National forest of ferns


Cruising spot gay & straight in Landéan

proposed by jihel  (16/02/2021)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Landéan
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Several forest trails in the forest of Ferns gather several couples and bi men in day and evening summer and winter side of the place said Chênedet near the equestrian center and pond on the beach. Very quiet. The forest is between Fern and Landéan and is crossed by the D177. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
35133 Landéan

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D 177, Landéan, Fougères-Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France métropolitaine, 35133, France