Meadow and woods along the road

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Saint-Laurent-Chab.
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Park along the path then continue on foot on the path The place is on the edge of the meadow. Thank you for indicating your coming and your presence through the site.
Address :
Rue de la Vendage
43100 Saint-Laurent-Chabreuges

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Saint-Laurent-Chabreuges, Brioude, Haute-Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France métropolitaine, 43100, France
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19/11/2024 in 10h50
En après midi la semaine recherche lieux de ballade forêt par exemple afin que plusieurs vicieux cherchent à m isolé puis dominer, contactez par message

06/11/2024 in 17h29
Hello, weekday afternoons I look for places, paths or forests where there could be several vicious domi offering me a walk, then playing their role of vicious and unrestrained master. Answer on my messaging because I am not always connected.

29/10/2024 in 09h09
During the day Looking for places to go for a walk to meet a small group of vicious people and doms who want to offer a walk in the forest or another place and then impose yourself on me....I'll come to you 43 63 or 15. Look at my profile then leave me a message with details.

25/10/2024 in 10h51
Looking for a small group of vicious walkers who want to offer me a walk in the woods, read my profile, I'll travel, contact me by message

22/10/2024 in 10h57
Looking for a small group of masters offering me a walk in the woods, I will travel, read my search, contact by message

03/09/2024 in 21h12
Available tomorrow if there are several of you masters there or elsewhere?

24/08/2024 in 18h58
Hi I'm in slut mode

23/07/2024 in 15h22
Hello, is this spot exclusively gay or are there sometimes women or couples looking for straight guys? THANKS

03/11/2023 in 19h01
Ce aire de rencontres est totalement vide de personnes sur place depuis hier soir et pas une âme qui vive

09/10/2023 in 12h23
Bonjour, Disponible en après midi sur ce lieu cette semaine