Use of this website implies full and entire acceptance of these General Terms of Use. If you refuse these Terms and Conditions, thank you to leave this site immediately. These General Terms of Use, and the pages of the site cruising.sex to which reference is made in hereof, constitute a contract governing the relationship between the Member and cruising.sex They cancel and replace all previous provisions not expressly referred to or annexed and constitute the full rights and obligations of cruising.sex and Member relating to their purpose.

Article 0. PREAMBLE

is a dating service between individuals accessible via Internet. Certain sections and services of the service cruising.sex can be accessed for free, others are paid.

The consultation or use of one or more services cruising.sex involve the full acceptance hereof by the Member.

By checking the box containing the words "I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions" (at the bottom of the page of registration to validate), the Member acknowledges that he is bound by all provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms of Use may be updated or modified without notice. We encourage you to check the latest version online on the site. Your presence on the site implies acceptance of any revision or modification.

Terms & Conditions revised as of June 2, 2014.


In these Terms and Conditions, the words or expressions shall have the following meanings :

 - means the directory of cruising spots and dating site described in the preamble. Some services on the site cruising.sex are available for free and others are paid by Members.

- MEMBER means the user of the site cruising.sex who registered to view the site and access its various services.


Site Access

Minors are not allowed on . Your presence on the site implies that you have the legal age of majority under the laws in force in your country as well as the full mental abilities to use
You may access and use the website and all its contents on a single computer, not commercial for private use only.
The equipment (computer, software, telecommunications, ...) allowing access to services are the sole responsibility of the Member, as well as telecommunications costs incurred by their use.

Site registration

To access certain services on the site, you must become a member and therefore, provide personal information. You agree to provide the information you want to broadcast to other members but also the search engines and any other site that would copy pages of this website. The Member may at any time carry itself to any change in the "My Account". If the member has undergone a material change in circumstances (location, weight, age, etc ...), it is obliged to not mislead others into error, to make the changes or cancellation that s' needed. In making this commitment, members contribute to maintaining a high quality of service. If for any reason, we believe that the information you have provided is likely to intentionally induce others in error, we reserve the right to terminate your access to parts of the site. In such circumstances, we can also terminate or suspend your registration or subscription without notice. This applies for example in cases where the member lie about sex, age, weight or size.


When the conditions for registration are met, the Member creates an account with a login (username) and a password. This information allows the member to access all the services reserved for "members". You are responsible for the safety of your own password. cruising.sex may ask you to change your password, at its discretion, without necessarily giving you the reason . Never cruising.sex can not be held responsible for the loss of usernames and / or passwords by the Member. If a Member disseminates or uses these elements in a manner contrary to their destination, cruising.sex reserves the right to terminate the Member's account without notice. The Member shall be solely responsible for the use of its identification elements by third parties or for actions or statements made through his account, whether fraudulent or not. it guarantees cruising.sex against any claim in this respect. Otherwise cruising.sex do not have the means to verify the identity of people registering for its services, cruising.sex is not responsible in case of spoofing a Member's identity. If the Member has reason to believe that someone is using his identification elements or account, he must immediately inform cruising.sex. Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to use or transmit the tools at your disposal in order to compromise the security of the site, manipulate system resources or access to the Internet, to try to guess the words password, to hack or spy on the network without authorization. Members and visitors of cruising.sex are required, upon request, to take an active role in the prevention of hackers.

Article 3. USE OF

Framework of use

Once registered, the member accesses a number of free services. It can also subscribe by paying by credit card, postal order, cash, premium rate call or any other means of payment stated on the website. Once subscribed, the Member has access to services or items for members. He is allowed to access these services on a single computer, not commercial for private use only.

account validation procedure :

Members who have previously been subscribers or having a current subscription can chat and post messages without limitation.
For others, it may be imposed a restriction or obligation to subscribe at least 1 times to unlock the free account and post messages to the site and use messaging.
This is to discourage spammers, prostitutes and hustlers mythomaniacs of all kinds to register and pollute the site or courier members. It applies gradually since November 20, 2013.
However, access to chat and posting messages on the premises may be allowed for some free members, based on their history (many exchanged messages, account seniority, little or no blacklisted, etc ...), of the period or other criteria set by management of the site at its discretion.

