Hi, I will be in Saint Jean de Luz from January 27 to 30 at the hotel. I can receive you at the end of the afternoon or early evening. Passive and rather submissive, I am at your disposal.
Any information on this place?
Jamais entendu parler de ce lieu... Si qqun peut témoigner, on sera moins sceptique....
Do not hesitate to report the profile that created this place and that gives such bogus appointments.
completely agree I went there at different times and I never saw anyone including so-called mixed race people who often walk there... Fake place
Endroit bidon. Il n y a jamais rien eu la bas
But what @homme1959 says doesn't mean anything, anyway I read it over and over again but I don't understand his message, like homosapiens are still among us?
If you don't understand what we mean, there's no point in explaining it to you...
Good evening, passivefetish, and France is even closer for what you say, without belittling the women who practice this profession necessary for some in need. In this case, you are also lacking in politeness.