Forest of valmasque: Forest road Jas Bondy


Cruising spot gay in Valbonne

proposed by Lockedman06  (18/06/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Valbonne
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Road access to the park. The place and referenced to the end of the road many guys looking. Given the proximity to Sophia Antipolis, meetings are more hours, entrances, exits office or between noon and two. Avoid Wednesday afternoon and weekend (Family)
Address :
Foret de la Valmasque : Route Forestière du Jas Bondy
06560 Valbonne

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10/11/2024 in 16h50
I will try to join Sophia and will be a sexy girl......

10/11/2024 in 13h28
Envie d'y faire un tour ce soir! Qui me rejoint ou m'accompagne ?

09/11/2024 in 09h14
A time to do some doging this weekend!

14/10/2024 in 11h41
Hello, I am looking for an amateur photographer/videographer for our personal books DISCRETION

03/09/2023 in 23h52
Entrée dans le parking des mines juste après l entrée du stade de la valmasque après le chenil mardi après-midi j’y serai 14 h16 h Ici (43.6028406, 7.0413375)

02/09/2023 in 14h01
I went there and yes met people at the entrance to the Valmasque stadium departmental 35 opposite the mines parking lot

15/08/2023 in 17h59
...oui, l'entrée est fermée ...en attendant la réouverture, les coquins se rabattent sur le parking de la Piste de la mine situé une 100aine de mètres à l'Est de l'entrée du stade, c'est le nouveau lieu de rencontre

01/08/2023 in 06h16
Closed until further notice. You must go to the parking lot after the SPA in the opposite direction to the stadium entrance or to the parking lot towards Vallauris.

31/12/2022 in 08h47
Hello people this morning

07/12/2022 in 12h12
Hello what to do this afternoon?

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