Trademarks, copyrights and intellectual property

This website and all its contents, trademarks or any components or commercial secrets and other proprietary rights, images, or registered trademarks, names or services of or other entities are protected by copyright. respects intellectual property rights and asks its users to do the same. As such, no part of this site may be reproduced, published, copied, saved, posted, transmitted, broadcast or distributed in any way whatsoever, unless specifically authorized by a representative of duly authorized. Use all or part of the site on another website, computer network or any other medium, is prohibited. Decompose, reverse engineer, disassemble or copy and / or read the code used by the site's software in order to examine, copy or create derivative works based in whole or in part on software from the site, is strictly forbidden.

Lieux de drague is a registered trademark with the INPI under No. 4026973.

Use of the content by

consider any content that you submit to the site, regardless of content to be available for its own use, without obligation of any kind, for and towards you. You agree that the contributions you send to the site do not entitle you to any compensation and entitle you to cruising.sex use them in any manner whatsoever, including rights of reproduction, transmission, modification, distribution or other exploitation to the extent permitted by law. By adding your personal photo on your profile, you agree that it is published on the website and other websites operated by AS GROUP SARL. You also authorize its publication by the partners of , n search engines and other content aggregator sites or copy the content of this site, in member mailings and when members send cards outside the community. Some information or some content that Members may provide optionally may, under the responsibility of the Member concerned, reveal ethnic origin, nationality, religion and / or sexual orientation. By providing such information, the Member concerned consents to the processing of these data by and takes sole responsibility. Any Member may at any time request that the information on are no longer broadcast by in these sections. If necessary, they alone assume the consequences of the cessation of the dissemination of information concerning them and can not claim from reimbursement of sums paid in exchange for the dissemination of information concerning them in these sections. When a Member wishes to sponsor a friend and provides to the coordinates of the latter, he warrants having received this friend's consent to processing of their data by . It is also solely responsible towards this friend and third parties, the consequences of the transmission to of its coordinates.

Caution Concerning other sites

The site contains links to other sites on the Internet and broadcast advertisements for content that does not control: videos, advertisements, photos... You understand and agree that can not be held responsible for the content or appearance of these sites and these elements not hosted by .

Warning regarding meetings between members

asks you to never disclose personal information such as your real name, address or email address, telephone number, to other members of , which could allow them to identify you outside the site. If such information were to be found on your personal profile or your voicemail, reserves the right to delete them without warning. In case of recidivism, could evict offenders without any warning. declines all responsibility concerning meetings between members and / or non-members, following the use of its website and services. advises its members to take all necessary precautions when meeting others for the first time. For example, it is recommended to contact a person for the first time in a public place (coffee, restaurant,...). We also suggest that you notify a close friend if you decide to meet privately.
To ensure better attendance and animation of this site, messages from robots or animators can be sent to members. By registering and accepting these Terms, you confirm to be informed and not be bothered by this practice.


The rates of the optional subscription appear on the site in section Subscription. The purchase of a subscription implies that the member has read these terms of use. In case of attempted fraud, or breach thereof, the account may be suspended or even canceled, no refund.

Access to services subscribers involves the payment of a subscription for a variable period stipulated on the website .
Payment can be made by the following means of payment, depending on the case :
- weXpay electronic money
- credit card
- money order
- bank check payable to AS GROUP SARL and sent to
14 rue Charles V
75004 PARIS
- call on Audiotel services
non-exhaustive list...

Rates include VAT, means and payment terms are marked on in the menu Subscription.


was the subject of Declaration No 1757881 to the CNIL (National Commission for Data Protection and Freedom) is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Our team strives to maintain high standards of protection of the privacy of site users


Content provided by

The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on cruising.sex are the intellectual property of and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express permission of , under penalty of prosecution. The rights of use granted by to the Member are strictly limited to accessing, downloading, printing, reproduction on all media (hard disk, diskette, CD-ROM, ...) and the use of these documents for private and personal use within the framework and for the duration of membership Any other use by the Member is prohibited without the permission of . The Member agrees not to modify, copy, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, commercially exploit and / or distribute in any way whatsoever the services, the site cruising.sex, or the computer codes of the elements composing the services and the site cruising.sex.

