Cale Beautour in Vertou


Cruising spot gay in Vertou

proposed by pipeur29  (14/06/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Vertou
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Go to Cale Beautour in Vertou and park by car. Longer walk the road of Cale Beautour. Go to below the bridge N844 device. Under the bridge, turn right take the small road that goes to the Sevre. And in the woods on the left, there are things going on in the day and evening ....
Address :
37 Rue de la Cale
44120 Vertou

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37 Rue de la Cale, 44120 Vertou, France
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28/08/2024 in 16h28
I'm going to go there tonight, I hope it's accessible

13/05/2024 in 15h04
inf1, you mean it's finished for this site? We can no longer access it?

12/05/2024 in 18h04
It is finally closed

10/05/2024 in 07h18
Hi, I'm in Vertou tonight, which is available (I should point out that I'm without my sweetheart)

01/05/2024 in 14h56
Never anyone on this place

19/03/2024 in 22h57
Des jeunes minets dans le coin ce mercredi 20 mars? Je reçois jmek débutant a Rezé en soirée a l hôtel. Me contacter en mp

10/10/2023 in 14h51
I wanted to go through it but there is a barrier

08/10/2023 in 08h22
Passing by yesterday, it seems that a fence is being put up to prevent access to the woods...

02/10/2023 in 13h32
I went there this afternoon, it's very muddy and impassable

06/09/2023 in 16h35
I just got there. To find me these simple. Cross the bridge and at the entrance to a first path on the left I am at the very bottom

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