Qui y va se soir envie d’y allez y faire un tour
Bonjour De passage dans les jours qui viennent cherche un mec actif BM sympa pour un bon moment de sexe à la nautique ou à mon hôtel en soirée Laisser message ici Ensuite peux donner mon numéro
Y serai ce soir vers 21h plan vidanges de teubs exhib
Bonjour Je peux vous recevoir ce soir en camping car. Plutôt passif mais pas inactif. Bisous bisous
Quelqu’un dispo ce soir ? Envi de me faire sucer j’attends vos messages !
Bsr, ATTENTION le parking vient d'être fermé, police passe verbaliser toute voiture et les caravanes après 22h. Bis amicales
De passage dans 10min pour femme ou couple
Salut je passerai vers 10h30 à 12h30
qui pour m'éjaculé sur les couilles vers 15h ?
Cherche hommes Rebeus bien monté circoncis
J'ai Envie de me faire éjaculer sur les couilles
Hi, who's going this morning?
Be careful, the cops are often around
Bonjour, du monde dispo en ce moment ? Peut-être de passage vars 20h00... A voir si réponse...
Hello who is going this morning
Hello, who invited me this morning?
Hello, I'm going there this morning for active bi men who are going?
Who's going this morning?
Hi. Will there be people this morning around 11:00?
Hello tomorrow morning Monday I will come to get sucked and make an appointment in a message for the time
je cherche une queue a sucer s'en poils vendredi matin qui y sera ?
Hi, who's going tomorrow morning to pick me up? I'll be there around 9am.
Hi, a little couple wanting to have a good time tomorrow (here or around Narbonne) don't hesitate to mp, happy holidays
nous y serons jeudi 26/12/2024 avec le camping car (un Pilote) de 10h à 16h
Good evening, I am for cpl, woman available from 9 p.m.
Hello who this morning to take me without moderation. (MP)
Hello pm for availability thanks
Hello Monday 16th around 10:30 who will be there for men I suck and get taken humm I love that. (MP)
Hello, looking for a couple or a woman, Thursday or Friday for a car plan or going out to a club or sex shop, between Béziers and Perpignan. Mp
Hello everyone this morning? In the arboretum area etc...
Hello, if available PM me thanks
I'm looking for passive this morning early, is there anyone in the area?
Coucou ! Je serai a l'hotel companille des demain je vous recois le soir sans problème ! femme et couple
For bi men....in case there are any....
Hello, can you tell me if the parking lot or the camper vans are closed to cars? Thank you.
Woman or couple for young mixed race girl tonight or during the week?
Hello I will be around 10:30 am yes active bi man (mp)
Hello, the small wood bordering the windsurf boards is it forbidden on foot? Thank you
I went there unfortunately no one, shame
J aimerais bien tu ma bloquer je comprends pas
Hello, available pm thanks
I'll be there tonight from 10pm to give my holes
Hello, available mp thank you
Hello...where do you flirt now in Narbonne? I haven't been here for a long time, this place is dead following the barriers put up
Hello, I'm going to go there this morning. Who's going? MP
Hello, I'm passing through Narbonne today and I'm waiting for your messages.
Hello, I am available this evening and tomorrow for meeting, outing to a nature club or hotel, don't hesitate to PM me, I don't bite
Vivrenu11, it seems that he has been banned and will reappear under another identity.
perpignan i think you are wrong
The homeless CPLparking (single man) is caught lol his shenanigans don't work anymore.... He asks for appointments in pm...mouahah wanker
Good evening, availability in mp thank you.
Hello, PM messages for an appointment, thank you.
I have seen tractors there before but never with a trailer, the ground is too soft... :(
Bonjour es-ce possible de stationner avec un camion semi remorque svp? Merci
Who's going this morning MP
A little hello available mp message bis
Hello, available Friday 15th and Saturday 16th, I can also receive, for couples or women, do not hesitate to come and chat.
Hello available pm message thank you.
Tonight, nautical for a week, we'll be able to have a little laugh
Hello, available pm message thanks.
Hello everyone, available this evening same concept message in mp kisses
Hello, I have a little outing planned, please send me a PM for more peace of mind.
Good evening, I am at the nautical and the parking lot is blocked by blocks where exactly do we go please. Thank you
Cplparking I think it's the same one from Lézignan
Hello, I don't even know this guy (Perpignan) I don't even know why he's constantly behind our c.., he's ruining people from a distance, he should come out of his anonymity and come and confront us rather than talking to everyone for nothing, for our part he's a person of no interest, he attacks couples and works.... he fills his evenings as best he can.. kisses to everyone and long live sex...
Bonjour Je cherche un plan pour me faire prendre à qui ça intéresse, et j’aime le double anal
the profile 'perpignan' like the old unhomme and like the other profile 'treschaud' is a hateful and frustrated troll. he is a guy in his forties, overweight and driven in an old electric car, probably a disabled cotorep. he harasses transvestites by accusing them of being fake or scammers. he did it with me and also with alexandra33. we regularly report his lying and hateful messages to the webmaster... he is regularly banned and comes back under other pseudonyms. To all real libertines to quickly center him to reestablish the reality of the facts and prevent him from harming meetings... thank you for being vigilant, good meetings to all. kiss
Alors pour avoir déjà eu affaire a couple parking, c'est bien un couple, mais comme tout le monde, ils ont des avis selon les jours... Parfois ils m'ont fait participer, et d'autres fois, ils ont fait participer d'autres personnes, selon l'envie du moment ! Il faut respecter !!! Mais "Perpignan" ne serait pas celui qui change toujours de nom pour faire ch... sur le site ?
Wouahhh (perpignan) you must have a hell of an inferiority complex wanting to annoy everyone here. You make me wonder that no one wants you with childish reactions like that. I understand their reaction of not wanting to flirt with you.... it's not because you're not to their taste that they should attack everyone. Respect the choice of partners
Attention a CPLparking.... Fake... Homme seul qui change toujours de pseudo ....Il vous agresse quand vous arrivez en prétextant un faux conflit entre lui et vous ... Mauvaise personne. A éviter .
Who is going there this morning around 11:00?
Hello, looking for Rebeus.
I want to suck a clean hairless cock with a nice glans so who?
This morning around 10am for active bi man
Hello, same for Rebeus.... good evening to all.
Blowjobs and more tonight
Damn, she'll be punished in Narbonne
Who today for couple or sexy trav
Who is going to work or couple?
Qui se soir pour trav ou couple
Good evening cplparking until when will you stay?
Available for typical men....
Little availability this evening....
For rebeus, first contact here
Looking for young Arab for evening...
Looking for young Arab for next week
Monday evening for Rebeus
Bonjour, du coup le parking d'en bas bord d'étang est ouvert, mais on ne peux plus accéder après la grosse "dune" ? En gros, a l'entrée , au niveau de la fourchette, le côté droit est inaccessible, mais on peux aller a gauche bord d'étang ? C'est bien ça ? Merci de vos réponse
I'll be down by the parking lot this afternoon to suck and get fucked. Good submissive faggot, threesome accepted
Hi! In Narbonne this week I'm looking to discover nice places and people! Tuesday and Friday available from 12pm to 1pm and Wednesday/Thursday rather around 2pm!
Who's coming to the parking lot downstairs?
Only available tonight, no idea when it will be back.
Who's showing off tonight??
Femme ou couple dispo pour jeune métisse entre midi et 16h ?
Apparently there will be a new car park at the nautical center... But where...
Cc cplparking je suis rebeu vous êtes disponible ou j arrive vers la nautique
Pas pour moi vu les treillis et les gros gilet pare balle ainsi que l’armement Sûrement pour te protéger contre les gitans (vieille histoire du temps où le parking du haut étais encore accessible)
He is looking for you....
Large contingent of gendarmes at the nautical
Hello, yes indeed back in Aude, still the same concept, for Rebeus...
Where in Narbonne is there another parking lot for dredging because at the nautical center it's over
Really want to try this place for couples including hbi, or guy
I'll be there between noon and two for someone to take care of my ass.
Available to take care of pretty ass!
Hello, we were told that the Nautical car park was closed, is that true?
I'm going there this afternoon to suck and get fucked. Group sex ok
I'm here for Saturday night work or couple from 9pm to 2am
Cc who tonight to suck me trav or couple from 9pm to 1am
Anyone here right now? I want to suck
It's over, we can't go there anymore, even in camper vans, too bad, it was so good
Can't find this link parked lower down on the right with the camper van I am the first camper van in front when we arrive external light on
Reçois ce soir 21.08 à l'hôtel proche sortie autoroute. Seulement pour femme ou pour homme bi . Laissez mp.
Reçois à l'hôtel proche sortie autoroute. Seulement pour femme ou pour homme bi . Laissez mp.
Hello man in his forties, rather cute and cool, I am available for 3 weeks for women, couples and transvestites, I can travel or receive, looking forward to meeting you
Around 9:30 p.m. / 10 p.m.
Good evening, anyone out tonight? Dogging/exhibition?
