Le lieu a déjà eu a faire a l'interdiction et aux contrôles mais a toujours perduré..il y avait déjà une dizaine de personnes la semaine dernière..
It's always easier to control peaceful nudists than guys who set fires! Bravo France ... (I understand the owner but there are other solutions in my opinion) Another beautiful place destined to disappear?
Where did you get the info?
INFO! new decree on this place, it will be controlled from this year. Parking will be prohibited at NEVY rue de la gravière and at the entrance to the woods where up to 50 vehicles have been counted on sunny days, disturbing the owners of the fields and homes, "naturists prohibited" signs will also be installed throughout the site. and all this regularly controlled by the gendarmerie! the end of tranquility ...
Very attracted to young suckers aged 20 to 30 maximum
I would be there regularly during the week during the day.
Looking to jerk off the Christmas log
Voyeur man looking to watch gay, bi or straight couples in sexual action, just for the pleasure of the eyes and to masturbate while watching them
If on December 25th at the end of the afternoon, some people want to put the little Jesus in the crib, my crib will be open, and to be quiet I suggest you receive your little (or big) Jesus Leave me a pm