Rest area St. Huber

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Saint-Hubert
Area :  Wallonie
Country :  Belgique

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rather quiet and sometimes owls meetings, mainly in the afternoon day.
Address :
6870 Saint-Hubert

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06/08/2024 in 19h17
anyone tonight?

19/07/2024 in 15h53
Bonjour Vauban Quand tu y retourne indique le a l’avance sur ce site on pourra peut être se croiser .

14/07/2024 in 13h56
we were there Monday afternoon, it's cleaner. not a lot of traffic. we will retuurn

30/10/2018 in 13h39
Since they cut the vegetation, this place is less crowded, it is being replaced by another car in the direction of Champlon, roughly 2km from it. There are Tplus discreet and allows to venture into the forest if you want a bit of tranquility ...

01/09/2018 in 07h09
we went there last apm ... what a disappointment rotten car abandoned, three parking spaces a really attractive places around wood are more welcoming

22/08/2018 in 01h33
someone tomorrow

13/03/2018 in 19h40
Towards 19h tomorrow (14/03) ... me passive ...

21/02/2018 in 15h44
I spend all afternoon'm truck to suck me in my cabin, contact me

02/02/2018 in 14h21
J will be around 17h 30 in my truck for me to suck

01/02/2018 in 14h54
I am this day 01 February and regularly in my truck to suck me ....

28/07/2016 in 17h53
ride tonight lady slut fashion

08/05/2016 in 17h35
Who will be in the late afternoon that day

10/03/2016 in 13h03
exhb a little naughty this afternoon

22/09/2015 in 12h30
we spend this afternoon, voyeurs?

19/09/2015 in 14h26
Somebody tonight?

21/01/2015 in 14h03
we're here this afternoon someone else?

03/11/2013 in 12h39
It is + - one kilometer of St. Hubert

02/11/2013 in 21h12
after Saint-Hubert Bouillon from the above plan is right! This is the right place!

02/11/2013 in 21h05
Where is it exactly?

02/11/2013 in 09h28
I can spend regularly, is that there are people who go there these days?

… close history