J'y suis, temps idéal avec ce vent, il ne fait pas trop chaud
Quelqu'un au niveau du parking cette après-midi, je serai en dessous féminin, corps fin et belle fesse, je suce des hommes bien monté de plus de 40ans, j'aime les biffles, me faire gicler sur le visage et les mots cru, vous pouvez accéder au parking fermé au véhicule en y allant à pied, envoyez moi un message sur ma mp
I'm not there, no one, too bad
Hello, a clean shaved cock who would like to get sucked?
Hello, a couple of players tomorrow during the day, do not hesitate to contact me.
Tonight from 10 p.m. gives my holes to dose
Y serai ce soir à partir de 21h30 trous à doser no limite ds la pinède
No one left in this area, too bad
Hello, anyone up for a good time?
Is the place still ok because I will come at the end of August
I'll be there tonight from 10pm to give my holes to measure
Last evening before the Var, same concept for men aged 40 or over
Is it moving to this CC tune?
Hello, I'm going to take a look at the campervan parking lot if anyone
Hello, same concept this evening, for men 22/38 years old typical
Hello, I don't understand your question (how do you know during the day), we indicate evening...at no time was there any mention of day.
Hello cpl how do I know when you are there? During the day? Thank you
Couple, for heterosexual 20/38 years max
Same 22/30 for 18/35 year olds type
Hello I am available for couples or single women, I am a slim athletic man in his forties, I can receive near Narbonne or travel. Looking forward to meeting you
Same concept for tonight?
Hello, available tonight for young Arabs, thank you.
Hello, Couple tonight parking there nautical 10:30 p.m., for Arab voyeur husband.
Tom11 practically dead just like the arboretum
I'm going to stop by this morning, who's going there?
Hello I am a man in his forties who takes care of himself I am looking for a couple, single woman or transvestite to have a good time, I can receive people near Narbonne or travel for more information you can contact me With pleasure
Who this morning until noon
We will be there from 2 p.m. with the camper van
Who this morning at 10:30 until 12:00
Hello tomorrow morning around 10:30 a.m.
Cuckoo ! A woman or a couple for a scenario plan this evening?
Who this morning around 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Hello, who is going this morning before 11:30?
Hello tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
personne n’a voulu me parler...timidité (...?), les mecs fuyaient lorsque que j’allais vers eux !!! les rv dans la nature sont décevant
Personne ici ? .... peut-être plus de chance de s'amuser demain matin ? ...
Je peux y être à partir de 16h pour me faire vider. Je peux sucer aussi. Merci de confirmer
Qui fin d'après midi ? ...
Who this morning around 11 a.m.
Hello who this morning? Mp
Who this morning around 11 a.m.
Who's going to go this morning around 10 a.m.
Very good hot plan! We'll do it again whenever you want!
December 12, 11:45 a.m./2:30 p.m., in exhibition mode, nautical parking lot and in the woods for very exhibitionist and active straight/bi guys only. Wankers, squirters, sprinklers 18/45a max. I pump and get shot. Pissing ok. Direct and unbridled plan. Exhibitionist m/f couples welcome. Not at all interested in passives, transvestites, or curious people who drive around in cars
Someone this morning around 11am
Hello, I can receive transvestites or couples or single women tomorrow morning, so if you are interested, you can contact me with pleasure.
Who this morning around 10 a.m.
November 26, 12:45 p.m./3 p.m., in exhibition mode, on the paths, and in the background, for very exhibited and active straight/bi guys only. Wankers, juicers, sprinklers 18/45a max. I pump and get pumped hard. Pissing ok. Direct and unbridled shot. M/f couples showing off welcome. Not at all interested in the passive, the travs, nor in the curious people who drive around in cars
Bonsoir à l hotel tout proche, je peux recevoir femme ou couplé N hésitez à me contacter mp
Who's going this morning?
Who invites me this morning really wants to get taken hummm
Who's going this morning?
Free this morning. Who invites me. Looking for active bi man.
Hello, I'll be stopping by this morning to get picked up. Who will be there?
Really want it this morning
Who tomorrow morning to pick me up?
Bonsoir J y passe ce soir vers 22h Pour un moment de sexe chaud Laisser message ici
Hi, I can meet in a few minutes for women or couples tonight, leave me a message :)
Hello, do you want to have your kitty eaten? Tell me
Hello, I really want to make myself go down this morning, but the weather is not nice. Who's inviting me this morning?
Just I want to, I really want to, I'll be there around 12:30
Anyone at noon to suck me off and get fucked?
Who around noon to pick me up and more
Who tomorrow Monday to take me and bend me as you want tell me
Hello, very eager this morning around 10am
We're going to go there for active bi man to make me take in front of my wife
I'll go there tomorrow morning around 9am to get fucked by a nice queue I hope
I'm going to go there this morning, really want an active guy hummm
Passing through and available until 2 p.m., I can receive, despite the weather ... looking for blowjob and jerk off plan!
Who tomorrow? Monday morning?
Who between 12pm and 2pm?
Thursday morning I'll go there to find one, two or three nice cocks to take me, hummm
Where and at what time please?
Who wants to take me with several people or not lol
On vacation from the 13th to the 17th I will come by to serve as a cum dumpster, leave a message, thank you
Passing through Thursday 7 around 9am, if a good trav wants to taste my juice or for a good fuck, let me know. I will only be there if confirmed.
I'm going to go there to be fucked by a nice cock I hope
Completely agree with dalimingue
Leave the place clean, a bunch of pigs worse than animals, and be discreet the last time we could see a guy getting sucked and I was parked at the edge of the pond I hallucinated there were children playing, respect the fucking place
Someone tomorrow morning?
Good evening, this evening for Woman or couple, I can move around without problem. PM me :)
Yes don't worry pipe I'm not going there anymore it's disgusting this place I'm going opposite to the arboretum
Visite hier. Surprise les bosquets ont été débroussaillés sur 20m. Ce qui reste derrière sert de chiottes aux campingcaristes : du PQ et des colombins partout . C'est dégueux pire qu'un spot PD où tout le monde laisse traîner les kleenex et capotes ... L'arboretum est mieux je pense .
I'll be there tonight from 10:30 p.m. wandering through the bushes along the parking lot, holes available for good cock drains
Great craving this morning to make me go down and more
Hello, is this place still active? After 2 visits, I haven't seen anyone...
Hello, who tomorrow afternoon at the back towards the campsite at the edge of the pond?
Anyone interested tonight, I'm looking for mature men to suck bm and a little directive, send me a message if interested
Ce soir à partir de 22h gueule et Q à dispo pour bonnes vidanges de teubs chaine avec cadenas autour du coup cookring stretchball pantalon noir sac à dos souvent dans le sous bois
Hello, I am receiving a HF couple on August 8, 11, 12 and 13 at my place in Narbonne. I offer an aperitif, barbecue and a night of sex and pleasure. Please keep me informed if interested. Thank you.
I'm here, here for meetings
Will be there tonight from 10 p.m. to give my holes to fertilize
I will be there on Friday and Saturday morning around 6am.
Are there people in the morning?
Hello, available for young people maximum 35 years old this evening.
Bonjour 2 nuits à Narbonne ce soir et samedi soir Qui me rejoins dans mon lit à l'hôtel Merci beaucoup de me contacter que si intéressé, alors je donne mon tél prof. Suis actif passif Envie d être passif très chaud
Maybe this afternoon send pm
A couple or something this afternoon?
Someone to suck me off before noon?
Hello, anyone tonight? I can move around, perpi Béziers etc… for Women or Couples only :)
Leave me a message here on the site
De passage pour 3 jours Cherche mec actif chaud vendredi samedi ou dimanche soir
Good evening, hot wife or couple? I can move where you want :)
Who tomorrow Friday morning?
Who to do this suck tomorrow morning?
Hello, hot wife or couple?
Good evening, a couple or a woman tonight? I can move :)
Hello, a couple or a woman this afternoon? I can move! :)
quelqu'un apres 15h30 pour se vidé sur mes couilles ?
Looking for erotic massage who wants to massage me?
Hello, a couple or a woman who wants to have fun? Possibility to move everywhere :)
Hello, I can receive all weekend next to Narbonne woman or couples to have a good time I am in my forties rather cute sporty :=) for more information in message and especially no single men thank you
Comme prévu, de passage aujourd'hui ! Recherche de préférence, femme ou Homme mur, voir très mur !
I spend there from 3h to 3h30 in the morning if someone motivated I will be there
People to suck me and empty my balls
Fashion tonight to get sucked
I'm going there tomorrow morning in the pines down on the pond side wanting sex
Good evening, a couple or a woman tonight? In the car because it's cold haha. I can move around Béziers Perpignan without problem :)
Who wants to suck me next week and maybe take me gently can receive in the morning
Re am available after the false plan of biglope one more myth to block
Who to suck me on Thursday morning?
