Saulieu exit parking frequented by truck drivers.

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Saulieu
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
At the end of Saulieu towards Avallon, on either side of the national are two car parks which are cruising areas. Very frequented by road with beautiful b .....
Address :
Route de Paris
21210 Saulieu

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10/10/2024 in 17h25
Someone to suck me off today

08/08/2024 in 17h19
There's a lot of car today

08/06/2024 in 10h58
I will spend Saturday June 15 between 11 and 12 p.m....leave me a message..

09/04/2024 in 15h56
Hello everyone?

09/11/2023 in 17h48
Anyone? I'll be there in 20 minutes.

09/10/2023 in 15h26
Anyone now to empty it?

07/09/2023 in 11h39
Tonight 6:30 p.m. people?

15/11/2022 in 23h38
Who's stopping this week really want a hot meeting hygiene and obligatory condom

16/12/2020 in 14h01
place frequented by people who don't know what they want and often dirty

17/06/2019 in 22h11
I'm on the rn6 towards arnay Duke for the night if the world interested send me a message

18/01/2018 in 16h05
A small suction tonight?

13/07/2017 in 00h37
Someone wants to suck around 18:30? July 13

05/08/2016 in 12h15
Someone staprem?

01/08/2016 in 13h22
I go to 2:30 p.m.

20/12/2015 in 19h50
ki will be there tomorrow morning between 11am and 12am leave me messages

06/12/2015 in 19h25
The world tonight?

03/07/2015 in 17h58
ki available in the evening after 20h I love all but violance and dirty and I make me soda

29/06/2015 in 06h38
Who passage before noon?

16/04/2015 in 21h29
I can go in the evening if interresser let me know

20/08/2014 in 09h20
beautiful meetings yesterday

26/07/2014 in 09h27
I agree with you bocul77, the SUV 58 is a great guy

05/11/2013 in 21h19
it is happening am Sunday .there is nothing !!!!

24/10/2013 in 11h32
someone today?

29/12/2011 in 11h04
Seeking balls to empty this area, send MP

18/11/2011 in 18h50
I'm passing this evening about 23 hours. Seeking road tail or else empty

06/10/2011 in 17h43
there is never anyone there but if qqun will tell me

27/07/2011 in 09h52
If someone walks in the area and want to get sucked and fucked like a good smooth ass, he does not hesitate to send me a Message Kisses

26/06/2011 in 15h15
Someone this afternoon, I really want to suck

… close history