7:11 p.m. local tide crossing.....
Hi,EXIB bi, blowjob and anal for shaved pussies and cocks this 12/3/2025 on the dirt road full of holes until late tonight.Loud and hard cocks appreciated......
Anyone out tonight around 11pm?
Passive I am looking for active guys! to empty this weekend September 28 and 29 between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. Or other active guys all sizes, old young, Arab Beur Blavk Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave message thank you
Y a il Des mecs actifs ! à vider ce vendredi 27 soir entre saint chamond (42) et givors (69) chasse sur rhone. Ou autres mecs actif tout gabarit ,vieux jeunes ,arabe beur blavk turc ou autres qui peuvent recevoir pour me baiser laissez message merci
je cherche travelos bonne cochonne pour lundi matin dans mon camion contacte message privée bisous
Hello Y a il Des mecs actifs ! à vider ce vendredi 27 soir entre saint chamond (42) et givors (69) chasse sur rhone. Ou autres mecs actif tout gabarit ,vieux jeunes ,arabe beur blavk turc ou autres qui peuvent recevoir pour me baiser laissez message merci
Hello looking for bi couple to fuck me like a slut I travel available all day answer me in private message
Truckers to empty this weekend September 15th? Passing through or on a break between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone. Or other active guys of all sizes, old young, Arab, Beur, Blavk, Turkish or others who can receive to fuck me leave a message
Hello, anyone nearby who just wants to get sucked?
Saturday July 27th from 1:30 p.m. Givors St Chamond area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well before!!! .to your cocks
Good evening, is there anyone who can suck me off?
Sector 69 south and 42 south Hi is there. truckers blocked this Sunday July 21 to fuck me in southern Lyon (hunting on Rhone, Givors, St Chamond, St Etienne) other guys all types Arab black mixed race all ages welcome move me
Wednesday EVENING May 29 Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and spit a cock.....see more.... leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Pour ce WEEK du 25 et 26 mzi secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous
Vendredi 24. MAI AU SOIR secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous
This WEDNESDAY MAY 22 IN THE EVENING Givors St Chamond area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well before!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place
Hi who will be available tomorrow Wednesday late morning? PM message no more than 50 years old thank you. I can move around Sainté St Chamond
Between Givors, St Chamond, St Etienne, looking for guys, Truck drivers stuck this weekend May 12 in their truck to empty. Or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Enter Givors, St Chamond, St Etienne, looking for guys, Truckers stuck this weekend May 12 in their truck to empty. Or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Secteur givors st chamond st etienne cherches des mecs de passage ,Routiers bloques ce 1 er Mai dans leur camion a vider. Ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous
Sunday April 14. Givors St Chamond St Etienne area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place
Friday April 12 evening in the Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more... .leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Hello everyone late afternoon today?
Sunday 31 from 1:30 p.m. Givors St Chamond area. Looking for guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come to you or to your place
Dimanche 31 a partir 13h30 secteur givors st chamond .cherches des mecs de passage ,des routiers ou autre motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc .je cherches a pomper et faire cracher une queue.....voir plus ....laissez moi message en privee bien avant!!! .a vos bites -je me déplacés ou chez vous
Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Wednesday 28/2 from 7:30 p.m., Will there be in the area or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector. passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Will there be in the corner or surrounding area Givors St Chamond, in the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit. ....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Will there be in the corner or surrounding area Givors St Chamond, in the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit. ....see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Is there in the corner or surroundings Givors St Chamond sector, on the weekend, guys passing through, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.. ...see more....leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Are there any guys passing through in the area or surroundings of Givors St Chamond, at the end of the day around 6:30 p.m., truckers or other sports bikers, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to suck and make a cock spit out... leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I'll come
Woman or couple in the area
Currently on site for whoever wants
People today in the area...or nearby who want to give me their cocks..., all types, all ages, road bikers, sportsmen, construction guys, black, Arab, Turkish... leave me a private message beforehand. To your cocks -
This evening Thursday 28 in the corner..or surroundings who wants to be sucked...., all types all ages road sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish ...... leave me a private message Available in the evening ..to your cocks -)
Who now or tomorrow after midnight in the night without bla-bla
Today, Sunday, December 10, are there any cocks in the area...or around for my mouth or my ass...., all types of all ages, road bikers, sports bikers, construction guy, black, Arab, Turkish... let it go private message
Ce dimanche 10 y a t il dans le coin..ou alentours des bites pour ma bouche ou mon cul .... ,tous type tous ages routier motards sportifs mec btp ,Black, beur,turc ......laissez message en privee
Want to drain a guy thoroughly right away
Hello! A good queue today or tomorrow? Friends very appreciated for gouinage!
