j'y serais demain soir (samedi 1er mars) à partir de 20h, des mecs chaud ??? envie de plan suce à plusieurs, des grosses éjacs et voir plus
Hi I will try to be this afternoon around 1:30pm to suck a cock and swallow its juice
Are there any welcoming mouths?
Anyone out there right now?
Anyone today to suck me off?
Hi everyone, see you Sunday 12-01-25 at 5am to get gangbanged by all sizes of delicious cocks with anal×facial ejaculation I will be your sex object
Anyone here this afternoon?
Right now I really want to get sucked off
J’y suis passé ce jour, merci au mec en laguna noir pour le super moment! Si tu te reconnais au plaisir!!!
Coucou j’y serai demain matin vers 7h05 pour sucer une queue et avaler son jus 207
People for a good blowjob to give me
Anyone out there right now?
A woman or a trans couple in the area tonight
I'm here to suck a cock deep, I swallow hummm
I'll take a little ride there this afternoon on my motorbike.
Who's up for a dogging plan tonight?
On the other hand, the weather is not at all conducive to this.
Who wants to have fun with us today, contact us in mp
I went there this afternoon completely naked in the forest
people tonight, I'm going from around 9pm
Hello, available to work there, send me a message if interested.
I will be there on August 1st around 10am to suck and swallow juice
No retuurn plan cancelled for tonight
Available Tuesday evening, will there be people?
Anyone here this afternoon?
Saturday evening I'm going back home to Vendée. I might stop at Les Essarts for a quick dogging before continuing on my way. I think I'll pass by around 10 p.m. but I'll confirm.
Receive woman or couple this week
Thanks to the two guys yesterday for their nice cock and their juice, great time I'm going back this evening around 9 p.m., plan mutual jerk and suck, cumshot and see more, not against having anal ?????
tonight around 9:30 p.m. are any guys available? jerk off and suck plan, see more
I'm there any hot guys???
Cc I arrived on the spot on the path next to the motorway bridge
Hi guys I will be in the Essarts forest D132, 76530 Grand-Couronne GPS point 49.338290, 0.997493 the little path next to the Dacia green estate motorway bridge I will be on the path this afternoon on July 1 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. for direct plans for dominant male Direct plans no blah blah I like forced blowjobs crude words poppers good sodomy spanking and deep throat on the other hand any cock protects blowjobs and sodomy obligatory....no blah blah... Who is available
I will be there Thursday and Friday during the day to empty you
I'll be there tomorrow Saturday around 9:30 p.m., any nice juicy cocks available???
People today late in the afternoon?
Coming next week to check it out...
Is the area open this evening??? I really want to go
So want to make me suck?? volunteers??
Anyone out today and tonight?
Hello, I'm having an active guy at the hotel this evening. I am round, 100% passive and docile.
Who is this beautiful person seen yesterday around 4 p.m. in a camper van?
Hello, je reçois un mec actif a l'hôtel lundi soir. Je suis rond, 100% passif et treeees docile.
Je pense passer ce midi vers 13 h
of the world today I pass around 11am and then around 3pm
I'll be there Monday night around 8pm, any guys up for Monday?
J’y passe de temps en temps. Je kiff tomber sur des mecs pantalons baissé qui montre queue et cul. Y a de mieux pour mettre l’ambiance direct. C’est mieux que les mecs qui tournent sans rien faire.
I'm going there in a moment. I really want to empty myself.
Discovered this place not long ago, I went there 3 times and each time several encounters with beautiful cocks, top it has become my new sex place, I will be there several times this week
Hello tomorrow Sunday April 7 I am available for transvestite I am passing through I am very real I am available for transvestite I travel to this cruising area or elsewhere contact me in private
I'll be by tomorrow afternoon. Feel free to contact me by PM.
Qui de disponible cette après midi j' ai trop envie de me faire baisé et de sucer de bonnes queues. Réponse et je me déplace en camping car
I will be there Tuesday 06/2 around 10am
Who's young tomorrow from 2:30 p.m. I want to suck some good fresh cock
I will be there Friday 12/29 in the morning in a jockstrap. I like facial cumshots. See you tomorrow
Je serai jeudi 28/12 en matinée en jockstrap . J’aime les ejac faciales . À demain
Hello, who is meeting people through this site? Thanks
Bonjour, j’y suis actuellement N’hésitez pas
Young people tomorrow 28/11 between 11am and 2pm?
