PLage Gay naturist with very hot wood lil

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Type : Beach gay
City :  Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Kervert Beach, along the golf course (without e ... play what) of Kervert, peninsula of Rhuys. this is the range of Kerjouano the ramparts. Before Arzon, direction Golf Kervert left at the roundabout. Then just after the entrance to the parking golf, park along the wood then cross the maximum along the golf course.
Address :
Lieu-dit Kerver
56730 Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys

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Camping du Kerver, C 101, Kervert, Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys, Vannes, Morbihan, Bretagne, France métropolitaine, 56730, Fran
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03/01/2025 in 14h24
Is it crowded at this time of year? I can go there mid-afternoon

14/09/2024 in 22h04
Bonsoir De passage à partir de lundi Le soleil est de retour..

06/09/2024 in 16h35
4:30 p.m. I'm going to take a look now

23/08/2024 in 08h21
I'll go there without a pro, is anyone going there?

16/08/2024 in 13h37
I'll drop by around 3pm, if anyone is interested, a little message.

14/08/2024 in 16h43
People today?

14/08/2024 in 07h42
I'm on my way to the beach.

13/08/2024 in 23h49
Salut, Je serai demain matin vers 8h30, j’aimerai caresser et être caresser sur la plage de kerver.

13/08/2024 in 10h11
To the one who is now in the woods with his bike, to whom I said hello…. Too bad, too late…

12/08/2024 in 14h52
Bonjour, Je suis dans le secteur toute la semaine, je passe le matin entre 9h et 10h et j’y serai dans l’après-midi, si quelqu’un pour m’accompagner pour le bronzage et la baignade.

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