Bonjour, je recherche un couple ou femme seul ou travesti avec un minimum de féminité pour venir s'amuser avec moi et mon couple soumis qui ont fin cinquantaine. Pour plus de renseignements me contacter par message. Pour les hommes seul passé votre chemin vous serez blacklister direct :)
Who to suck me off this morning?
I just passed quickly. 2 good big penises disgorged. Thanks guys. I would have thought that with this beautiful weather there would be a lot more people.
I'll be there around 2:25 p.m.
Who to suck me at home this morning?
Hello, hot wife or couple? I can move everywhere ;)
Annick transvestite for active guys in the nautical sector. Arboretum.
Hello, anyone tonight? Couple or Woman
Who to suck me tomorrow morning can be at my house?
Looking for fine sex to take me in the week I may be able to receive in a morning on Narbonne
Hello, a Hot Woman or Couple this afternoon? I can move around Perpignan and Narbonne :)
Good evening, couples or women available now or tonight? I can move to Perpignan :)
Bonjour, Des couples ou une femme entre Narbonne et Montpellier cet après-midi
Tuesday, January 3, 12:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., back of the parking lot facing the lake, in the car, in show off mode, for very active straight/bi guys only, 18/45 years old max, and show off as much as possible! Wankers, juicers, fuckers, sprinklers, vicious, not modest, without taboos. I pump and get shot. Couples m/f hot strut your stuff welcome. Absolute hygiene! I only work by feeling. I'm not interested in bottom guys, older guys or those who stay dressed. Please read my profile
Good evening, a couple or a woman tonight? I can move around Narbonne and Perpignan :)
You want me soda well come to the parking lot route de la mayolle parking lot after the space of freedom facing the street which goes to the hospital I will be there around 5:10 p.m. I am looking for a fine sex thank you
Who with fine sex for my soda Monday, January 2, 3:30 p.m.?
Looking for BM to pump see more, move me to Beziers, contact MP
Good evening, a hot couple or woman?
Who wants to suck me tomorrow? morning I can receive
Very nice place on the edge of the pond. The pine forest is full of surprises. Eh eh. ...
Hi am there who comes to suck me like a slut novelty my sex and completely shaved bisse
Who to suck me tomorrow morning?
Who tomorrow morning 6:45 am to suck me or take me?
good evening, I went boating this afternoon, but in normal tourist mode with my wife, and my 2 little yorkies.... we can feel the looks, well I felt, people circulating (usually single men ) in their vehicles, on the right side, after the little house, where there are camping cars, it seems to be the naughty corner, let's say ..... am I mistaken? I'll have to try to come back to it one afternoon, in the evening I can't, sorry.....
Looking for bi-player couples? I propose to put a submissive couple in their sixties with a man who is very, very submissive and who dresses in transvestism and likes to be humiliated. This message is to take the temperature in the area so for more explanation come in private! Possibility single man my who will only take care of the submissive man (I am very selective especially single man so do not be heavy otherwise I blaklist you thank you)
Hello, wife or couple tonight? For a plan without the fuss?
Hello, hot wife or couple tonight?
Hello I am looking for a bi couple or a single woman I can receive in a pretty house next to Narbonne for pleasure
The day I meet gourmand11 he will know what my name is
The day I meet gourmand11 he will know my name is
On site currently arboretum area
Present tonight around 0h for sex plan
Who in the night from Saturday to Sunday around 0:30?
Good evening I can receive a couple on the weekend of the 29th in Narbonne for a small meal and a night of fun for 3
Salut En quittant Narbonne, je m arrête à la nautique vers 13 h15 Laisser message
Who will join me at the campanile tonight Or outside Message here
I go there Saturday around 6:30 am if there is an asset pm me
Hi I v go through the bage side to find passive.
Anyone this morning around 11 a.m.?
Good evening, a couple or a woman to have a good time?
Someone Monday morning to suck me at will?
Hello, looking for a transvestite in Narbonnais
hello if someone wants to suck me tomorrow morning leave me a message thank you
I'm there as a guy in a good lope to take a maximum of juice
I'm there tonight around 9 p.m....
we'll be there tonight with the camper, the bottom parking lot because the top one is closed!
If someone wants to suck a dick right away in Narbonne
Hello I am looking for a transvestite or a couple to have a good time
Tonight around 21 pm to suck see more if affinities...
I will be there Friday 14 in the evening... pm for rv..
I'm there tonight from 9 p.m.
Annick transvestites for active guys from 9 p.m. tonight.
Hello, a couple or a woman this afternoon or tonight? (I can travel several kilometers around) :)
Available today at 2:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. to be caught by a small queue protected report
Looking for thin tail for sodomized me tomorrow 5 p.m. condom mandatory
Here until 2:30 in the morning...
Hello, I'm there tonight around 9 p.m., passive, docile, I like to suck and get fucked...well prepared, very neat...feminine in attitudes...woman's body and ass.... A many ok...
Hello, I am available for women or couples in the early afternoon. Pm if interested.
I'll be there around 10:30 a.m. I suck, get sucked and it's up to you see you later
Annick transvestite in the evening towards the nautical for active guys I suck and get fucked.
hello I can receive a couple this morning on Narbonne
Someone wanna suck matenan
I'm there around 6 p.m....preparing, taking care of sucking and getting caught...several ok
A couple or a woman want to go matenan give me a sign
Saturday, July 9 end of the afternoon I'm going, Rather passive, docile... has several ok
Hello, a hot couple or woman this afternoon?
He has a couple or woman want to go matenan
He has a wife or couple with a desire to pass today
Saturday night I'm going...
A couple or a woman he wants to go??
I can be with you, what time are you going
Difficult to predict, the most activities are weekend nights...
J'y serrai ce vendredi apm pour me faire sucer
I am there, there is no one
Anyone tomorrow morning between 7:30 and 8:00?
Annick transvestite for active guys tonight at the nautical.
Tonight around 8:15 p.m. for active men, to suck and get caught, me 1m76.60 kg waxed full
Someone 6:30 p.m. to suck me off?
Who tonight 10 p.m. for a Touze?
Would like to be deflowered, gently, by shaved sex, can move me a bit. Thank you for your suggestions. Saturday night
I'm there this Saturday 11 from 8 p.m....
I'll be there around 9:45 am to get touched suck masturbate in the pine forest
Tomorrow morning I will walk in shorts, nothing underneath is that I look like in a thong
I'm here to suck and get caught...
People this afternoon....
Tonight, 1 hour, for active people
Tonight after the newt around 1 am...
hello someone this afternoon 3:30 p.m. for this dump on my balls?
Quelqu'un d'intéresser pour maintenant ou ce soir, je peux y être en dessous féminin pour sucer lecher des queue, voir me faire sodomiser. Envoyez moi un message sur ma mp. Préférence pour les hommes mûrs bien monté
Quelqu'un d'intéresser pour demain après-midi, je peux y être en dessous féminin pour sucer lecher des queue, voir me faire sodomiser. Envoyez moi un message sur ma mp
Who tonight 9:00 p.m. for hot sex at 2 or more?
Hello, I'll be there on request, for Women or Couples :)
I'm coming out of the triton, I'm there in 10 minutes
I'm going there today Saturday 14 at the end of the afternoon to suck you make me take...
we will be there with the motorhome, read our announcement carefully: no beard, mustache or unshaven face!
Who to pick me up at 5:30 p.m.?
Good evening, gem or couple for tonight or now?
For virile guys who want to fuck
Hi 40 years old very motivated want to get sucked swallowed at 2 even at several contact me available now
Tonight from 10:30 p.m. to midnight for beautiful active males in heat
we will spend the day and maybe the night by the lake with the camper
Good evening I like having my balls pinched and jerking off on it to ejaculate on it if someone likes it I'll be waiting for you tomorrow 4:30 p.m. leave me a message thank you
I'm coming there's no one too bad
Good evening who wants mejaculee on the balls tomorrow morning? Or if a couple available?
Good morning. Someone tomorrow morning to cum on my balls or suck me off?
I'm here and I want to suck a big cock and make me cum on my face
Hello, a hot wife or couple this afternoon?
Good evening next week with my girlfriend we're going to show off I'll have the door open I'll be naked to get my girlfriend sucked
Who tomorrow morning to take me on all fours? Looking for fine sex thanks
who to take me tomorrow? looking for sex end thank you
Qui pour le sucer ce soir, sans blabla, direct. sexe rasé
hello looking for someone who would like to masturbate and ejaculate on my balls this afternoon 3:25 p.m. leave me a message thank you
looking for fine tail to make me take leave me a message if interested thank you
hello if tomorrow 4 p.m. someone wants to jerk off on my balls and ejaculate on it leave me a message thank you
hello I'm looking for assets for Monday evening
Receive a couple on Friday 4 for a dinner and a sex night in Narbonne
Cc of the world this afternoon? Big desire for guys
Cc of the world at the end of the afternoon?
