Swingers club Le Boulou


Cruising spot in Le Boulou

proposed by profilsupprime  (21/04/2020)

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Type : Sauna
City :  Le Boulou
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Arriving at Le Boulou at the roundabout at Intermarché turn right and at the small roundabout turn left. Continue straight through the area until the crossing. After crossing the pass you will see the club on the right 50m.
Address :
82 Chemin du Mas Llinàs
66160 Le Boulou

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Chemin du Mas Llinas, Les Clapères, Le Boulou, Céret, Pyrénées-Orientales, Occitanie, France métropolitaine, 66160, Fran
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11/11/2024 in 10h20
Is there anyone from Boulou looking for something quick, a little blowjob during the week?

31/05/2023 in 14h53
@ Laurae, je ne pense pas qu'il y en ait du tout. Il faut se rapprocher de Perpignan. La concurrence des pages natures probablement. Faites moi savoir si vous trouvez quelque-chose.

31/05/2023 in 08h56
I would like to know if there are saunas open during the week in the afternoons near Amélie les bains thank you I can't find any

31/10/2018 in 13h52
Hello I am looking to meet a couple or a woman. What is the best time in the afternoon or evening?

06/07/2017 in 13h06
Hello I would like to go for a walk we can come trav how it goes so thank you in advance 5

09/05/2017 in 11h17
hope to see you

09/05/2017 in 03h25
Wednesday afternoon I'm still at the club jet 14h 19h Bulu has 1409 bis path mas Llinas, 66160 Le Boulou

02/05/2017 in 20h56
tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon I'm jet 14h 19h Bulu has

11/06/2013 in 12h57
J would like to make a turn is what bis are accepted how it goes in metci