Beach at a place called Stone Bridge on the River Eyrieux

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Saint-Fortunat-sur.
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Place discreet naturist beach at a place called Stone Bridge on the River Eyrieux. Take cover and do not let your Presos drag to keep the place clean.
Address :
Lieu-dit Mas de Pourchaire
07360 Saint-Fortunat-sur-Eyrieux

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Le Pourchaire, 07360 Saint-Fortunat-sur-Eyrieux, France
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03/08/2024 in 08h53
I will be passing through the Eyrieux valley early this Saturday evening, anyone active in the area?

27/07/2024 in 10h08
Pour les curieux et chanceux, madame sera aujourd'hui en train de se baigner dans la zone (plus précisément, non loin du lieu appelé "falaise verte") Approchez là gentiment, si son humeur s'y prête la suite peut être cool

05/06/2024 in 06h37
Sunbathing outing cancelled this afternoon...sorry another time.

01/06/2024 in 11h01
Small full tan session for couples and why not a little sex Wednesday 5 fifteenth 11 at 4 p.m.

12/10/2023 in 19h52
Merci à la personne H qui donné beaucoup de plaisir à Madame ce mercredi et jeudi. Me contacter pour nouvelle rencontre.

25/08/2023 in 13h55
Well apparently I didn't find any vehicle access, you have to take the dolce vita on foot

25/08/2023 in 13h28
Hello everyone, could someone tell me how to get there? I tried to search and I came across a path where there is a beach sign but I don't know where the naturist place is, thanks for your answers!

17/08/2023 in 17h10
I'll be there tomorrow late morning for a little while if a woman or a couple wants to bring me a little company, send pm

07/07/2023 in 10h41
This afternoon, I'm going to sit by the river, naked, submissive, ready to suck and be fucked

24/06/2023 in 23h36
I'll be there tomorrow, June 25, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. if anyone is interested.

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