Looking for a person who would like to masturbate on my balls and ejaculate on them at 3:30 p.m. please leave me a message
Anyone around today? Pm for appointment
Someone has 3:30 p.m. to masturbate on my balls and cum on them? Leave a message thank you
If you want to jerk off and ejaculate on my balls during the week from 3:30 p.m. leave me a message thank you
I will be there this Wednesday from 2 p.m. to suck
People to suck or suck me from 6:30 p.m.
I'll be back at 3:30 p.m. leave me a message if you want me ejaculated on the balls thank you
Bjr I'll stop by before going to work around 6:40 if someone wants me ejaculated on the balls
The weather is nice but there are damage people. I'm still waiting a moment to see if a couple or a guy is coming.
Looking to pump bm plan car contact MP
Who tomorrow Friday 3:30 p.m. for sex? Want us to jerk off on my balls and ejaculate on them
Hot person tonight? For women or couples only
I will be this afternoon near the parking lot in naturist mode in my truck.
This afternoon I'm looking for a good tail to pump see + on this place where elsewhere I move contact in MP
Looking for someone who would like to masturbate on my balls and ejaculate on them, leave me a free message in the afternoon at 3:30 p.m. thank you
I would be there on request for Couple or Woman
who to suck me at home before 2:30 p.m.?
People to suck I also want to be sucked
I can receive tomorrow morning man to ejaculate on my balls I'm in Narbonne
I have no one to cum on my balls, too bad
Hello from the world tonight? Contact me
Can someone tell me if it's crowded even in the evening around 9 p.m.
Anyone to suck or something else? 18h19h
I'll be there this afternoon, don't hesitate to leave me a message if you have a nice hard cock and want to lean on my head.
If someone wants to cum on my balls one morning of the week, leave me a message, thank you
I'll be there tomorrow, Sunday, December 19 .... in the afternoon .... contact MP
People to get sucked or get sucked around
People to do this suck or suck me
Qui a 17h15 ? Pour me pompé
People from 6 p.m. I suck and I like to suck I'm active
Good evening, I want to suck or to have myself sucked quickly !!!!
I'm there person everybody in cars
No possibility to come in case contact me I'm on armissan want to suck and get caught or many other things...
recherche une personne avec une queue fine sur Narbonne pour me prendre hummm
Hello, anyone at this place or around? For women or couples
I'm there, are there people?
Who's to cum on my balls at 2 p.m.?
Who's to suck me off this 3:30 p.m. afternoon?
Who wants to suck me on Narbonne before 5:40 pm?
Someone has 3:30 p.m. to cum on the balls? Leave me a message if interested thank you
Offer my MTN mouth and ass
Annick works for active guys until around 6 p.m. leave a private message
Cherche plan réel avec trav ou couple je reçois ou déplacé ou plan extérieur
I was there is nobody too bad to get lost
If someone wants to cum on the balls at 3:30 p.m. leave me a message thank you
someone tomorrow 3:30 p.m. at the bottom edge of the pond to ejaculate on my balls?
Hello who has 3:30 p.m. for me sodomy? I am looking for a thin tail thank you
A mature man to initiate a passive 27-year-old jh? Today or tomorrow ?
In Narbonne all evening, if anyone interested, message ....
Mature men for this afternoon, want to lick, suck and sit on a nice cock, I can wear feminine underwear or not, I like to show myself in front of a vicious mature man who gives me orders, if you can receive it's even better, I'm waiting for your proposals on pm
I ask myself the question for some go there because it touches you a little then they leave to find out why
Seeking fine sex to take me smoothly thank you
Hello, no one to come to my place sodomized? looking for that fine thank you
good evening who tomorrow morning 29 for sex? COUPLE WELCOME IF NOT ANYONE
Good evening, someone invites me to his place to pick me up? PS I'm looking for fine sex because I get caught from time to time thank you condom compulsory
People? I go by around 1am
the car park has been closed for months but the drag continues further into the pine forest in front of the pond and the motorhomes that spend the night
J'y passe a 15h25 si quelqu'un veut m ejaculer sur les couilles je reste pas longtemps voiture Dacia faite moi signe
qui demain 15h25 pour me prendre ? amener préservatif merci ps jy reste pas longtemps si pas de message
hello around 6 p.m. near pond for passive guy -50a
Who tomorrow 3:30 p.m. I'm going to mexibee is more naked in the pines
I started walking around naked this afternoon, I saw no one, too bad
I'm there right now...for the evening
I'm there late afternoon, after I go to the newt ...
Incredible, the desert despite this beautiful early morning sun .....
Tonight ? Or tomorrow morning? After I hit the road .....
Looking for sex end to take me Thursday 4:30 p.m. leave me a message thank you
Hello, Good submissive slut in very sexy female underwear I am looking for active guys who are looking to empty their balls this weekend. Leave me a message to make an appointment.
hello, from the world of available this afternoon (couple, woman…)
Searching for active sex end to penetrate me
Hello, couple / woman / trav available tonight? Mp;)
Trav betty is looking for assets jy pass now
Hello, couple, woman or trav tonight?
Trav betty is looking for active people I will be available on Wednesday 15 late afternoon and evening
I am looking for a warm meeting tonight tomorrow and Thursday evening at the campane park in Narbonne. Message me to discuss :)
Hello someone to suck me in 30 minutes?
I'm in it thong and stockings to suck and get caught
I will be in active mode tonight, I'm looking for dzs trav or woman who want to suck and take sperm
I can be there tonight or tomorrow night for a dominant guy who likes to fuck a tight ass
Would love to go there to suck cock and get fucked doggy style
Hello males! I will be at La Nautique tonight and part of the night. Who comes to fuck me? I also suck thoroughly and swallow.
who tomorrow morning at the bottom edge of the pond?
In advance, little everything here until 8 p.m.
someone tomorrow 3:30 pm? pond side I will be naked in my car
I was there this morning nobody Too bad
I'm nobody there too bad I'm in blue fiat
Hello new to Narbonne, who can tell me where to meet gay people in the evening on Narbonne (beach) Gruissan etc. Thank you for your answers
hello everyone today late afternoon 6 p.m. until 12 a.m. available I want to lower myself, move around without worry tell me the places where you are and the places where there are people
I will be in Narbonne this afternoon, I move around, for couple or woman! :)
hello I'm in the pine forest in front of the ponds until 10 p.m. or even more for rather passive guys -50 a...
one or more cock to empty this morning ??? want to offer my mouth around 9:15 am
I am down there by the pond in the pines
good evening, I'm there ... no one for the moment ... I stay there until 11 p.m. for a rather hairy and passive guy
Someone around 5:30 p.m. to cum on my balls? leave me a message thank you
Hello, I'm going to go there this morning before 7 a.m. at the edge of the pond at the windsurfing boards.
good evening I am looking for a man who would like to ejaculate on my balls tomorrow at 3.20 pm near the pond towards the campsite leave me a message thank you
I'll be there in 15 minutes if someone wants to cum on my balls I'm in fiat Doblo
From 6:00 am in the morning and for the day in my truck in naturist mode just before the campsite.
Good evening, can you tell me if this place is still relevant ... thank you
Hello my friends, passing through the Narbonne road center, I'm going to take a walk there in order to pass the time in the early afternoon until ... otherwise I get in my truck.
Hello, I receive this evening Monday 31st for a nice evening in front of a drink for rascality ... possibilities of spending the night, near Narbonne, for trav couples or women ... let me know.
read my file and receive until 5:30 p.m.
I would be there afternoon 05/27 naked in the woods, come and empty yourself and I love cum
Hello, I just want to be a voyeur. Couple / trav Have a nice day
Hello from the world available between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.? Preference for women / couples / working.
the place is closed by large stones, continue the road to the large esplanade all dented but conducive to following our meetings.
Hello, from the world on Sunday afternoon .....
Maybe there this afternoon for a woman or a couple
In the sector for women / couples
Hello, From the world available today?
good evening we will pass my girlfriend is me to get sucked in front of my girlfriend who she will only watch friday 4 p.m.
Are there people who receive this Saturday? Not reassuring these cops in civilian clothes ....
I will be there Saturday from 3:00 p.m., I park and then I will go deep into the woods to put myself in a slutty outfit stockings garter belt sexy panties to suck and lick beautiful cocks, send me a message if interested
attention police in civilian clothes !!
The car park is closed by concrete blocks, the parking lot remains at the bottom
good evening I can receive couple with bi man or not for the night from Saturday to Sunday in Narbonne
Hello, I'll be there from 3 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Hello, Are people ready at the end of the afternoon? (women couples, trav)
I would spend Monday morning there to suck a nice cock !!
Exciting ride, too much wind to go out in the morning.
hello, I'll be there around 4 p.m. ... I'm pretty active ...
in the world this morning?
