Small wood near the A83 motorway


Cruising spot gay in Échiré

proposed by sexaddict79  (16/02/2025)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Échiré
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small wood next to the A83 motorway. Opportunity to meet people.
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Échiré, Niort, Deux-Sèvres, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France métropolitaine, 79410, France
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23/02/2025 in 14h13
That said, high forests grow quickly sometimes. Maybe in a few years... but it will remain noisy. ;( And humid.

23/02/2025 in 14h11
If we go to Streetview from the highway we can clearly see several vehicles parked there which would mean that it is indeed a meeting place (it seems that in some places the verges are wide enough to park)... but it also shows that the spot is visible from the highway...! That being said I remain on the same line as Curieux79 and Squibby and if I had a meeting to organize I would certainly not choose this place.

23/02/2025 in 14h06
Why not 79, yes, probably like many places, but it is not a meeting place, but more a place of consumption then.

23/02/2025 in 09h43
just a little thought please!! indeed at this time of year it's not the best! but summer is great I've been going there for a very long time!! and not just old people or perverts, very pleasant places and contrary to what is said summer with the retuurn of the leaves is great!!

16/02/2025 in 13h35
In short: a place to be reserved for those who fantasize about old people on electric bikes (given what some deranged people post in public, I have no doubt that this kind of perversion exists). For others, there is no point and it is better to stay warm in a car or a truck cabin on the Coquillon rest area (reminder: it all started with a debate on alternatives to this rest area near this one. Result: all the alternatives proposed are rotten).

16/02/2025 in 11h34
Lieux nul, sans intérêt, visible depuis l'autoroute, chemin agricole emprunté, une futaie visible et n'offrant aucune discrétion.... J'y suis passé hier en scooter pour vérifier que c'était bien cet endroit, à part un ancien en vélo électrique du tan, rien et surtout pas l'envie de coquiner là

15/02/2025 in 18h42
You don't even need to go there to realize the lack of interest of the place, just go to Google maps and Streetview. There is no wood. It's just high forest, you can't park, it's muddy and you have the noise of the highway. To forget.

15/02/2025 in 17h30
J'ai été faire un tour vite fait je ne vois pas l'utilité de ce lieu pas possible de se garer facilement, c'est isolé certe mais ce n'est ni plus ni moins qu'un bosquet le long d'un chemin agricole dans un bled paumé,bref c'est pas ici que je viendrais m'y perdre. Ai lieu de mettre des endroits à tout va dans tous les 2 Sèvres et des fois à 1 km les un des autres,il serait mieux de consolider certains sites

15/02/2025 in 14h34
@vinnie, what other place could it be? Personally I only see this one

15/02/2025 in 12h15
Thank you for this sheet but... you're going to have to agree because when we talk about the "small wood near the shellfish area" it turns out that depending on the person we're talking about two completely different places!