sauna bath showers nice street Gubernatis


Cruising spot gay in Nice

proposed by actifasiatique  (04/05/2014)

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Type : Sauna gay
City :  Nice
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
sauna bath sauna nice showers over 4 floors nice plane in cabins or in backrooms video room smoking area clientel open youth 13h to 22h every day nice home between 10 euros less expensive for under 25 ... ..... .. ..
Address :
7 Rue Gubernatis
06000 Nice

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7 Rue Gubernatis, 06000 Nice, France
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13/09/2024 in 10h00
Very good sauna with many different men, you always find something to have fun with. I go there very often, don't hesitate to contact me.

27/08/2024 in 09h55
I would like to go send me a message

16/04/2024 in 22h44
I will be at the hotel near the airport night of 17/17 to meet friends Contact me kisses

10/08/2023 in 20h27
Hello everyone, I will be on a motorcycle trip in your area from August 16 to 20. My fantasy: pitch my tent at a couple's house for the evening! I bring a little something to eat or drink depending on what we decide together and then we see what happens! If this type of adventure interests you, do not hesitate to contact me for more information. Maybe see you soon.

22/02/2023 in 08h12
I'm looking for people to go there together. Hot and horny passive newbie.

19/01/2022 in 11h38
Je vais essayer d y aller ce soir.

02/12/2021 in 21h23
It is open ?

03/09/2021 in 23h07
is it open right now

15/06/2021 in 08h45
hbitoulouse: nothing very particular, it was after a visual showing only the figures of men in barracks, all dressed in hair.

13/06/2021 in 13h07
That tough guys? : o /

… history