Hello I'll be there around 4 p.m. nearby
I will be there today in the pine forest in panties and stockings, walking around to suck and lick nice dicks, send me a message if you are interested
personally I think it is better to avoid the arboretum because as soon as you leave the route de la Nautique to take the small road which leads there there is a sign "stopping (and not parking) prohibited on the whole site" so easy to be fined ... I have already been checked by the national police while I was driving quietly ... they emptied my glove box, my backpack and retuurned the things from the safe, telling me that I 'had nothing to do there ... I couldn't verbalize, they just tried to scare me so that I wouldn't come back ... so be careful ... it seems to me for the moment that it is better to go to La Nautical at the edge of the ponds, park there and walk up the pine forest to the now prohibited parking lot
While waiting for me I go to the arboretum, regularly in the afternoon, down to the pond
I am like wild pleasures, I don't know where to go ... I liked this place ...
I think it's provisional, as he will definitely come back under a different nickname. the moderator can not block his email address, because it is necessary to provide an address to register? after all the complaints concerning him it would be logical that he could no longer register even by changing his nickname. this advice is valid only for characters like him, not for those who want to change their nickname by preference.
After reporting the pseudo shark11 has been deleted, calm can finally retuurn.
must let it be said, he will soon be ejected from the site like the previous times ... he is frustrated and rejected by everyone, not even see his interest in being there, what chick or what couple would want him to see his words. ..It is indeed possible to meet towards the ponds and go up the pine forest, parking is not prohibited ... The mayors are closing cruising places like everywhere but it has nothing to do with this couple ... and some months later a new cruising spot is created
Shark you're really trying to make friends, keep going you'll get there
let's continue to keep this little corner alive by parking at the bottom and going back up into the pine forest, it's good for your health too;)
As he did elsewhere by changing your nickname of whale you switch to dolphin from dolphin to fish and when you get to shark, you think you are the king of the world
No the real story, it's a guy frustrated at having been rejected by the couple in question who did everything to close this place and wants to blame the couple, he's a big mytho completely barge.
Hello. you are right you have to leave the places clean and like that afterwards you can have fun in peace. for example I always have small white trash bags and the roll costs a pittance at the supermarket and when I get home I throw them in the trash and as the place is always clean .... kisses to everyone
Evening, if I understand more or less, they closed this area, or made it difficult to reach by car, because of the waste accumulating more and more ..... that does not surprise me ... 3, 4 months ago I was still living 800 km to the north, and in a great place to meet people, things were getting more and more crappy, kleenex, and their plastic packaging, condoms, etc ... . I warned people, that one day we would all pay for it, by police the place or prohibiting it or making it difficult to access .... it is in man, in his nature, it is irreversible ... it's dead ... and besides, I also said that it contributed to what people say straight, have a bad image of the gay or bi world ... so fuck be clean, when I think me, II always have a few kleenex or tissues in my pocket, and when I piss and wipe, it's in my pocket, it's a reflex by the way, I never throw anything on the ground, and never a chewing gum no more ... naughty kisses and please leave it clean behind you.
What a pity, this place was super exciting. The clubs are closed, the best place in the area too, what is left to have fun? sniff
yesterday I went there .... a lot less people because a lot of people turn around in front of the plots and leave ... otherwise there are a few guys who park towards the pond and kiss towards the adjoining pine forest but since they leave the dirty place it may not last
good evening possibility of sucking plan, me active, I like sodomy and jerking off, car plan on sigean, me mp
there is always the possibility to park at the bottom and go up in the scrubland to find something to suck;)
places closed with big rocks!
Hello who has the afternoon to suck me contact me in private
By the time I validate my text, mercedes200 has disappeared
Close the "mercedes200", which can be driven with a car without a license. The nautical one will go when one wants. Stop pissing us off, we're here to meet people and not get pissed off by a little cock that nobody wants.
Mercedes, now you've got a friend with the prefect and the mayor, you've left your gypsy family, I'm just going over your words (in September you said you were part of a gypsy family who was going to come and beat up on those who wanted to defend couple veil) when you will be who you really are you just have to go piss off other people on another site because here people give themselves an appointment with full knowledge and agree to suffer the inconvenience except pissers who still have not understood that few people adhere to his quest to "dirty" couple veil. I want to clarify that I do not know couple veil for the assets already met, just messages on the site.
Mercedes !!!! Lol. Always the same frustrated one who changes his nickname !!! Pity you. ,, .... I think you are looking for yourself you do not even know your sexual orientation but when you have tasted you will see you vs love .... yes me too I love it .. ,,
The guy couldn't fuck Mrs cplvoiliersex who didn't want him so he pisses the world off
The retuurn of the grumpy troll, that was missing at the start of the year;)
I too have pointed it out. He pollutes the site for us and in addition never subscribes, so he does not keep the site alive.
yes nickname to report to the moderator ... it's already done for me
hello ... rumor of the closure of the site? is it true?
Hairy from the south I agree with you the number of times I have cleaned a corner I do not count them when a fuck in the sight of people that is exhib and it is the passage to personal court I saw nobody do that ....
I've frequented cruising places for 35 years and whatever the government there have been police crossings ... and it is the town halls that ask ... the police come by because there are complaints ... Is it normal for guys to fuck at the sight of family and children? Condoms and handkerchiefs littering the ground while it is very easy to recover plastic bags from the fruit and vegetable department of supermarkets as I do ... Question yourself instead of criticizing ...
As an indication, last summer I had to hide in a bush having smelled a strong smell of horse in the wind and of course passing ... Two chickens in uniform on horseback is better on horseback, we can clearly see far to hunt homos ....
but I do not dispute that she is right or not BUT not the dictatorship macron castaner jospin chirac chiappa malenchon le pen etc ..... have nothing to do here that's all I do not dispute or support what she say I don't want to see political posts on a dating site that's all, personally I've never met the gendarmes there, when I go there I'm quite far from the "main axes" but not too much to see them coming when the fact that I receive or not it happens to me but not at the moment since my husband works at home. If you want to discuss our current policy let's create a channel or a site it would be a pleasure to exchange our opinions, converging or not.
anything Axel11100, Roxanne 11 is completely right, she does not let go, must have her lil character sometimes, mmmmhhh little tigress sometimes, can be sometimes tense moments with her darling that can end in sweet and sensual moments of letting go taken, peace retuurned ..... And then, in addition Axel11100, according to your very daring tastes, you will tell them what to the cops, if they catch you in a bad position outside, because you do not receive not on your profile ...... so they will be right to put a hell of a lot of it on you, that's it ??????
roxanne11 is right the dictatorship and on the march we are not holding the tip of the nose
Roxane11 Thank you for going unblocked your political opinions elsewhere there are sites for that. the gendarmerie has the right to make rounds. We also have a duty not to show off if you want to remain discreet. Inviting outside places to your home always presents a risk.
Just like that .... About the passage of the gendarmerie on this parking lot you know that these bastards of cops who have nothing else to do and especially not going to risk their buttocks in the cities has rascals register on all the sites including this one and that they know exactly where you are thanks to this little shitty ruse I saw them to put made controlled in some RVs ... It's beautiful France a dirty militia cop dictatorship who monitors the sexuality of its inhabitants .... And the icing on the cake thanks to this scum of Castaner the gendarmes we have the right to enter you in a file or we classify you by your homo trans lesbian trav sexuality etc ... this marvelous step this country says of freedom of equality and fraternity .....
I pass at 6:35 tomorrow morning
Looking for a wall man for tomorrow morning
looking for fine cock to take me tell me thank you
I'm there all day tomorrow Sunday December 20
Want to go tomorrow Sunday, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. ... people to find me ...
In the weekend of December 19 and 20, 2020 during the day, I would be there
After the 15th, I'll go for a walk in the afternoon
I plan to spend there tonight around 8 p.m., then around midnight. I hope to find people there to have fun before the reconfinement ...
in the world this afternoon?
I'm there to pump contact MP
Cc I came to do a little exib on Saturday night and I was pleasantly surprised by the guys who came to watch without knocking on the door or anything. Thanks to them. I think they will recognize each other. Soon the next one. Kisses.
I would like to suck a dick there and even more so good feeling between 12h00 and 13h30 or at the end of the afternoon
I'll be there in 10 minutes ....
Possible passage This night around 2am with a friend eager for sex and sperm ... surely not directly on the spot to avoid death from starvation .. but want qq nice cocks and especially very juicy come by mp ...
good evening, couple available when there? Available anytime, don't hesitate mp
I will be around around 9:30 am today ... if anyone let me know.
Shark11 you pity me so much you say anything !! Poor guy .......
Requin11 you tire everyone! stop polluting the site its becoming painful kiss .....
Bisouxxxxx me too she loves you .............. sardine11
Who this morning around 9:30 ~ 45 I want to pump beautiful cock of proud and macho guy so insult and domi welcome
I confirm requin11 is well formerly 206hdi just a frustrated mytho who does not have the c ..... to come to the appointment to explain a real guy behind his mdr screen ...,
You are right to delete your account since you are burnt out here .. but you quickly recruit a new nickname as the site manager told me to spread the same rumor ... Focus made on this person, I stop my messages
If someone can receive me between Narbonne and Carcassonne it will be cool, it's bitterly cold ...
