Fenouillet range along the Garonne

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Beauzelle
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Along the Garonne, succession of small beaches under the trees, peaceful and busy to day, especially the weekend, sunbathing, lounging, swimming, and discretion. Take the small road lined with plane trees and leave the car at the parking lot of the sports fields. then head towards the Garonne and continue to the right where there is a succession of small beaches about 1 km.
Address :
Rue de la Plage
31150 Beauzelle

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Grand Ramier (Fenouillet), Rue de la Plage, Barricou, Résidence de la Molle, Beauzelle, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Occitan
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14 d. ago
The caravans are back.... :-(

25/09/2024 in 11h18
Anyone in the woods in front of the stadium this afternoon? Really want to suck or even mutual blowjob

27/08/2024 in 18h33
I was there on Saturday, there were a lot of people

27/08/2024 in 16h20
J'y suis passé vendredi et dimanche, c'était presque désert....

12/08/2024 in 22h00
L'un des rares endroits où il est encore possible de se baigner à poil, en effet.

12/08/2024 in 13h41
Oui ça chauffait bien! J’avais du mal à trouver le coin au frais! Mais c’est vraiment agréable de pouvoir se baigner la Garonne est bien chaude en ce moment. En tout cas j ai hâte d’y retourner

12/08/2024 in 06h48
titicam, indeed, having passed by to visit the area at the end of the afternoon, there were many people taking advantage of a very warm sun.

12/08/2024 in 02h05
Very good swimming day in Fenouillet, a few people but we still had space to sit. I hope to retuurn soon

10/08/2024 in 01h09
Yesterday it was open and there were people there to fool around

09/08/2024 in 17h40
I was told that it was becoming difficult to swim here and that there were checks, is this true or just to scare people?

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