Content provided by Members

AS GROUP SARL is licensed to use the intellectual property rights attached to content provided by Members for the purpose of dissemination on the site cruising.sex. This license includes the right for reproduce and represent the contents transmitted by the Member (information, images, videos, ...), all or part of the site cruising.sex and / or in mailings from and on the other AS GROUP SARL sites. This license finally allows to modify the said contents in order to respect the graphic charter of the site cruising.sex and / or to make them compatible with its technical performance. The Member may not copy, reproduce or use the content relating to other Members other than for the strict use of services for personal and private purposes needs


Each Member may terminate his registration on at any time and without reason in the section of the site cruising.sex dedicated for this purpose. The credit account of a member at the time of the termination of his membership is not refunded. Without prejudice to the other provisions of the present, in case of breach by the Member to these Terms of Use, reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Member's account without notice or refund and / or initiate legal proceedings against. This termination will occur automatically and without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed by in compensation for damages suffered as a result of such breaches. Otherwise, reserves the right to deactivate the accounts of members who have not used the service during a period greater than or equal to 4 months from the date of the last connection to the service . The Member will be informed by email of the cancellation or confirmation of the termination of their account. Data for the Member will be destroyed at his request or upon termination of the Member's account.


Subscriptions are not refundable. Indeed, they are made up of digital content (amateur videos, erotic stories, ...) and services whose execution begins upon payment. However, according to law, "The right of withdrawal does not apply to the following purchases: the digital content provided on an intangible medium and the contract for subscription to these services, the execution of which has started with your agreement and for which you have waived your right of withdrawal (for example, a downloaded movie) ".
The customer, by accepting these T & Cs, accepts that taking out a subscription implies giving up their right of withdrawal, and requests that execution begin immediately after payment.


Information and content supplied by Member

The information provided by a Member to must be accurate and conform to reality (except postal address. can not be held responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of information and content provided by Members or site visitors. In the event that the responsibility of would be sought due to a breach by a Member of its obligations under the law or these Terms of Use, the latter undertakes to guarantee against any judgment against it, this guarantee covering both compensation which may be paid as attorney fees and court costs that may be charged to it.

Operation of the website cruising.sex and services

The Member must have the skills, hardware and software required for Internet use, or if any, telephone services through Audiotel or SMS and recognizes that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet does not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions In these conditions does not guarantee that services will operate without interruption or malfunction. In particular, their operation may be momentarily interrupted for maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change the content or presentation. To the extent possible, will inform its Members prior to a maintenance or update operation. likewise, can not also be held responsible for non-functioning, impossibility of access, or poor conditions of use of the website attributable to inappropriate equipment, internal malfunctions to the Internet access provider of the Member, the congestion of the Internet, and for other reasons independent of cruising.sex.

SEO, search engines and privacy

The Member is notified that the site is present in the search engines: profiles, posts concerning places, erotic stories, etc....
Therefore, it should in no case post information or use terms or nickname that can afford to admit, if he wishes to remain anonymous. In particular, the Member must be careful not to use his name, his nickname, the beginning of their email address ... etc in his nickname, if he does not wish that we can find his profile on Google, Bing or any other search engine.

The operation of the site implies the sending by the site of emails of alert when the member receives a message on the site. The email configured on the member's account must be personal and confidential, to avoid problems with his entourage.
On the other hand, the Member is asked not to give his real postal address if he wants to act discreetly.
An address more or less close to his home will prevent malicious people find him.
Finally, the user is warned that even if the account deletion, the account information may appear in the search engines or other sites for a while, until the base of the said motor is updated.

External links

The website cruising.sex may provide, or third parties may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. Insofar as can not control these sites and external sources, it can not be held responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and can not bear any responsibility for their content, advertising, products, services or other elements available on or from such sites or resources. Any difficulty on a link must be submitted to the administrator or webmaster of the site in question. It is also recalled that the consultation or use of these sites and external sources are governed by their own terms of use. Finally, if in the course of research conducted on the site cruising.sex, the result of this search would point the Member to on sites, pages or forums whose title or contents violate the law, the Member is required to cease consultation of the site concerned at the risk of liability engaged.

Limitation of Liability

In any event, the overall responsibility of is limited to the amount actually paid by the Member for the service which is the object of a breach. will not be responsible for any indirect damage to the Member, including loss of data or records made by Member.


