Picnic area after the Pirou moor


Cruising spot gay in Pirou

proposed by samuel50  (10/09/2022)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Pirou
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Take the D2, then head towards La Feuillie, this is the first car park on your right, two entrances, tables etc...
Address :
Rue de l'Éventard
50770 Pirou

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Le Far West, Pirou, Coutances, Manche, Normandie, France métropolitaine, 50770, France
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6 d. ago
Hello.je serai dans le coin les 18 19 mars Si tenté passez en MP

15/12/2024 in 11h36
I'll be around on January 5, 6 and 7...if tempted..mp

28/07/2024 in 21h15
People tomorrow Monday around 11am

30/05/2024 in 06h25
Someone to suck and be sucked and give me my first anal if affinity??? (condom for everything) I can be there on June 4, 5 or 6... tell me.. by private message

10/08/2023 in 01h02
I will be there tomorrow August 10th in the morning around 10am.

24/07/2023 in 19h42
Qui pour demain après midi ? Envoyez moi un message en privé

26/05/2023 in 09h26
Who comes I am

14/05/2023 in 09h48
Je suis sur le parking en ce moment . Qui veux venir me rejoindre

09/04/2023 in 09h42
People right now?

07/10/2022 in 16h48
Je vais y passer Samedi vers 10h 10h30