Fac Jussieu - Toilets tower No. 65


Cruising spot gay in Paris

proposed by kuhtfes  (29/11/2013)

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Type : Public toilets gay
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Dredge essentially round 56 at -1 or -2 for quiet toilet and under floor otherwise dark when we arrive at the main entrance, go right and follow along the street until Jussieu pillar No. 65. Go to first sub- ground, and there, directly to the left (disabled toilet), first toilet door open and seconds toilet a little right door thrust with inscription "Mixed", where a central toilet of the nozzle and two side cabins including one on the right is larger and may close. Glory hole. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
8-10 Rue Cuvier
75005 Paris

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8-10 Rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
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11 d. ago
Anyone out this afternoon? I might go for a walk around 4pm

12 d. ago
Is the glory hole still happening? I'd like to go check it out tomorrow.

28/06/2024 in 12h04
Hi, are these places still relevant at the university?

21/02/2024 in 11h03
Have the Glories reopened? Or are the security guards still very present?

17/12/2023 in 22h14
Hello, is this place still active?

02/12/2023 in 23h47
Hi, I feel like this place is over...

01/12/2023 in 08h50
I would like to go back and get sucked in GH but the last time I went there (about 1 year ago) security guards were hanging around and doing rounds regularly, checking everything, and as said above I don't want to end up in the police station for a sex story, so unless someone here confirms that this has changed this place has become dead or very difficult to access

30/11/2023 in 22h40
Hi, is there a guy who still goes to tower 65?

30/11/2023 in 18h19
Who goes to this place?

17/03/2023 in 14h02
Who is there today?

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