Gardens of the City Hall


Cruising spot gay in Rouen

proposed by hotsucker69  (03/08/2019)

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Type : Public garden gay
City :  Rouen
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In the park behind the City Hall and the Abbey Saint-Ouen, that drag a little late night on sunny days, a little less in the winter. Meetings are mainly in the small wood just behind Saint-Ouen and around the fountain. Ideal for its tranquility and relative security. Other parts of the park are run by groups of young revelers, but do not interfere dredgers.
Address :
Rue de l'Abbé de l'Épée
76000 Rouen

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Abbatiale Saint-Ouen, Rue des Faulx, Croix de Pierre, Quartier Saint-Marc / Croix de Pierre / Saint-Nicaise, Rouen, Sein
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04/08/2023 in 19h34
C'est un peu normal, c'est un parc avec pas mal de familles, de SDFs (ces temps-ci), mais il peut arriver qu'on fasse des rencontres impromptues. Mais c'est surtout le soir dès la tombée de la nuit qu'il y a plus de chances.

04/08/2023 in 05h43
During the day it's the desert

04/03/2022 in 19h56
Well want to go there tonight to pump some tails.

23/11/2021 in 17h40
It happens like in all places of cruising.... You turn, observe... If you are shy and not comfortable to take the 1st step, settle down on a quiet bench and let it come... I suggest the benches at the top of the hill, just above the statue of Verhaeren. Without having to move or ask, you can even open your fly, trouser button, which will be perceived as an invitation.

23/11/2021 in 17h08
I would like to go there to empty myself tomorrow evening, someone to explain to me how it goes?

13/11/2021 in 20h12
I confirm... It turns a little. Want to go back later at night

13/11/2021 in 20h02
A lot of mpnde, this evening... Quite astonishing, even...

19/10/2021 in 22h47
J'ai l'impression que ça revit un peu. Quelques belles rencontres en soirée, à la nuit tombée jusque tard, et même une totalement inattendue vers 6h du matin.

18/09/2021 in 16h10
And if there is no one, I am often available to relieve the frustrations of the night or the morning, I live next door.

18/09/2021 in 15h58
Good to know ... I'll take a look

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