These Terms of Use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law. The courts of the Hauts de Seine shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the present, including, without this enumeration being exhaustive, their validity, their interpretation, their execution or their termination and its consequences.

article 10. ABOUT US ?

cruising.sex is the exclusive property of AS GROUP sarl 14 rue Charles V 75004 PARIS. The publishing director of the site is Mr Sébastien ANTOINE.

For questions, comments, or other, write to the following address : Contact

Privacy policy

1.       What kind of information do we collect ?

Personal information about you

Personal information collected by our website may include your name, postal address and / or email, landline number and / or mobile, information about your credit card, physical information (photography, video, voice announcement), information on your personal values, your interests, information about your buying habits or consumption of various products or services.

Personal information about other people

In some cases, personal information about other people that you may be collected, such as name and email address when you sponsor them.

Non-Personal Information

Certain non-personal information may be collected as the browser version (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, ...), the type of system (Windows XP, Mac OS, Linux, ...), the computer's IP address or the ISP (Internet Service provider).

external information

cruising.sex sometimes compile internal information with external information to the site, to improve the commercial products or services that are on offer. If you prefer not to receive these offers, please uncheck the boxes in the "My Profile" page .

Use of Cookies

cruising.sex is likely to use cookies to store information identifying the Member during the consultation of cruising.sex to avoid having to enter them manually for each page viewed A cookie is a file sent by a server and stored by your computer when you visit websites or use certain options on these sites.Cookies are used on many websites to identify you during your visits. If you return to a previously visited site the cookie recognizes you, enabling it to identify your member name, to recognize your password, or display content that you have set yourself ... If you do not want not to receive cookies, you can prevent the use of cookies by modifying the options of your Internet browser. On this point, see tips for changing these options depending on the browser, available in the "Your traces" of the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority): http: //www.cnil.fr. Unfortunately, if you refuse to receive cookies, access to certain sites and certain services will only be partial or impossible.

When and why we collect personal information about you ?

Personal information about you may be collected when you register as a member, you participate in a contest, respond to a survey, subscribe to one of our services, express your opinion on a lounge, chat with the chat ... it happens that certain information is mandatory in order to receive certain products, access to certain services or participate in various activities.

Who has access to this information ?

Protection of information collected on our site

The information collected about you is only used to provide various services. They are protected both online and offline. Credit card numbers are protected by a very high encryption and private given protective system of our banking partner. Our server is designed to protect computer hacking site. Only certain employees have access to this information, available to them only when needed. The personal information provided during registration that are not your ads and your presentation will not be accessible to third parties or transmitted, sold or exchanged without your consent.

Shared information with partners and advertisers.

cruising.sex may occasionally share non-personal demographic information with selected partners to allow them to target their announcements (by age category, gender, ...). However, we will never pass on information that would allow them them to identify you (name, address, credit card number,…) The information contained in your ads and your presentation are available on the website cruising.sex, by email (newsletters), SMS or Audiotel Service In addition, they are likely to be disseminated by us or through our partners to people interested in cruising.sex, through newsletters or third-party websites to increase your chances of meeting promoting your ads and presentation.

Data collected by other sites

Our website contains links to other websites whose privacy policies may differ from ours. We recommend you review the privacy policies of other websites because we can not control the information submitted or collected by those sites. Sometimes we proposed content such as contests or promotions that are sponsored or provided by third parties. In this case, these third parties may obtain personal information about you, but only if you voluntarily provide by participating in the various events. cruising.sex has no control over the use made of this information by these third parties.

Right of access and rectification

To change the information you provided on the site, go to the "My Account" section and then "Profile" with your personal login (login + password you have chosen yourself when you register) . You can edit this information easily and instantaneously, as many times as you wish, in accordance with our Terms & Conditions Each Member can access or request access to information concerning them to modify or remove, taking care to indicate his personal login (login + password), by email to amelie.lieuxdedrague@gmail.com or ultimately by mail to AS GROUP sarl 14 rue Charles V 75004 PARIS. In case of loss of its identifiers, the member will be able to receive them by email, to the email address initially provided or lately provided in case of modification since registration (last email address registered in our database). Finally, each Member may, upon registration or at any time thereafter, request to receive and, subsequently, not to receive the newsletter. To do so, please uncheck the checkbox in the "Profile" page