Requin31 It's been 3 times that you were deleted from the site, including the last time following my intervention ... Each nickname you open a new nickname you tell the same thing, easy to guess that you are the same person ... formerly 206hdi
Requin31 new nickname recreated after being banned from the site for insults and death threats against several subscribers including me ... it is fun to spread rumors about this couple and about regular raids of cops on this place of cruising, frustration surely
Wow it's hot what you say sharks11! Do you personally know the people you are talking about?
Ladies and gentlemen, Which liberated woman or naughty couple would like to share a delicious moment of complicity and pleasure this afternoon? I am at the disposal of your fantasies.! I travel within a radius of 60 km around NARBONNE in the place of your choice for an afternoon of freedom... I am waiting for you in MP... Naughty Biz
Available this Friday during the day. Seeking bi man for games has 2 in front of Madame. Let mp.
Hello I am in the parking lot coming
Hello, this afternoon for a nice meeting... possible retuurn in the evening
Possible around 3 p.m. for bm contact MP
Possible around 3 p.m. contact MP
I'm looking for well-hung mature men to suck them this afternoon, send me a message for a date
Good evening, I have just arrived in the parking lot ... rather quiet, few cars and the guys stay inside as usual ... I stay there until we meet tonight, otherwise a date possible the other day
Bjrs who around 1pm! Want to get me sucked or a little smooth ass or pretty cpl work ....
I will be there in 10 minutes
Not looking anyway or the appointment is not in the parking lot
206hdi !!! Who do you think you are to threaten people! Lol if I can come there and I would be delighted if you came to make me misery ....... people like that are not threatened! It is not done and as much it is you who has a disease finally if you come and am at your disposal you can contact me by mp for a kiss meeting
206 hdi what's wrong with couplevoiliersex?
Yes and beautiful couples like you are appreciated there Looking forward to seeing each other
Hi Bicurieu31200 I see that your wife also likes sex and that we have the same games ... On we can make plans on Toulouse. To the pleasure
I will be there with my wife Thursday evening (09/17). She will take her Ass out the window to get fucked. Young people only. MP if interested.
I'll be there at 12:30 p.m.
this Sunday evening I would be in the woods from 10 p.m., very submissive self-service exib for all, ok dogtraining facial cumshots etc ... and even uro so well submitted, I get there around 10 p.m. white van in small shorts Grey
Trav betty is looking for active people Would like to go boating Who interested?
I just got sucked delicately and tenderly by a trav, thank you it was so good that I did not resist for long
this message is only for mature man 60 75 years old vicious see pervert welcome would be Friday September 4 around the nautical in the evening leave me message kisses to all the old pigs
Hello world available this afternoon? (couple / woman / Work)
I will arrive in 10 minutes
Tonight much calmer than yesterday
good evening tonight would there be people to empty?
Trav Betty is looking for assets
I was there last night, it was very crowded, almost worrying
I'm going tomorrow from 9 p.m. until midnight ... private message for meeting and everyone's wishes
Who interests himself evening by passive man who wears lingerie. Contact mp
I'm going tonight, 1am to 3am
Are there people tonight between midnight and 1 a.m.?
Nice place but much too dark at night. In total darkness and as unfortunately in most places of cruising, a lot of thugs who get stuck without being invited. Pity ! We stayed there late last night and had to leave because of it.
I would stop there tonight around 11:30 pm midnight ... I would be there until around 1 am ... So if you want a little treat, I'm here ... on the other hand, don't turn around for 25 years. ..
Tonight and tomorrow evening with madam looking for ehxib plan ....
There is a lack of respect for everyone and for nature, after which they will cry for another place! Because there will be the police present or who will make rounds at night. Long live summer and disrespect.
I just want to push a rant. I am there now and some are really big disgusting! There are used condoms, boxes of condoms, handkerchiefs ... Fuck guys, a little respect, otherwise the town hall will simply find a way to prevent us from coming, and there we will have won everything! No one, I still have a bag or two of poop ...
Nobody boating tonight !?
I spend the night at the Narbonne road center near nautique 300. Some guys for a cabin plan ???
I would be there with my wife Friday end of the day, mp for the big cocks who want to join us
jy squeezed apm want to make me suck deeply
I really want to go there tonight ... hum
I will be there in 10 minutes
I will be tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. looking for a couple or very greedy work
Want to pump juicy cock macho dude welcome i would be under poppers
Passing through tonight to see
I love to rinse my eye also for those who like the exhib, contact me in MP.
Available today, what plan do you offer?
People to have fun this afternoon (07/26)?
Who to empty himself tonight?
Tonight I receive at home by the pool women or couples with a good drink for a nice evening ... contact in MP ...
I will be there this evening from 10:30 p.m. for a good emptying of the cocks
I am on the nautical campsite! I'm waiting for well-hung guys with thick (very big) cocks, to suck them and get caught ... I love it! I stay there very late
Switching to boating this evening around 10 p.m.
Tonight July 14 between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. to get fucked by a big hard cock
I will be there tonight from 10:30 p.m. total naked mouth and Q available to empty a max of cocks juice and piss
Who tonight around 9 p.m.?
Well I leave you in your sad state of frustrated, I stop the dial so as not to become as heavy as you
Aren't you afraid of the cops?
And come on, it's off again for a ride with 206hdi .... luckily most of the guys who are there are not on the site ... so that its ads do not influence traffic
Hello ... at the boating for half an hour, dead calm, nobody ... if a rather hairy passive guy -50a is interested, am available
Good evening who to suck me on
Who tomorrow morning? because everyone lights up, but no one on site !!
hello, someone tomorrow morning?
Who tonight to get sucked around 10 p.m.
Will be there from 10:30 p.m. to serve as a lope
Good evening ... it's 9 p.m., just arrived in the parking lot ... for a rather passive guy less 50a
Available tonight to suck around 6 p.m. outdoors. On montredon des Corbière in the industrial zone. I suck you and goodbye. Good hygiene is compulsory. Message on site only
Who will be there this evening between 8:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. ...
Hello friends, can someone tell me why I received the notification for several messages but they do not appear in the list of messages attached to this address when we click on them? Did they delete you? for an obscure reason or they were it because too insulting thank you
which at 12.45pm to please
The frustrated can always let off steam but in the meantime, it's a nice couple I met, and very real.
Completely pleasant, it really does not want to go there with people like that !!
How do you want couples or women to frequent cruising places when you see the level of individuals who frequent these places, you scare them and dissuade those who would like to go there .... in any case I would not share my girlfriend with such rascals
Break your teeth but break our balls
Case to follow if there is really a descent to program
good evening tomorrow 3:20 pm I will be down at the pond I suck and I like to pinch my balls I will be in a FIAT blue car
Tomorrow, Tuesday 23 beginning of the afternoon, we would like to meet a couple, a woman or a bi man of mature age or very mature .... for games of 2,3 or 4. Leave MP!
squeeze the tomorrow afternoon noon Monday23 I would like to be sucked and I would like to untrave
Is there a couple tonight?
206hdi with whom I had contact in MP still did not give me the reason for its verbalization so frankly yes if we get caught in front of everyone in action we all risk a fine if our cars are rotten it does you will not miss either but the same if they catch you in the street Or during a simple traffic control, so no exhibition in plain sight there is enough discreet little corner
We plan a visit this Tuesday, June 23 in the early afternoon, only for voyeur and bi ..... Leave mp!
I go there on foot I leave the car further because too much risk since they often go there it's time if
I never said the opposite ... they know all the cruising spots but they don't spend more time at La Nautique than elsewhere. Kissing in the middle of nature is a risk, you just have to hide and not stay in the parking lot in plain sight ... you were doing nothing they didn't verbalize you while 206hdi would have been for no reason ... I'll go please and yes I see them but never been checked there ... By cons I recommend having a car in good condition because they will not miss you if a lamp burnt out
be careful they are there often and they caught 2 people trying to make a 69 so watch out for me I saw!
Sorry we do not verbalize for the simple reason of driving in a place where it is not prohibited
Yes no worries, the police pass from time to time as on all the cruising places without stopping ... bogus message of 206hdi ... the guy wants to freak out some people so that they don't go there anymore
I come back between walk and a pretty tail sucked no cop on the horizon and even so as long as they do not take you in action they do not have to verbalize this site is nickel stop freaking out people for nothing
I do not think the cops verbalize so jute for fun while waiting I would be there early tomorrow Wednesday if anyone of you wants a submissive docile mouth to squirt spit I would be there around 9am welcome insults
Can I find out why femmesalope28 blacklisted me when I didn't even speak to her ???
