Guindreff basin, Saint-Nazaire

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Saint-Nazaire
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
a very nice place to walk, do some sport on the fitness trail equipped with fitness equipment and possibly make very nice meetings
Address :
Échangeur de Cran Neuf
44600 Saint-Nazaire

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38 Route des Bassins, 44600 Saint-Nazaire, France
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18 d. ago
Du monde dispo lundi matin entre 8h15 et 9h30 ? Me déplace n’importe où sur St Nazaire pour plan à l’abri des regards et de la météo (préférence van, utilitaire, vitres teintées ou autre…) Proposition en mp.

24/02/2025 in 08h08
Si tu as un véhicule oú s’abriter des regards, je peux ce lundi matin pour plan suce, entre 8h30 et 9h30 n’importe où sur St Nazaire. Me déplace si réponse en mp

26/01/2025 in 22h34
If you have a vehicle to shelter from the weather and prying eyes, I can tomorrow morning (Monday) between 8am and 9:30am anywhere in St Nazaire. Reply in pm

23/01/2025 in 07h10
Finally possible between 8 and 9:30. Meeting place and time in pm.

23/01/2025 in 06h12
Someone to suck me between 8 and 9am this morning? If you have a van, utility vehicle or vehicle with tinted windows In short, hidden and sheltered, here or elsewhere in St Nazaire

03/10/2024 in 18h13
No one in the evening or at night in the parking lot opposite Cargil? Really want to empty myself..

23/02/2024 in 16h37
Anyone now?

28/05/2023 in 18h24
A couple or a woman in the fresh air

21/12/2022 in 18h51
People in the next few days from 2:30 p.m.

22/11/2022 in 10h37
Quelqu'un pour me sucer vers 17h mercredi

… history