Etang City to Denis Bouguenais

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Bouguenais
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The City to Denis around the pond in the woods instead of Dating, couples.
Address :
Route des Parachutistes
44340 Bouguenais

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Route des Parachutistes, 44340 Bouguenais, France
    » After the waste in Bouaye
    » Site ballue rock
    » Forest Road Bouaye.
    » The city Denis
    » Carpool area in Bouguenais
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14/05/2024 in 23h24
De passage a l hotel de l aeroport de Nantes pour cette nuit. Envie de me faire sucer vider et lécher le cul, dispo des mtn

24/05/2023 in 18h09
Oui, ils ont obtenu que les "libertins" disparaissent ! Du coup ils ont le parc pour eux seul, puisque personne ne vient plus simplement s'y promener en l'absence de stationnement. Chapeau

24/05/2023 in 17h52
I confirm that it is not recommended, there are many police patrols and the residents of Ville au Denis are not particularly tolerant.

24/05/2023 in 14h44
They have banned parking and according to the latest news, the police patrol regularly. I don't recommend this spot now.

24/05/2023 in 14h37
Comment on fait on ce gare ou ? c'est interdit de stationner partout ça a l'air d'être un peu compliqué ce lieu

19/05/2023 in 08h53
I'm there this time from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

13/08/2021 in 20h24
this site and all the surrounding streets are now prohibited from parking with severe rounds by the gendarmerie. An association of residents of La ville au Denis have obtained this status. So be careful with the opening in summer of the children's holiday center

09/08/2021 in 21h29
Good evening rascals .... When is the best time to naughty there? At lunch time ? In the afternoon ? At the start of the evening ? The night ? Give me your opinion, I think to visit it soon. Kisses.

11/05/2021 in 15h43
I try it in the afternoon .... do not hesitate to contact me privately

10/05/2021 in 21h43
I'll be around tomorrow so Passive available for mouth, anal or facial emptying of your choice. At the recycling center or town at Denis. I would spend it in the aprem. But if you want to be on dating go MP

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