Rest area before kindling: cruising spot 25 km from Chartres

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Rouvray-Saint-Flor.
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Since Dammarie, take the road towards Sancheville Patay. At the junction with the Departmental 17, which runs from Le Gault St Denis in Voves, turn left towards Voves. Immediately to the right there is a small rest area before the forest between the intersection and the entrance of Marolles. It is often frequented by truck drivers. Some tips dredge. Do not go in shorts, nettles and brambles block your access to wood! Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
Rue des Acacias
28150 Rouvray-Saint-Florentin

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01/12/2023 in 15h53
Anyone out tonight?

30/10/2023 in 08h40
Passing through the Gasville truck stop in the morning, jerk off and suck.

26/10/2023 in 10h22
Coming soon to Chaudonnes

25/10/2023 in 10h09
Hello it's!

20/10/2023 in 10h28
In Gasville in 5 minutes

19/10/2023 in 10h18
I'm there.

19/10/2023 in 09h49
A truck driver in about 10 minutes?

18/10/2023 in 10h24
... I'm there

18/10/2023 in 10h23
Nobody on the Chartres area. So on the Chaudonnes area, I am

17/10/2023 in 21h43
I'll be there again tomorrow around 10 a.m. for one or more truckers on a break.

17/10/2023 in 10h07
Left empty-handed... sniff!!

17/10/2023 in 08h13
At the Chartres-bois-Paris service area within 1h/1h30

07/08/2023 in 07h57
Je voudrai connaître des lieux autour de chartre j ai vu sur site de belle queu moi très gourmand en toute tenue possible conseiller moi svp

19/07/2023 in 11h42
People at noon I pass

09/07/2021 in 16h43
Hi, can I go tomorrow morning, people to go too?

11/06/2021 in 16h46
hello am available for any proposals

04/06/2020 in 12h54
Noon noon

23/07/2019 in 04h40
Someone ?

18/09/2018 in 08h28
hello I am a man bi passive and active person for appointment of fun Wednesday, 19.09 in after mid

24/07/2016 in 02h23
Cuckoo on leave from 23 to 31 July I hope to make beautiful meetings kisses

25/05/2016 in 16h25
J go well check it out tomorrow (Thursday) I do not know that corner.

03/04/2013 in 22h54
the inlet of the timber has been cleaned !!!!! not very leafy now attention is seen from the road into the woods !!!

03/04/2013 in 22h50
I spend every night and still traces of trucks and cars leaving the parking lot toward the road! apparently few visitors in the day !!!!!!!!!!

29/03/2013 in 19h07
Some road in the afternoon! Last week a truck and a car in 16 H it happened in the cabin !!!

18/09/2011 in 13h14
This plan is valid?

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