Beach and dune The Limit (Lous Lamanch south between Pyla and Biscarosse)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Biscarrosse
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Wild ocean nudist beach and dune back with small clearings closed and narrow paths. Access from the small parking lots and runways entries along the D218, just north of the boundary with the Landes Biscarosse, then firewalls or paths (not always easy) walk to the sea. Hetero couples in demo the beach naked gentlemen everywhere, top of the dune forest behind or just to conclude the meetings between guys. Turn apparently especially the day in good weather, attendance depending on the season and weather. Appendix quiet Lagoon in fact. Warning on the beach: surfers (right corner), walkers and families who spend time without stopping along the water.
Address :
Unnamed Road
33260 Biscarrosse

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Unnamed Road, 33260 Biscarrosse, France
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3 d. ago
Bjr j serait cette après midi envoyé moi un message en mp merci

15/08/2024 in 15h15
I'm here... is there anyone coming this afternoon?

11/08/2024 in 14h39
Anyone for a blowjob plan between 2pm and 4pm between the dune and the woods?? Send PM.

13/12/2023 in 13h37
Who is available this afternoon?

22/08/2023 in 19h41
Bonsoir, jeune couple cherche a s'amuser ce soir

22/08/2023 in 13h34
Who passes tomorrow Wednesday or Thursday… looking for nice exhib plan; o)

18/08/2023 in 17h03
I'm here, I'm just before the firewall and it's pretty quiet!

18/08/2023 in 14h10
Je vais y passer cet après midi. J’espère croiser quelque personnes pour plan exhib sympa. Est ce que quelqu’un peux me dire où il faut stationner exactement pour y accéder facilement ?

24/10/2022 in 06h49
bjr,,passif viril je serai nu ds dunes ou plage pour actifs sympa cho,, mardi 25 octobre 12h;;; serviette orange,, casquette verte

23/10/2022 in 09h33
I went there last Thursday, for my last naturist outing of the year (regular at La Lagune, Crohot, La Jenny). There I did not know (I already took 30 minutes to find out how to get there from the parking lot :-) ). Two naturists 30 m apart, I pose innocently 30 m from the first. Once naked I will ask him what is the fastest way to reach the parking lot and come back to my place. 20 minutes later I'm cold and put my t-shirt back on. The guy comes, I tell him it's too cold and I'm leaving. He puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs it a little, as if to warm me up. I understand immediately, kneel down and take it in the mouth. I ended up getting banged behind a mini dune and cumming in her mouth. A perfect speed dating: we do not take the lead,

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