In the forest of Senonches


Cruising spot gay in Senonches

proposed by lopevdc  (19/04/2017)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Senonches
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Senonches management Magnifier D25 before the train bridge in turn to turn right, the magnifier towards Senoches, the D25 over the bridge of the train into the turn, then first left, gravel road. Take the graveled path and monitor and on the deck, small roundabout, easy to access. Easy to park, discreet because a little away from the road, accessible by any vehicle, authorized location. The trucks can park at the entrance of the road on the D25 and go on foot. Little corners possible that small way in the thickets on the right side when you arrive on the roundabout, even more discreet.
Address :
Route de Francqueville
28250 Senonches

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Unnamed Road, 28250 Senonches, France