Rest Area after St Fulgent

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Saint-Fulgent
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Two parking spaces in 2 directions, depending on the season trucks stop here very often and waiting outside. Or often cars, guys waiting in their car that someone will stop. Often men. I am experiencing several Sundays at the end of the afternoon or evening, after dark. Beware, sometimes the day a walking sandwich stationed there, check before you stop
Address :
85250 Saint-Fulgent

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D137, 85250 Saint-Fulgent, France
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11 d. ago
Anyone around?

20/11/2024 in 15h07
Passing through for the night

14/05/2024 in 22h58
Someone tonight

13/02/2024 in 22h43
I can be there tomorrow at 6:45pm. Let me know in a private message.

20/11/2023 in 19h08
I can be there every morning from Tuesday to Saturday between 4:15 and 5 am, direction 4 chemin de l'oie. If you want, deep throat, facefucking, facial ejaculation mp me for appointment

05/10/2023 in 02h29
I'll probably be there Friday night around 7pm pm if interested

02/10/2023 in 17h42
I'll stop by tomorrow morning around 4:45 if anyone wants to take my mouth.

22/09/2023 in 12h35
I'm going there around 4:15 tomorrow morning to suck one or more cocks.

22/09/2023 in 12h34
I go there around 4:15 to suck one or more cocks.

08/09/2023 in 18h20
I'll be there around 4:15 tomorrow morning if one or more people want to get sucked.

… history