Someone can confirm the words of 206hdi ... Am very skeptical because 138 € does not exist in the scale of pv and what he says is too big to be true ... Since he is from Trèbes it looks like the guy who permanently insulted the profile "cple sailboat" and which I had asked for the exclusion of the site ... New profile so that this couple no longer goes there as well as those they met ???
hi tomorrow i will be apm in narbonne or can we meet mtn since it sucks with the nautical cops someone knows another quiet coi
There is a risk of being checked on all the cruising places to frequent them often ... the gendarmerie regularly goes to the Paulhan area, the police behind the naturist beach of Cape Town, Villeneuve les B ... just don't get fucked ... I got checked several times, asked for papers and even to Paulhan a gendarme wrote my details in a school notebook surely not legal ... but I never had PV, it is not forbidden to park in a place of cruising ... it is better just to be in order for papers and condition of the car because sometimes they inspect to annoy us ... Say that they have verbalized to Boating because we are walking, so am very skeptical
Good good view that damn boating I offer my cock to suck if interested come privately the jokers or false plans next
"The bastards" or "bastards" of cops, as you say roxanne11, are there just because morons are not able to respect this place and the people who walk there .... as regards to file the sexuality of folks, it's great no matter what .....
What do you think? These assholes of cops they registered a mole on this site all the time to monitor us this country is a real dictatorship now the bastards of cops can add your sexuality on their file when they turn in this parking they raise the license plates. ... castaner gave them full power .......
theslut they stop 2 people i c! so you no longer have to go
attention big decent police avoided said go
I would be there Wednesday June 10. I hope to find some stiff dicks or wet pussies ...
I'm there, very want to be taken care of
Good evening ... on the parking lot for rather passive guy
Want to suck to get caught. I'll be there on June 3 around 3 p.m. ...
Want to go there tonight ....
Anyone tonight? Bi couple? Women..?
I am waiting for you for a nice moment
I'll be there tomorrow Saturday all afternoon, when you enter the parking lot, I will be in the wood on the left side, either lying on a towel or walking rather on the bottom. I will wear panties and sexy stockings, I rather expect mature men to be treated like a bitch. Contact me in mp to make an appointment or discuss.
if a mature man is interested, I can give him by mp my satellite position where I will be on my towel in the wood
I will be there on Saturday afternoon, when you retuurn to the parking lot, I will be in the wood on the left side, either lying on a towel or rather walking on the bottom. I will wear panties and sexy stockings, I rather expect mature men to be treated like a bitch. Contact me in mp to make an appointment or discuss.
very good places but beware of the virus
I go there regularly and I meet each time...and too bad for the km...it's the only place 40km around Beziers where meetings are possible for sure...the cruising spot of Villeneuve, the guys go back and forth without stopping or stay in their car, not to mention the lack of discretion for the cops, the Paulhan area hardly anyone left in the little wood, and Agde no more outside the nature camp... Let's hope that this place endures like this
bonjour, j'y suis allé hier pour la première fois je reste mitiger lieux avec beaucoup de potentiel mais personne n'est venu m aborder sont ils timide. J'étais allonger sur une serviette en jokstrap et un plug dans le cul
Have you ever seen nature places that are exclusively straight for you?
hello, I want to try a double penetration and a cock in the mouth at the same time and if I jerk off two at the same time and one that he films that would be the top kiss I'm waiting for a proposal or something
Hello, looking for a couple or trans… let me know in pm a+
Annick transvestite for active guys this afternoon nautical sector for active guys
We are there with the motorhome for the day
Finally nice this evening at the nautical...the guys seem to be coming back...no work tonight
active research trave nautical parking Wednesday apm around 3 p.m.
Good evening, I will be around 9:45 p.m. in the parking lot for a rather passive guy... or even a threesome
maybe here or at the roundabout of lapalme to make me suck tonight, contact me in pm
Monday 18 from 2 p.m. I will be in slut's dress, short and tight dress stiletto heels, wig and make-up and very bitch underwear suspenders thong and stockings: I am looking for a good male to dominate me and kiss me like a bitch? . leave me private message for appointment .thank you
Good this place of, cruising it died for me the evening ... there are only transvestites ... 4 the day before yesterday, 3 this evening ... apparently their corner of cruising ... If you like, do not hesitate take a look
Good evening ... I'm there right now ... since not many people I will certainly stay there for a while
Who this afternoon to get sucked on?
Tomorrow between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Good evening ... right now at the Nautique .... Possible that I will come back later too
tomorrow I'll be masturbated in my car at 3:20 p.m.
And the rules of distancing?
Impatient to make me bite the nipples and tighten the balls with my hand. Strongly next Wednesday
hello, for info, we blacklist all irresponsible proposing meetings during confinement !!!
I simply asked the webmaster to close his account and that's what he did ... but he will probably reopen as usual
No. If you look he deleted all of his posts. It's called a ballless or a small dick.
OOOOOOOHHHHH YES !! Insults, I adoooooooooooooore !! LOL Without doubt a new effect of the virus ...
Always insults and spelling mistakes.
For those who do not know toak31, it is like this all year round. From time to time he freaks out and then he calms down. We haven't read it in a long time, but I didn't miss it. Especially its spelling which makes my eyes bleed. For the others, stay at home and strongly end the confinement. Good night
He be the conovirus has reached certain spirits
Toak31 lol we tell you that at the moment it is forbidden to go to visit the family and the elderly ....
Toak31 not to be rude I would not comment
@ toak31. That's it. You insult everyone, that's all you can do. Those who tell you the truth, you blacklist them And always the spelling mistakes.
@ toak31 writes French and stop saying bullshit. It’s not the first time you’ve insulted people it’s getting drunk.
Hi looking good squeegee within 30 minute come in mp
Possible meeting this Sunday, March 8 in the morning, a naughty jogging? Leave private message.
Available this Saturday afternoon and / or early evening for bi couple or bi man, oire mele a trav or trans! Leave message!
I'm there, who to get sucked and fucked a little slut in panties and stockings
I'm there to kiss and get sucked by a little slut in panties and stockings
I will be there Friday evening, I will wear stockings and sexy panties to suck beautiful cocks and why not get caught, I get sucked too, I await your proposals on my MP
I really want a good blowjob
I will be there next Friday (March 6) from 19h until late in the evening, I will wear black panties, to suck beautiful tails and why get caught, I like to get sucked too. I await your proposals on my mp
Passing in Narbonne tonight ... not yet decided on the plan receives at the hotel with a very bitch friend or a guy or woman for trio, or several for gang bang, or couple ... send your proposals by mp ... she will make her choice.
hello if couple available I go there with pleasure ..
Good evening, looking for a woman or a couple tonight, Can also receive at the hotel ...
Toak31 Hello, From the moment you protected yourself (condoms), the risks are extremely limited. Practicing libertinism without protection is a risk I'm not willing to take! Moreover, there was no ambiguity about it with cplvoiliersex! Good day to all
Bonsoir, Un grand merci à cplvoiliersex pour ce moment passé ensemble, mais aussi pour leur gentillesse, leur disponibilité et leur façon de penser...AU plaisir de vous recroiser
Hello, Couple or woman available within 10 minutes or in the evening?
hello Marco cocksucking expert will be in La Nautique in late am (circa 17h) .... I want to pump the tail binne ... do not be shy guys ;-)
I am eager to make me suck
Hello Very want to go there is there any woman working trav or good pump in mp thank you
The best is to report it to the webmaster so that he closes his profile
Toak31 pfffff t is who for accused and attack people like his wording !!!! All because he refuses a pathetic pffff plan
Today 13/02 possible to be on this place or elsewhere, I move, seeks bm to pump. Contact MP
Hello ... Passing at La Nautique at 5 p.m. until meeting ... and why not plan with several ...
I really want to get sucked
8:30 p.m. ... again at La Nautique ...
Hello ... late afternoon around 6 p.m. ... possible that I will come back after evening ...
Good evening really want to make me suck this evening 23h
Today 29 possible to be there trying to pump Contact MP
Good evening I'm eager to make me suck
Hi hi present on the trav or woman boating and torque come mp kisses
Active bmtt good looking fucker long trav this evening or torque
From today crossbred pass there in the world?
I am eager to make me suck
If you want to suck me just the camper tap at the door and see
The worlds tonight especially passive ???
I meconnecte of I retuurn around midnight
can receive this night of 1h was late at night for fun sharing
DC I will in the end of the afternoon for CPL or trav.mp
Hello, I will pass at 14:30 14:45 if a mouth or ass trav available let me know ...
me i will need me for assault
titus34500 I totally agree with you! This kind of discussion is unpleasant on the reception but it seems important to point out those dangerous as laguna11_aude49 to prevent users of this site to have disappointments. Several people blacklisted and now I know why!
Hello kids! Who is this afternnon?
Hello I am active man bmtt good fucker long I spend tonight at 21:00 to plan with trav or couple or single woman
Hello, today 02/01 chance or elsewhere around Narbonne seeks to pump Contact MP
31/12 at 10:00 am I'll be there to pump
Hello ... passing around 15h, preference for manly hairy guy rather passive
hello all I want to do my fist to see my limit one's interested in someone that makes me know by email kisses
I have all afternoon to suck cocks and more beautiful, send me messages if you are interested
Cc I'll passage end of the afternoon to empty
I am this afternnon 28/12 chance elsewhere on Narbonne looking guy bm to pump. Contact MP
I'll be there around 17:00 I suck
Good evening, I get home tonight ... women, couples or trav. Contact me
Am ibis Narbonne drive from Perpignan
The world this afternoon? to dump me
DC couple libertine search for available plane in the afternoon. Mp
Good cock sucking for trav or man and another
There trav passive today?