Is there anyone available at the Gier area?
Are there any truckers stuck this Sunday October 1st who want to suck me off or fuck me in their truck? Private message
I will be there from 1 p.m.
I'm receiving this evening in Montbrison old man from 62 years old if he wants to suck me
Good evening, I can come by tomorrow morning around 7am, contact me by message
hello I can be there early afternoon contact me in pm very open
I'll be there Sunday 22/05 early afternoon, interested in any type of plan, private message
passing between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. if interested, pm
I am looking for a trav for follow-up relations
I'll be there between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. if anyone is interested, any type of plan.. pm me
I'm there from 9:30 a.m. if anyone is interested, pm me
People tonight or tomorrow I want to suck
hello of the world around 5 p.m.?
of the world at the end of the morning?
of the world at the end of the afternoon?
Hi I will be there between 6 and 8 p.m.
Hello, I can be there around 6 p.m. if anyone is interested
I receive nearby, I have a big desire!
Sur le parking routier de l'aire de repos du pays de Gier pour l'après-midi et soirée . Des mecs dans le coin pour un moment sympa ??
Every morning around 6:20 am, send message
This afternoon around 3:30 p.m.?
please take place is it still active I will be around Wednesday morning thank you for the answers kisses to all
I'm there until 6:15 p.m. to suck a good cock! MP if you want
44-year-old driver in place for the night, I have very full couples and I would love for a good, greedy and wet mouth to come and pump me up…
Passing through today around 1 p.m. from the world?
The two small woods behind the campanile are passed through the chipper. It's a place that's over for discreet meetings
Hello, available on Thursday, mp;)
Hi Are there any truckers to be emptied OR more .., blocked or passing through this week of January 16 AND 17 Or nearby guys who receive on Le çoin. I await your responses OR IN private message
Hi Are there any truckers to be emptied OR more .., blocked or passing through this week of January 9 & 10 Or nearby guys who receive on Le çoin. Private Message
Hi Are there any stranded truckers or passing through this week of January 1 st to January 3 rd Or nearby guys who receive on Le çoin. Sign in private message
Hi, is there a passing driver OR block this week FROM 19 & 20/12, for the video or more ... contact private message
I will be there tomorrow 12h or 14h
I sleep at the campanile tonight
Looking for a guy to empty, in the near surroundings, give him My mouth AND my Sul, OF any type, any age, road, arab, black, asia etc ..... or other .. Move me
Still possible meetings on this place? I'll be there around 2:30 p.m. today
Hello I am looking for a guy to empty, give him My mouth AND my Sule, OF any type, any age, road, arab, black, asia etc ..... or other .. To move me, contact private message
Bonjour Je cherçhes un mec a vidèr , lui donner Ma bouche ET mon Çul ,, DE tout type , tout age , routier , beur , black , asia etc.....ou autre .. Me deplaces , contaçt message privé
A road mate on a break in Givors the night of September 26-27 offers his ass for active ingredients warm in his MP contact cabin
Hello is there road stuck in their truck Çe Dimançhe 20, to take care of my mouth and my Çul, As well as the other guys from here OR passing through THE region, contact IN private
Hello everyone, attention today there are the gendarme not far away, be very careful, they even go into the woods in civilian clothes
Hi Y. Are there Cho truckers stranded on L aire this Sunday 13/09 to take care of my boyche AND more ... contact me on my direct file
Hello, not very far, it's not if there are traces or couple or plaiqir
Hi Are there Cho truckers stranded in L aire this Sunday August 23, to take care of my mouth and more ... contact directly on my file
Christina the passing slut .. Around midnight will be ready to put me at the disposal of vicious amateurs of sexy work whore .. Leave me a message otherwise I will continue my journey ..