Tomorrow Tuesday 28/11 all morning and certainly in APM, I will be present in this exceptional place, a unique opportunity to meet us in person. I have had the privilege of meeting extraordinary people during my previous visits, and I look forward to adding your name to this prestigious list. I am excited to share my diverse talents with you, an experience that I am confident will be enriching for us all. Don't miss this unforgettable chance to join us for a day that promises to be memorable.
I wanted to thank these many cocks who pounded my holes in order to relieve and empty them during my stay. I will inform you about our next meetings with you and my new partners. I will try to coordinate our schedules, even if it proves difficult, because I think it is worth it.
Bonjour, je serai à votre disposition le jeudi 23/11 jusqu’au samedi en journée pour les bites de passage pour vidange la chaine ou en groupe Je serai ici ou à coter de l école de police tt dépendra de l’influence Venez me parler en Privé Bises
Hi guys, I'll be at the essart tonight dressed as a slut to get fucked around 10pm tonight and I'm looking for a well-hung black guy
Exit Cléon parking towards Renault for the night, wait for a bite
Coucou, du monde ce soir ? Dans la nuit je serais totalement à poil en voiture
Cc I will be there tomorrow morning Saturday 26, Sunday 27 and Monday 27/08.
Hello I'm a trucker I'm here for the night
Cc les mâles je serai à disposition le jeudi aujourd'hui le 15/06/2023 de 14h30 as 16h30 pour les mâle actif en mode abatage pour les queue de passage pour vidange en mode chienne par contre fellations et sodo capote obligatoire en mode vidange la chaine Groupe de mec accepté... Je serai ici ou éventuellement à a coter de l école de police sa dépend du monde sur place
Cc males I will be available on Thursday 06/15/2023 around 2:30 p.m. for active males in slaughter mode for passing tails for emptying in bitch mode, on the other hand, blowjobs and soda hood obligatory in emptying mode the chain if you have any info on the road barred please notify me by private message.. Group of guys accepted...
Cancelled diversion in place
Hi my big delicious cocks see you Friday 26th around 9:30 p.m. to get gangbanged the more cocks there are for me to ravage my little ass the happier I will be until Friday write me a message
Hello my darlings I will be at the essart on Friday 26-05-23 from 10 p.m. until Saturday I need to get gangbanged by huge cocks especially blacks even whites I will be in a white truck dressed in a pink bikini with heels with a dildo in my ass
Hello I will be passing through Rouen on Saturday evening and Sunday all day I am looking for transvestite or transexual only I have been experienced for more than 20 years I am only active and strictly without any taboos I give my telephone number in private
Who available tomorrow noon between 12 pm and 14 pm? For plan sucks….
I'll be there this morning at 7 a.m. to quickly suck a cock thoroughly (I swallow) I'll be parked in reverse 207, trunk open, at the entrance to the forest on the left coming from the Essarts antenna, except rain
I can be there in 20-30 minutes from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday to empty beautiful tail(s), and/or get empty too
Notice to the big cock I will be at the essart on 6-01-23 around 11 p.m. until the morning to get fucked wildly even in a gangbang I love good huge cocks to feel their juices in me I will be in a truck big kisses on worth tails
I'll be there Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. to suck a cock thoroughly (I swallow) quickly I'll be parked in reverse, trunk open, at the entrance to the forest on the left coming from the Essarts antenna
A woman or a couple tonight in the area?
People tonight? After 8 p.m....
I'm there! Not great world
hello for couple or woman this afternoon for exibition answer me in pm
Who's available in the young people tomorrow between 12 am and 14 pm? PM if available
hello who available for a nice moment with bi couples or women leave a message
Cc je passerai aujourd'hui vers 18h30 19h pour faire un petit tour pour voir si il y a des mâle de disponibilités....ici petit chemin après le pont d autoroute et sur le lieux de l école de police aussi je pense
Hello looking for bi couples for sexes leave private message
Cc Sonia petite trav passive soumise 170 75 kg pour demain après midi au essarts pour plans directe avec si possible plusieurs actif bien monter ...je naviguerais entre les deux lieu habituel...sur la gauche après les campings car ou sur le chemin juste après le pont....ou rdv avec mec Tout rapport capot obligatoire fellations compris
We would like to organize a good plan on Saturday, May 07th of the picnic orgy genre, so we are looking for active and passive bi men as well as possibly one or more couples, if interested and really available, do not hesitate to let us know.
hello I will be present tomorrow Saturday April 2 and Sunday 3 on this cruising spot and I receive in Rouen Zenith Hotel for trav and trans slut please contact me in private for more details
CPL is available this afternoon
Events created nearby for March 11
We like to organize there, gangbang, or dogging, let us know!
