quiet enough parking


Cruising spot gay in Bulgnéville

proposed by sexfriend88  (05/12/2014)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Bulgnéville
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Departure Bulgnéville management Contrexéville (careful not to take the fast track) go straight on the old road. You start climbing a small hill and find parking on your left. Departure Contrexeville Leclerc: Bulgnéville management (at the roundabout take the last exit direction * Bulgnéville, waste disposal * you continue and there will be a parking lot droite.Ps Am JMEC and JMEC welcome ;-) Moderator: like any public place observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
Unnamed Road
88140 Bulgnéville

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Unnamed Road, 88140 Bulgn
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3 d. ago
interessé que par jmec,mec (non grisonnant svp !!!!) ce matin de 10h45 a midi.suce sur place ou on va un peu plus loin.pas de blabla,plan direct.hésites pas a envoyer mess. pv stvx pour me donner autre rdv et connaitre mes dispos.

9 d. ago
I'm stopping this 13.02 end of the afternoon, like 5pm to 6:30pm. Only interested in guys, guys (40yrs max!!), very clean, discreet, direct. I/you or we suck each other on the spot or I follow you to go a little further.

21/01/2025 in 09h41
not interested in grandpa, graying..sorry :-(.. A guy, guy is joining me there this 21.1 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. max? pump on site or a little further (I follow you if I have a good feeling). see you soon ;-).

19/01/2025 in 09h17
pas interessé par papy,bedonnant,grisonant svp merci !!! sinon un jmec,mec ce 19.01 pour une bonne pipe? sur place ou un peu plus loin jte suis si feeling. de 10h45 a midi maxi.a tte

03/01/2025 in 09h54
not interested in grandpa, "old" guy, graying, pot-bellied, sorry!! Otherwise, for my guy I'll stop by on 03.01 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. suck on the spot or we'll go further (I'll follow you) if feeling of course ;-).

31/12/2024 in 11h32
grandpa, potbellied, graying forget it, it's dead ;-). thanks! .otherwise this 31.12 a young guy to get used to it and where to suck me this morning? from 5pm to 6:15pm max!. you come, on site or I follow you to go a little further (if feeling of course).

29/12/2024 in 07h39
En esperant que ce ne soit pas la chasse aujd ds ce coin (hier oui donc pas pu y rester :-( ). papy,bedonnant ,grisonnant laissez tomber c mort ;-). merci ! .sinon ce 29.12 un jmec pour s'y faire et ou me pomper ce matin? 10h45 a midi maxi.

28/12/2024 in 08h32
grandpa, potbellied, graying forget it's dead ;-). thanks! .otherwise this 28.12 a guy to get used to it and where to suck me this morning? 10:45 to noon at the latest.

27/12/2024 in 07h36
Not at all interested in pappy, or potbellied and not and graying please respect! I'll stop there this 27.12 from 10:30 to noon max. see you if you're a guy, clean, discreet, direct guy. We can go a little further (if feeling I'm following you stvx)

24/12/2024 in 08h20
Not at all interested in pappy, or pot-bellied or not and graying please respect! I'll stop there this 24.12 from 10:45 to noon max. see you if you're a guy, clean, discreet, direct guy. We can go a little further (if feeling I'm following you stvx)

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