I'll be there tomorrow morning from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. for a suck plan
I would be there tomorrow morning 5am to get sucked, mp so interested
I go there today around 6.30pm want to suck and get caught, are there any truckers leaving?
Hi man, I'm a good bad bitch in a thong and fishnet stockings looking for a good cock Passing through Et Chamond from 5pm until tomorrow 7am
I'll be there tonight in fucking bitch mode
The guy in the white tank top Sunday afternoon...
Hello naughty want to have your buttocks licked where her little apricot I can give you a lot of pleasure with my tongue of course I don't ask anything in retuurn during this moment you can be alone or have the person you want accompany you. Sir can jump me and cum in my buttocks while I give you pleasure with my tongue. If you are interested my language remains at your disposal I am currently on paid vacation so very available for this month of May. I send you a kiss waiting for your message.
I will be there Tuesday 25 from 6:30 to 8:30 to suck and get fucked. truck drivers, delivery people, RVs welcome. I have a preference for hairy guys.
Hello free evening for real plan in the corner real plan contact in private thank you
Hi sorry I'm looking for a plan not very far discreet real for early evening in pv thank you
Hi her I plan not very me for early evening real plan contact in pv thank you
Jh I'm there in 15 min for young
I will be there at the end of the afternoon and for the night, guys for a cabin map in my truck, warm and warm ??
Demain31 / 12 world to dilate me vers6 h15?
Hello madam do you want a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven as anything to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very helpful waiting for your retu
Hello madam do you want a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven as anything to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very helpful waiting for your retu
Hello ji am woman or couple
I receive 1500m for hot plane
Hi all, I'd be on st chamond day tomorrow, I expect your messages I'm boiling hot
I'll be at Campanile in the evening of 22 September until 23 in the morning with my man. We get active men virile good fuckers
I can be there tomorrow 25/06 around 7am to suck ... see more.
Madame for Mistress or Dominatrix for couples or age does not matter I love to use my tongue to massage you and satisfy you with tenderness languidly, but mostly I stay at your disposal to run my tongue until you take the fun and you enjoy in my mouth, you can be accompanied by a friend of a man or being alone. My fantasy and give you pleasure nothing but pleasure that is why I will not ask you anything in retuurn. I'll be your ass-licking for this pleasant time spend in your charming company. I can travel and meet you in the place you want I can go pretty quickly available. Hope to meet you and play to satisfy you
Hello pleasure I send this message because I would love to get to know this beautiful blonde was charming if it recognizes the shared pleasure of a discussion or meeting another thank you
Ghislain thank you for agreeing to lick your pussy you're a very nice woman and very tasty I loved your taste thoroughly enjoyed when you have enjoyed in my mouth pleasure to see you and you can bring your girlfriend as you asked I'll lick you both
Ghislain thank you for agreeing to lick your pussy
Madame for Mistress or Dominatrix for couples or age does not matter I love to use my tongue to massage you and satisfy you with tenderness languidly, but mostly I stay at your disposal to run my tongue until you take the fun and you enjoy in my mouth, you can be accompanied by a friend of a man or being alone. My fantasy and give you pleasure nothing but pleasure that is why I will not ask you anything in retuurn. I'll be your ass-licking for this pleasant time spend in your charming company. I can travel and meet you in the place you want I can go pretty quickly available. Hope to meet you and play to satisfy you
Madame for Mistress or Dominatrix for couples or age does not matter I love to use my tongue to massage you and satisfy you with tenderness languidly, but mostly I stay at your disposal to run my tongue until you take the fun and you enjoy in my mouth, you can be accompanied by a friend of a man or being alone. My fantasy and give you pleasure nothing but pleasure that is why I will not ask you anything in retuurn. I'll be your ass-licking for this pleasant time spend in your charming company. I can travel and meet you in the place you want I can go pretty quickly available. Hope to meet you and play to satisfy you
Bsr I park the truck area until 7am tomorrow morning for women and couples for fun
Madame for Mistress or Dominatrix for couples or age does not matter I love to use my tongue to massage you and satisfy you with tenderness languidly, but mostly I stay at your disposal to run my tongue until you take the fun and you enjoy in my mouth, you can be accompanied by a friend of a man or being alone. My fantasy and give you pleasure nothing but pleasure that is why I will not ask you anything in retuurn. I'll be your ass-licking for this pleasant time spend in your charming company. I can travel and meet you in the place you want I can go pretty quickly available. Hope to meet you and play to satisfy you
Hi this place there are Tjr after land clearing will be tomorrow apm to suck and drain thoroughly j swallows
Get live Campanile plan. If interested in my profile guys let me know ..
