Area Montredon

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Carlencas-et-Levas
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Area Montredon between Bédarieux and Carlencas, quiet area with lots of discrete corner. Road less than the old Beziers route. H two would go there in tps tps place to test because very good potential.
Address :
34600 Carlencas-et-Levas

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Route de Bédarieux, Combelongue et Roqueredond, Carlencas-et-Levas, Béziers, Hérault, Occitanie, France métropolitaine,
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15/02/2025 in 20h08
Nobody, what a pity....

12/02/2025 in 08h30
People on Saturday evening, we are couples m/f

06/02/2025 in 08h41
In the area today, anyone out walking?

28/12/2024 in 15h38
I'm spending this afternoon there

25/10/2024 in 12h32
I'm spending this afternoon there

16/10/2024 in 06h25
I'm going there around 11am today, PM for appointment

03/10/2024 in 13h37
Who is there today?

16/09/2024 in 08h19
Who's on the ground?

13/08/2024 in 10h30
il y a 2 min. J y allez sur ce lieux pdt mes vacances à bdx ça m'a bien servi de lieux de.rdv et j avais trouvé un coin dans la nature un loin .coin intéressant si bien utilisé

13/08/2024 in 10h18
I'm here, I'm not staying. Too close to the road, rather a good place for families who want to rest or have a picnic. The paths behind are used more as toilets than anything else. Place to avoid. Next

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