Parking Joigny exit A6: drag the guys


Cruising spot gay in Sépeaux

proposed by janono  (03/10/2014)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Sépeaux
Area :  Bourgogne-Franche-.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
exit 18, parking on the left in the direction of Auxerre. From the car park take direction Volgré at the first intersection turn right down then right before the bridge. Drive along the highway by the dirt road. Three places to park and kindling. If you have any information on this location (when it drag, what kind of guys, etc ... click edit below) CHAMBERY Sainte-Hélène-sur-Isère
Address :
89116 Sépeaux

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D943, 89116 S
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23/06/2023 in 01h05
Good evening, has anyone been around these last few days?

30/12/2022 in 14h53
I'll be there around 4 p.m.

21/11/2022 in 20h04
on pausecce Monday, November 21. 8 p.m.. passive no taboo

03/08/2022 in 15h25
Passing around 7:30 p.m., I'm looking for a transvestite or a beardless guy who likes exib, mutual caresses, sucking, etc. I receive you in my truck for more discretion

24/07/2022 in 12h58
I am from passagr monday

10/11/2021 in 14h24
Bjr it's ok my number 0647799118

19/10/2021 in 03h50
Sunday very good anal while I lick an ass

14/10/2021 in 18h23
Good evening I arrived in this car park for the night if you want let me know

01/10/2021 in 15h26
of the world for a small liability?

29/09/2021 in 18h30
Good evening I arrived at the rest area for the night until 7am tomorrow morning if that sounds like you a nice moment, let me know

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