Je peux recevoir ce soir pour jeux coquins à 2 ou plus. Je peux aussi masser (dérapage inclus ahahah).
Hello Quelqu'un dispo ce soir pour venir me réchauffer ? Je reçois un ou plusieurs mecs pour plans cool sympa tranquille. Poppers et caresses, pelle et branle, suce...
Hello, I'm hosting 100m from the lake parking lot tonight Thursday 12/12 from 6:30 p.m. (and possibly tomorrow Friday) one or more guys for a nice naked time. We have a drink, we grope each other, we kiss, we have fun, we suck each other... Poppers ok. No dirty, violent or fisting. Rather active but not necessarily into sodomy. Leave pm for info.
Hello, I'm meeting 200m from the lake parking lot tonight Saturday 02/11 around 7:30/8pm one or more guys for a nice naked time. We have a drink, we grope each other, we kiss, we have fun. Poppers ok. No dirty, violent or fisting. Rather active but not into sodomy. Leave pm for info.
Hello, I'm meeting 200m from the lake parking lot tonight Friday 25/10 around 7:30/8pm one or more guys for a nice naked time. We have a drink, we grope each other, we kiss, we have fun. Poppers ok. No filth, violent or fisting. Rather active but not into sodomy. Leave pm for info.