Pond of Paisy-Cosdon (Aix en Othe)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Paisy-Cosdon
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The pond of Paisy-Cosdon in Aix en Othe is quite large. Around it, possibility to meet people, to show off in a car, little outfit ... From a distance, you can see cars arriving or people who have nothing to do with it, which allows not to show up. If there are children or others, stay discreet. Respect and avoid dirtying the place.
Address :
3 Rue du Plan d'Eau
10160 Paisy-Cosdon

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Mairie de Paisy-Cosdon, Place de la Mairie, Paisy-Cosdon, Troyes, Aube, Grand Est, France métropolitaine, 10160, France
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7 d. ago
J’y suis allée se soir mais rien

7 d. ago
J’y suis allée se soir mais

12 d. ago
Il y aura quelqu'un ce soir

30/09/2024 in 14h43
Is this place good for exhibiting?

30/09/2024 in 13h00
I will be there tonight

30/09/2024 in 06h53
Hello, who's going to get sucked or sucked?

29/08/2024 in 10h58
Hello, currently in the forest for cutting wood in the Othe country, I suggest you make a good turlutte or eat a good pussy or even both at the same time, I simply ask you for very good hygiene, do not go to the toilet before I suck you, I stay connected, contact me, a small preference for those of 89

21/08/2024 in 13h33
No one to get their balls emptied

21/08/2024 in 11h35
Hello, I'm going to go there this afternoon if anyone wants to get sucked or more I'll be at their disposal

09/08/2024 in 09h27
At the beach of Paisy, for the pleasure of the eyes, you can see beautiful little cats in swimsuits, pleasant to look at, if a couple goes there to show off, tell me.

… history