Passing through Monday evening and Tuesday evening 7 and 8/03/2022
Hello. Of the world this afternoon
I go there almost every day around 5:30 a.m.
I'll be there Monday, December 13 from 7:05 to 7:15 to suck a smelly cock and swallow his juices.
I will be there Monday, November 22 in the morning from 7:05 to 7:25 to suck a cock, I swallow.
I'm currently there to suck I'm very greedy
Seeking submissive with welcoming mouth and/or hole for this AM at 4 p.m.
I'm looking for volunteers to come and fuck my submissive on Friday and sprinkle him with juice, I will take photos and videos, contact us by message, thank you. Of course I also participate.
hello, I show myself on Saturday evening forest of the essarts
Plan canceled given the heat, we're going to swim
Well, I think I'm going to take a motorcycle ride to Les Essarts this afternoon.
Nous y serons sûrement cette aprèm (dimanche 10), a partir de 15h a dispo pour des mecs bi actif, pour jouer avec nous dites : " Greg soumis ?" Ne soyez pas timide, nous n'y allons pas pour ramasser des champignons !! N'oubliez pas sortez couvert !!!!
And yes gentlemen, wearing a condom!!! For us it is obligatory especially during shots with strangers!!!
Couple available from 14 to 20 only in the afternoon or early evening for bi active guys, send us your proposals, we will answer!
passive276 yes it's stupid, not everyone is clean there are not many who do medical checks get well soon
Jeannem Unfortunately yes I got screwed... luckily I'm followed every 3 months so it's good!
déjà qu'il y a des tiques dans les bois alors maintenant la syphilis c'est le dérèglement du climat. passif276 tu t'es fait plomber ?
Be careful, syphilis hangs out in the woods. Pay attention !
I'm back ... waiting for a woman or a couple ...
I'm not far from the police academy ... naked in my cabin or outside
correction given the risk of storm finally I will not be there
I will be there around 6 p.m. this Wednesday in slut mode I offer my pussy and my mouth for good hard cocks
hello I'll be this afternoon Thursday who joined me
Hello I can receive bi couple for the whole evening on the grand quevilly
Hello a bi couple for 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Light gray polo shirt
Young people today around 5:00 p.m.?
Yes there are people until around 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Are there people now during COVID?
Any hot guys this afternoon ??
Hello everyone, I'm going this afternoon to 14.30. I do not know this place. Could you tell me where I have to go exactly. Wait in the car or go to the wood under? is this the way to the left as shown in the plan? Thank you for your answers
Well I was not supposed to go but in the end not disappointed this afternoon, I left with cum everywhere, he has a divine tail, we put it back on when you want but next time you dislocate me, hummmm a delight, if you recognize wave blue car bg
Saturday, April 6 transvestite slut looking for exibe see contact me privately
Are til couple or femmedemain debutapre twelve o'clock Message pv
I would be cuckoo tomorrow 10/10 around 16:30 car, shoes skirt tights masturbating and sucking
charming meeting yesterday afternoon in the forest plan with beaugoss white car on the tree stump if you know you do sign I'm in
that lime me late after noon that day
Vien Friday night would jy
Will spend Friday night I am passive and submissive Avis has all the assets cho dominant and well I will come with my sheet and lengthen m above until you Come view information send me message mp
jy tonight around 22:30 am
hello, world tonight to my mouth and my ass?
jy was the last night I was there at least 5 sucks cocks, got caught 3 times, jy went often, but tonight was the top c
As is better, I'll be late tonight at the end of the road, at the Carrefour de l'Etoile, down the road.
This would 22h evening jy
Someone that night about 2 am in the morning?
Passing through Sunday (High Savoy) ea soft shot well exib guy - 50 years, mean ??????
Tonight 22h.cheche to guys for turning me prendre.aime
Tomorrow morning around 6:30 to suck me ??
I think it be this evening about 1 hour
Mouth and ass welcoming this soir.je looking man or couple for me dredde
Transvestite csoir for group hommes.laisse message if interesse.le May 26
Ki available this afternoon
I vied to suck a nice cock ...
J there would minuit.j tonight to have a little lope to your many available .Come
Someone tonight on Rouen?
Who tonight to kiss trvestie.vrai lope.j have tails hunger
Saturday, June 23, around 23h / midnight I shall make available muscled masochistic under the bridge Flaubert in Rouen. I will also be with a real big cock 22cm black domi. the masochistic will establish and direct motherfucker. voyeur, couples Straight, Gay
Quequ one tonight traveste chaude.plan several ok
jy pass in the morning around 6am
this place is pretty poor, dsl
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