Public toilets in Trets


Cruising spot gay in Trets

proposed by trusty30  (06/09/2013)

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Type : Public toilets gay
City :  Trets
Area :  Provence-Alpes-Cô.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Public toilets in the street behind Crédit Agricole. When you are on the Avenue Mirabeau you stop on the Town Hall Square. Opposite the town hall, there is a bakery, a pharmacy and Agricultural Credit. You take the road down to the right of the bakery and this is the first left. Public toilets are on the left about 5 m. Location is mixed but mostly it's still gay. It's very hot especially in the morning !!! People walk along the street and turn around to find their partner, or remain in front of the toilet. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
8 Rue des Minimes
13530 Trets

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8 Rue des Minimes, 13530 Trets, France
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22/05/2024 in 18h26
Ah dommage pas vu le message avant :):):)

22/05/2024 in 16h19
qui y va ?

06/03/2024 in 11h33
Quelqu'un reçoit entre Aix et Marseille avant 12h ?

05/03/2024 in 22h20
Quelqu un dispo envi de sucé

03/03/2024 in 16h19
Bonjour si intéressé à ce lieu là ou dans le coun envoyez un message

03/02/2024 in 16h50
Hello, J’ai envie d’y passer pour me faire lécher/sucer. Uniquement soft! Je suis homme trans gourmand et discret. Lisez mon profil, j’y serai un soir cette semaine car ça m’excite grave… Possible d’inventer un signe distinctif pour se reconnaître.

18/01/2024 in 20h53
I will be there this weekend if interested send a message

29/08/2023 in 15h05
Mia_trav de retour ces jour ci ?

11/07/2023 in 03h49
Coucou. Je peux y passer mercredi soir (aux alentours de 22h). Mp moi si intéressé

27/03/2023 in 12h40
I love public toilets. I can be there this afternoon.

… history