Parking Old Hotel BALADIN

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Chavigny
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small ZI behind the old Hotel Highway A33 exit Neuves Maisons. CAUTION drugs, prostitution and a lot of unhealthy people especially the nights, times change !!!! Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.
Address :
Z.I. des Clairs Chênes
54230 Chavigny

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Clair Chêne, 54230 Chavigny, France
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29/01/2025 in 18h24
Good evening, a charming trans woman or candauliste couple tonight (01/29) for a cool and naughty trucker? Contact in mp. Kisses.

17/10/2023 in 08h24
Bonjour, Alexia grande bourgeoise brune BCBG qui adore la lingerie, très féminine et ultra sexy. Je serai de passage samedi 21/10/2023 sur Vandoeuvre Brabois. 100% passive et tres gourmande. Je serai à mon hôtel (toute discrétion) toute la soirée et la nuit pour me faire baiser et corriger comme il se doit. N’hésitez pas à me contacter en MP. Grosses bises Alexia la grande catin.

08/07/2023 in 14h17
passing by tonight.

21/06/2023 in 19h18
People tonight

18/11/2022 in 10h24
Lots of people this afternoon

24/05/2022 in 15h07
Not sure if this is the best place it's always empty when I go there

21/03/2022 in 12h51
On Nancy Wednesday morning looking for a gay couple or young man for a good start to the day

27/06/2020 in 20h01
Bjr à Tous, Routier; I will be in "Pause Nuit Repos" in Nancy from Monday 29/06 around 2:00 pm to Tuesday 30/06 around 8:00 am, I will find a Cool / Sex and Sympat place for this period. . is moving well in this place ?! Still up to date?

25/11/2019 in 12h36
Road crossing tonight I get in the bunk of my truck a well-hung guy assets I also search a couple

24/11/2018 in 18h58
J am going there last night presented a few cars but considering the weather and rain there was no crowd and not much movement

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