I love showing off my cock in this discreet place. See you this afternoon...
Hello it is 16h I just happen to The Nautical ... the ideal a rather hairy guy passive a little younger than me ...
I am very hot to plan with trav or woman or couple tonight 22h until 23h
want to smash my ass suddenly dildos now or tonight problem I have a roommate with me so I know how to do, give me an idea
Possibly tomorrow morning around 9:30 am, I am available to suck and suck me of course. Who wishes.
Good evening for couples I am available to come in if you recognize pm last night's was a huge pleasure to meet Mr. and Mrs. suplime that a couple special for my first great person
Hello, new passage this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. ....
Good evening ... passage this evening for the Nautical guy rather cocksucking
Offer my dick tells his vien and voi
the world this morning before noon want to pump good insults tail and several welcome
The world whether coming mp
Is there a world between noon and two?
salu world apm has Boating j love woman couple or trave thank you
Hello. Who can get me in Narbonne to 15h?
Jy pass this morning around 10am to suck good cock and show off my ass
Hello ... Am currently in the Nautical ... not many people, if a guy wants to join me?
18h after someone tonight? I CAN STAY JUSQU4A 19H
A couple or a woman between 12 and available 14h? Mp available like me :)
Am to the hotel b and b NARBONNE, woman or couple receives exhibitionism, voyeurism, fondling ... etc in compliance course
With beautiful weather, a couple or an available woman? :)
I am active man bmtt good fucker long to plan with trav or mature woman or couple only if you are interested
Friday 18 evening we will be in a hotel not very far away will there be a couple or a woman to play with us
I went there Friday, Oct 11 around 10am, it's full of mosquitoes, to avoid at this time
we will be in the parking lot of down with the camper this evening and tonight
A little ahead, J am there was 6:15 p.m.
J would be sent to 19h private message ..... if interested (s) ....
Hi, I'm on this Narbonne aprem .... made me an offer ..... kisses
Tonight on 16 volunteers to fill me?
Cuckoo tonight Monday 16 I will be available to the water. Volunteers to fill me?
Good evening tomorrow Monday, September 16 I will be available at 22:30. I'll fill. Y t there any volunteers ?? !!
Fortunately it is only a minority ..
Hello I seek pussy licking
No wonder the police intervention and that the firm places
Hello, this free after m8di, jy am from 16:30 to guy rather passive
C I'd go tonight if it gets busy. Tell me, because I'm passing.
Good evening, I'm available nearby. Gentlemen let me message, I love the plurality male.
Very good corner that I discovered on Wednesday. I hope to retuurn soon offer my holes are filled
Hello, passing around 18h ....
This small survey of the world Wednesday to 23h to complete a whore trav?
Beautiful place where I had the opportunity and the pleasure to meet beautiful tails ... ;-) contact MP for RV on site :-)
Bjrs will surely happen apmidi for small docile smooth ass trav or cpl
Hello, Available today for voyeurism, sex plane .... Though hefty, I am available for women, couples ...
Hello, I'll be there this afternoon around 15h for good trav or women, contact MP to confirm thank you ...
Hot nozzle available for plane kind other than water on me Narbonne Mp
nice place! But if you want to be discreet be careful, a bad guy score all your actions ...
Who gets me Tuesday for an anal deflowering? Rigorous protections for all. Between 20h and 10:15 p.m. ....
Very nice location. Many people this morning
we will be tonight boating, but down with the camper
Boating is vera camping this weekend with my wife
I'll be in Gruissan from tomorrow Tuesday. Very fancy a sex time with an active guy ...
Good evening, available for female exhibitionist couples more ...
hello I receive up to 14h a man to ejaculate on my balls in Narbonne
Hello ... jy am and probably late because not many people at the moment ...
Who will be there tonight?
Seeking a dad to teach me anal, I am a little chubby. Available on 29, I move. We can meet the water and finish at home if feeling.
Tonight Thursday 27 to 22h exhibitionist wife donated to the door to wandering hands and blowjobs Who will be there?
Who that night to suck me
Love me fill several night
great place but more as fuckers ers. tjrs he was there in the world
Hi, jy will be from 15h .... If a guy wants to meet me rather hairy ;-)
Hello .... Who joins me down to map pipes and more ... and more ... plan
Cc. I am in the day of Narbonne and surroundings
I'll be in the water Friday, March 22 at noon, For fans who want to drain
I am going to this, a couple or a beautiful trav?
Someone available tomorrow morning?
Hi! I'm in the large dirt parking lot but I don't know where the places of rascality are!!!???
Q Hello I just get in the car park ...
Debut aprem to pump me ... can other days
This afternoon from 14:30 to ... guy rather passive
Hello ... jy am up at 17:30 ... preference for manly hairy guy passive
I spend a 3:20 p.m. this afternoon want to suck ok if I made the headlight'm fiat 2 men well I came that I not spend remains appeal flagship thank you
Who this afternoon around 15h ...
I liked, jy back Monday around 15:30 .... pref for passive hairy guy
Passing this day 16h to discover this place ...
Who, tomorrow December 3 at 8:00 to 8:15
I pass tomorrow 3:20 p.m. jadore me suck and lick his balls sense pants leg spread
hello after I pass this around 14h if a person has the arboretum before sucking me?
hello which to suck me tomorrow Thursday at 14h trans man woman called me
T Will it be possible to organize a run to this place
hello a couple or a woman or trans this after noon after 15h?
which go tonight from 23h?
11:30 p.m. this evening for sex female couples trans welcome
Tonight, I'll be 1 hour ... if there is a vigorous cock, I take
hello, available a couple for the evening?
Poseur de lapin de premiere classe ! Gentilcoquin11 il a carrement supprimer sa fiche plutôt que de donner une raison de sa non venue .... on se recroisera bien avec son noyveau pseudo ! Heureusement qyelqyes personnes cools sont quand même venus jouer avec nous:-)
For Tuesday 24 aprem, person motivated? It becomes usual ..... we will change place!
We spend Tuesday 25 aprem, but we were camping because rascal, we will lower down by the pond. Parking barred height for DC! Allow private messages.
you're right "moidu11" is often the problem on some cruising areas, and that you find a guy, they come like flies around you, and this sometimes annoying
Hi. The other night I went at dusk, there were several cars, but who was coming out. I would like someone to explain me what's the point to come and stay locked (only) in her car !!! I do not understand !
Hi. The other night I went at dusk, there were several cars, but who was coming out. I would like someone to explain me what's the point to come and stay locked (only) in her car !!! I do not understand !
Christyne is good, we know you will have this place, no need to pollute the mail with your ads, that would be cool. Thank you and good day
No one to suck me in Southern Cross
thank you to my partner on Monday 03/09 at 12 in his vehicle blanc.qu'il recontacts me for rebelote!
this after noon for active guys
I suck smooth sex tonight without blabla.
Hi- I'll take a ride in the parking lot for a exib if not many people
Looking to suck tonight, available until 22h. Either there is another plan. Mp me!
Nobody has to make a detour armissan want to suck and get caught by several guy after all the world can see me getting caught facial swallow these open tonight I am a real lope who wants my number I Go 'm boiling Desuite
I'm lying on a rock to suck
Nice place but dirty c is a pity
I suck cock shaved now or around Narbonne Gruissan 08/01/18
Hi all I know and later urge to empty but tj sent me a message I'm sure yen ki we vied to come to me to finish off
I'll be there tomorrow 07/17/18 11:30 to 12 for reciprocal and even pacifiers plus.me contact here.
Jsui me at home in these armissan beside Narbonne I want to suck these are very shy are going well a devoted wants to get sucked then. Chosen I'm serious I stay connected even 1omin
Bin and there are not many people who want to suck, I'm going
Hello I'll spend this morning around 10 or 10:15
Hello, I do not know, but who's going out there
ch guy to plane exhib night
this after noon arboretum nautical passage for active man
No one to clear my car Southern Cross?
J y am to 14h to make me suck
Sad place around 15h .... 2 cars passing by without stopping ... and a police car that turns ..... blah ....
Couple man receives two games for men before Madame, a hotel nearby. Let mp!
I will pass on Saturday night 03/02 to 21h ...
trav very curvy veritanle tank has juice fecond a chain Friday, November 17 18H A 21H jy be white golf7 bitch to repere you must be active well member and fill me plan juice hard I suck tu soda without 0611622190 top
Cc. Tomorrow during the day for pleasures of Narbonne and around
hello, I do not know that this corner to accompany me and introduce me to this practice endroit.le morning or afternnon to know everything sucks and soda.
Hello we are a couple for woman or couple is a discreet and nice place we hope to make meeting soon
galley is the evening to work fast because Southern Cross
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