserved but not shy... you just have to take the "first step". I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... and available. Bizoo

11/02/2023 in 08h31
It's cold, but I'm always so hot to meet people in my café-bookstore, reserved but not shy... you just have to take the "first step". I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... and available. Bizoo

10/02/2023 in 08h40
Always dressed as a girl in my café-bookstore, reserved but not shy... you just have to take the "first step". I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... and available. Bizoo

09/02/2023 in 08h22
It's Thursday and like every day, I'm open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, and in the afternoon next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

08/02/2023 in 08h18
Hey there! Wednesday... I'm always open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

07/02/2023 in 07h51
Unfortunately, I don't make croissants (smile), but many other things... So it's Tuesday... and I'm still open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

06/02/2023 in 23h48
have you planned the croissants with the coffee?

06/02/2023 in 08h42
Monday... I am open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

05/02/2023 in 08h36
Sunday, and like every weekend... I'm open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

04/02/2023 in 13h12
Yes Clealakokine... already a "coffee-pipe" this morning... I'm "open" until 6 p.m.! Bizoo

04/02/2023 in 11h29
It pumps serious, she adorrrre!

04/02/2023 in 07h58
Saturday, and like every weekend... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

03/02/2023 in 08h52
While waiting for the weekend... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

02/02/2023 in 08h44
Thursday... still a bit grey. But I'm open from 9 am to 6 pm... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

01/02/2023 in 23h22
It's tempting...well, I don't like coffee :)

01/02/2023 in 16h58
What's new ? a small coffee pipe...

01/02/2023 in 08h42
Gray Wednesday... but I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore, next to a good wood fire. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

31/01/2023 in 09h09
It's Tuesday... and I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

30/01/2023 in 09h23
Monday, a new week begins... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... and available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

29/01/2023 in 07h49
It's Sunday... I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... and available for a meeting, and much more in my café-bookstore. I'm not shy, just a little reserved... at first! (smile) It's up to you to take the "first step". Bizoo

28/01/2023 in 08h57
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

27/01/2023 in 07h52
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

26/01/2023 in 07h47
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

25/01/2023 in 09h46
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

24/01/2023 in 15h13
Clealakokine Tell us when you're going to visit and maybe we can do something there

24/01/2023 in 11h36
Of course that "[I] accept the fondling of [my] little buttocks!!" (naughty smile)... or even more!

24/01/2023 in 11h06
So you accept the fiddling of your little buttocks!!

24/01/2023 in 08h54
"Does she have a tea pipe at snack time?"... well yes! (smile) Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I'm open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

24/01/2023 in 00h08
Does she pipe tea at snack time?

23/01/2023 in 08h50
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

22/01/2023 in 08h56
Well... I got dumped (again — sigh)... so: Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I'm open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a while pleasant, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

21/01/2023 in 08h28
"L'p'tit café chez Denis Editions" is intended to become a place for friendly and libertine meetings. For the moment, I can only offer the bookstore for ephemeral couples (the second room is under construction)... there is a sofa, a good thick carpet. I'll leave you the place the time of your meeting, I like to read on my terrace. (smile) I'm open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.... I only heat up in the afternoon. Please let me know. Contact details are given.

19/01/2023 in 18h07
I think it could be a good libertine 'private' place

18/01/2023 in 08h24
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

17/01/2023 in 17h19
I will follow this with interest before finding the time to come and experiment.

17/01/2023 in 16h57
I may be thinking of staying open a little later... and doing a "private club"... still, you have to be interested... gentlemen and friends. But it's true that for the moment I can only offer the bookstore for these meetings... that is to say 4 to 6 people maximum... I have a second room (29m2) but for the moment unusable... cold (no heating, and I only want to use wood)... and also I have to decorate it in a cool babe way: rug, cushion, a sofa (maybe convertible) etc. There you go... so I'm open to suggestions to make a welcoming and libertine place.

17/01/2023 in 08h05
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

16/01/2023 in 15h02
"I am open and available in my café" is it the café that is open or isabelle? :) :)

16/01/2023 in 11h12
As you wish... of course! (smile)

16/01/2023 in 11h03
pipe coffee?

16/01/2023 in 09h23
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

15/01/2023 in 09h56
Like every day... permanently dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

14/01/2023 in 07h42
Always dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

13/01/2023 in 13h57
Always dressed as a girl, I receive gentlemen who want a little pleasure until 6 p.m. in the warmth of a good wood fire. I am reserved but... I never refuse myself.

13/01/2023 in 10h01
I would spend a pro week.

13/01/2023 in 09h59
Naughty !!!!! I will pass

13/01/2023 in 09h57
Always with pleasure! (cheeky smile)

13/01/2023 in 09h27
Madame sucks?

13/01/2023 in 07h47
Always dressed as a girl, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

12/01/2023 in 12h30
Always dressed as a girl, I receive gentlemen who want a little pleasure until 6 p.m. in the warmth of a good wood fire. I am reserved but... I never refuse myself.