Madame for Mistress or Dominatrix for couples or age does not matter I love to use my tongue to massage you and satisfy you with tenderness languidly, but mostly I stay at your disposal to run my tongue until you take the fun and you enjoy in my mouth, you can be accompanied by a friend of a man. My fantasy and give you pleasure nothing but pleasure that is why I will not ask you anything in retuurn. I'll be your ass-licking for this pleasant time spend in your charming company. I can travel and meet you in the place you want I can go pretty quickly available. Hope to meet you and read for you.
Park in the area has until tomorrow to women and couples for fun
Hello I love to do cunnilingus women if there is one who wants me to do enjoy with my tongue in my mouth before Christmas Eve I'm here her husband maybe this time I let go and if the desire it'll be putting his dick in my ass during this time to hear from you
F, FPIC for this evening and night? Mp
I spend tomorrow between 17 and 18h I want a exhibits Lope front of my car
I spend tomorrow between 17 and 18h I want a exhibits Lope front of my car
I would be July 21 to 22. I would be completely white wedding dress (complete bridal attire, veiled, gloved satin shoes and white stockings, etc ..). You should start by spitting on me, piss in my dress and cover me cum, I love being soiled wedding dress. I also realize my fantasies, be fucked wedding dress by evil farmers in a stable. They will fuck me all dressed in cattle feces, and of course I would stay in a wedding dress. Reply by PM
Search for transvestite good time response mp
today at 12 am with big dick
J'm there for sucking motion
@ Bubar42: you will pass this morning?
Available tomorrow who wants fucked my ass made me sign
apm end tomorrow looking to empty cock thoroughly and kiss me
Hi st chamonnais I spend the last ems there nothing is there a place on other st chamond I go back on the wee 16/03
Is it really that blonde t
Y will be morning below in female. My jeans keen to suck from 10 am A11H
Maybe passage in late afternoon Thursday to break ... that active sex?
J y'm female below eager to pump thoroughly
I suck a big dick well tonight to receive the good sperm
Available in women is morning below
That Friday afternoon to get sucked
I'll be there on Tuesday in the day if someone wants to get sucked, send me a message
I suck tonight to 21h contact me for an appointment
If road spend the week I am willing to go up to their cabins to suck
Stopped you type my window
tomorrow 4 which thus pumped from 11h
If anyone wants to contact me suck it
DC everybody the meeting place was redone it seems
I'll be there all day on 10/09 Sunday to make me suck!
Who to suck up this morning and give me his ass?
I am about 43 now beside Saint-Just-Malmont Saint-Didier-en-Velay seeks trav or transvestite to empty my balls
Passing by tomorrow early afternoon
who to suck up tomorrow morning early
Hello I want to empty my balls this morning
Thursday, March 16 evening, I suck at Campanile
Does not exist anymore! wood was razed !!!
I can be there Wednesday if interested!
You can access it from the air off? For large truck
passage I went Wednesday 28-12-16. nice place and with a few people. I have not experienced the apparently shaved grove ..
Damned! It's over ... Well welcoming grove just been shaved. If qq connaitun other place in the area ...
close history