Quiet area Small

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Monétay-sur-Allier
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Quiet area with toilet and wood. Uncrowded because quite discreet access.
Address :
Route Départementale 2009
03500 Monétay-sur-Allier

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01/10/2024 in 19h51
Bonjour, J y passerai lundi 7 octobre en fin d apres midi pour jouer si il y a quelqu un d interessé

25/07/2024 in 15h14
Bonjour Michel03150 Tu seras présent jusqu’à quelle heure ?

25/07/2024 in 12h36
Hello, who wants to get sucked this afternoon?

12/06/2024 in 08h57
Hello everyone this afternoon

29/05/2024 in 11h25
Hello everyone this afternoon

19/10/2023 in 19h40
I'll take a quick smoke break when I retuurn from the mills in the middle of the afternoon to see.

08/09/2023 in 00h25
Maybe passing by on Sunday with a girlfriend for voyeur and maybe more

23/08/2023 in 08h59
Now available at the parking lot for plan suce

31/05/2023 in 23h43
Who tomorrow. Morning at 9 am

31/05/2023 in 14h23
Hello, who is this afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

05/10/2022 in 16h07
Passing by on 06/10 afternoon If someone wants to empty them for me

26/09/2022 in 09h11
Passive 100% 60 years old will be available in the afternoons from September 26th to 30th to suck and get caught live for a hot shot, tell me the day and time, mouth and ass available....

24/08/2022 in 12h38
Bjr maybe Friday afternoon I suck swallow kiss kiss

24/08/2022 in 11h08
Is there anyone available for a hot sex together this afternoon or Friday afternoon let me know I'm available

10/08/2022 in 17h37
Hello I am on site and for the moment not many people what a pity

08/08/2022 in 11h16
hello who's available for this afternoon I'm hot boiling

16/07/2022 in 15h05
Tomorrow morning I. suck and swallow

26/06/2022 in 10h51
J'y serai vers 12h30 13h Plan branle suce

19/06/2022 in 14h05
This afternoon

17/06/2022 in 10h45
I'm there in 20 minutes to suck

01/06/2022 in 14h03
Who wants to get sucked this afternoon 3 p.m.

11/05/2022 in 21h27
Who wants to go there tonight?

30/05/2021 in 13h50
Go check it out this am

09/04/2021 in 06h38
Passing through this afternoon around 1:30 p.m., still warm and ready to draw! Let me know in MP

27/10/2020 in 18h06
Private message please

27/10/2020 in 18h03
Who sucks ???

24/07/2020 in 11h33
ki tomorrow day piercha@laposte.net

20/07/2019 in 10h21
I get next week for good pipe j loves sucking and drinking sperm and uro too !!!

17/07/2019 in 17h19
Hello to woman or couple Friday night I get, the champagne is cool !!!!

31/05/2019 in 14h40
Today 5:15 p.m. 17.45. I suck

22/05/2019 in 11h28
An active tonight around 21:30?

22/05/2019 in 10h59
Passage morning around 11 to 15 tbm 11:30

29/03/2019 in 13h42
Couple or woman in the corners today?

13/03/2019 in 16h22
Of the world ?

21/02/2019 in 09h40
Couple pour couple aujourd'hui ?

21/02/2019 in 09h40
Couple pour couple aujourd'hui ?

11/01/2019 in 15h35
Ji going to 4h quelqun if available and come in mp

26/12/2018 in 16h12
That a plan for the week?

21/08/2018 in 15h10
Available this afternoon for couple woman or h bi come in private

06/01/2018 in 09h44
Ji will if anyone wants to join me

22/12/2017 in 14h47
I can go in the afternoon if anyone interested private vener

06/12/2017 in 10h49
Someone to suck me or more?

18/11/2017 in 14h59
Of the world ?

23/04/2017 in 21h15
Who goes there on weekdays from 2:30 am?

18/10/2016 in 19h39
I am willing to make me suck

… close history