12/01/2023 in 08h27
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

11/01/2023 in 14h01
I receive gentlemen who want a little pleasure until 6 p.m. in the warmth of a good wood fire. I am reserved but... I never refuse myself.

11/01/2023 in 07h43
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

10/01/2023 in 13h48
Je reçois les messieurs qui ont envie d'un petit plaisir jusqu'à 18h à la chaleur d'un bon feu de bois. Je suis réservée mais... je ne me refuse jamais.

10/01/2023 in 08h45
hello, it's the little pipe coffee!

10/01/2023 in 07h57
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

09/01/2023 in 14h55
I receive gentlemen who want a little pleasure until 6 p.m.! Simply, it's up to you to take the first step... the first gesture... I never refuse myself.

09/01/2023 in 07h57
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

09/01/2023 in 00h14

08/01/2023 in 08h17
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

07/01/2023 in 20h17
Of the world ?

07/01/2023 in 10h16
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

07/01/2023 in 09h12
Don't be chilly, you have a nice place to chat ass and dick in the air while having a coffee, an aperitif, a digestive, it's better than staying in your car on a cruising spot jerking off your noodle!

06/01/2023 in 23h12
So I didn't go there in view of the comments.

06/01/2023 in 21h33
Is there still room? :)

06/01/2023 in 15h05
Graaaaave that it's risky if you "[come] all at the same time to be curious about this place, it might get hot" (smile)... let's be crazy and crazy!

06/01/2023 in 14h59
Lol if we all come at the same time to be curious about this place, it might get hot

06/01/2023 in 14h46
I will stop by once to see and discuss

06/01/2023 in 14h41
Tasty little suspense... :)

06/01/2023 in 14h25
cleakokine can land at any time!

06/01/2023 in 13h03
Tu sera sûrement déçu, je pense que clealakokine est un peu loin...dommage d ailleurs :)

06/01/2023 in 12h44
hello girls I'm going to see you this afternoon or late afternoon I hope you're both available

06/01/2023 in 12h42
a good sausage as a meal!

06/01/2023 in 10h44
before the coffee there is the aperitif!

06/01/2023 in 08h41
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile) ps: thank you for all your messages, it's been a pleasure.

06/01/2023 in 00h44
Why not meet there

05/01/2023 in 23h52
It looks good...

05/01/2023 in 23h29
Isabelle is very naughty too!

05/01/2023 in 22h08
I would be more than tempted if you were there :)

05/01/2023 in 21h59
a nice place, let yourself be tempted, a place where we talk ass and pk no more

05/01/2023 in 14h51
It seems very nice this cafe haha ​​to come and see

05/01/2023 in 12h30
It could be fun

05/01/2023 in 12h23
you have to go in line in the air! chick?

05/01/2023 in 11h13
I can't confirm until I've been there.

05/01/2023 in 11h10
It's lucky you have to have this kind of coffee!

05/01/2023 in 10h36
Hummm,ça donne envie d aller y ouvrir sa braguette :)

05/01/2023 in 09h20
So a coffee different from the others or a small pipe is not to be excluded and an open fly either, hooo!

05/01/2023 in 09h10
clealakokine: a bit of both... but mostly "rogues"... and I like that! And we can have a drink... and Isabelle! (smile)

05/01/2023 in 09h08
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

05/01/2023 in 00h30
Hello , as tu des hommes coquins ou coincé du cul ? qui viennent dans ton café ? es il possible de consommer en plus d une boisson , une bonne saucisse ? peu etre oui? non ?

04/01/2023 in 08h01
I am open all day (except this morning, like every Wednesday) and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

03/01/2023 in 08h24
I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (to smile)

31/12/2022 in 09h15
On this last day of 2022, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me... but not after 6 p.m.... I spend the evening with Cleopatra (from Mankiewicz!) And tomorrow I'm still open... from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Note that I like that the man takes the first step... because at the beginning, I am rather reserved... at the beginning! (smile)

30/12/2022 in 08h10
On this penultimate day of 2022, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a pleasant moment, for you and me, and if you wish, it can also be for the night.

29/12/2022 in 08h45
For everyone, I am open all day and available in my café-bookstore for a tenderly naughty moment.

28/12/2022 in 08h19
I'm open all day (in fact today is my shopping day, so just this afternoon)... available in my café-bookstore for a nice and tenderly naughty moment.

27/12/2022 in 08h36
I'm open all day... and available in my café-bookstore for a nice and tenderly naughty moment.

25/12/2022 in 10h32
I'm open all day... until 6 p.m.... and available for a nice and... "sweet" moment. (smile)

24/12/2022 in 19h15
Hello possible to have more information by message thank you

24/12/2022 in 19h11
Hello a place to know?

23/12/2022 in 17h18
I propose on December 31, to the girlfriends in the area, a nice evening at my place, "L'p'tit café chez Denis éditions", at La Forge (on the D973, commune of Épinac)... like "Spanish inn " (hot or cold). 6 places maximum. Obviously free, except your participation in the Spanish Inn of course. I give my phone number for contact, by message.

… close history