Rules of conduct on the chat room and other parts of the website

When using this site, you must behave as a responsible adult. You may use the site only in a legal context. You are responsible for the information you reveal about yourself or anyone else on the site. You understand and agree that the information and opinions expressed in chat or elsewhere on the site are not necessarily those of cruising.sex, its employees, affiliates, partners, or advertisers. You understand and acknowledge that all contributions posted or transmitted on the site (except those of cruising.sex itself) are the sole responsibility of the sender. All efforts are made by cruising.sex to oversee the contributions of members or other visitors. At any time, cruising.sex reserves the exclusive right to remove or edit any content deemed unpleasant, without notice, including Member Profiles. However, cruising.sex can not be held responsible for any unpleasant content that has escaped his vigilance and may appear on the website .

The use of chat and forums is at your own risk and subject to the rules of conduct listed below.

The Member undertakes in particular to :

- Comply with the laws and respect the rights of third.
- Do not make comments or disseminate in any form whatsoever content violating the rights of others or that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, offensive, violent or inciting violence, political, racist or xenophobic, pedophile or involving any other operating or attempting to child exploitation, and generally any content contrary to the purpose of cruising.sex, the laws and regulations or morality. In particular, photos, videos and all information, data or files supplied by a Member at cruising.sex must be decent and refer exclusively to the Member.
- Do not post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content that incorporates links to other sites illegal, immoral and / or not in accordance with the object of cruising.sex.
- Do not post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content that has the effect of diminishing, disorganizing or preventing normal use of services, interrupt and / or slow down the normal circulation of communications between Members such as software, viruses, mass mailing (spamming),... cruising.sex reserves the right to delete messages that are sent massively by members in order to maintain a quality of normal use of the service by other members.
- Do not post or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content violations to reality.
- Not to post or broadcast in any form whatsoever remarks denigrating cruising.sex, one or more of the services offered or inciting other members to leave the site or degrade the service.
- Do not mention on the site cruising.sex no personal information (email address, mailing address, phone number,...) enabling a Member to contact another Member without using cruising.sex .
- Do not use cruising.sex for professional or commercial purposes (prospecting, soliciting or prostitution).
- Do not collect, store or distribute personal information about other members of the site without their consent: such behavior could subject you to criminal prosecution or legal action. You acknowledge that in the event a third party would question your legal rights to make a special contribution to the site, you will have to bear all the consequences, including the burden of proof to establish that your shares are registered under of the law.

If a Member fails to comply with one or more of these rules, cruising.sex reserves the right to block the accounts of Members concerned, to automatically delete litigious messages, to prevent publication of all or part of the profile of a member, and / or block access to any or all services, temporarily or permanently, without compensation or refund.

Content policy

The member undertakes that the photographs, videos, texts and / or any other content posted and / or disseminated by him on or via the Website does not violate, directly or indirectly, the laws prohibiting the representation of abuse. sexual activity committed against minors or non-consented sexual activity of any kind and does not violate, directly or indirectly, the rights of any individual or entity, including, without limitation, the rights to respect for privacy and personal data , copyright, trademark rights, trade secrets or any contractual rights.

Thus, it is in particular forbidden for the member to :
- submit content that represents a person under the age of 18 (or the age of majority according to the laws of your country or jurisdiction), whether that minority is real or perceived.
- submit content without written documentation confirming that all subjects depicted are indeed over 18 years of age (or the age of majority depending on the laws of your country or jurisdiction).
- submit content depicting sexual abuse of minors, unwanted sexual acts, rape, bestiality, death or the use of prohibited substances, whether implied, staged, simulated, contrived or caricatured / drawn / artistic.
- submit content depicting and/or enhancing and/or encouraging human trafficking, sex trafficking and physical abuse whether implied, staged, simulated, contrived or caricatured / drawn / artistic.
- submit content that is protected by copyright, trade secrecy or other proprietary rights of third parties, including rights relating to privacy and personal data, unless you own these rights or have permission from their rightful owner to publish the content and grant Asgroup all license rights granted in this document.
- allow any third party, whether or not for your benefit, to reproduce, use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works, display, perform, publish, post, distribute, sell, license, download, transmit, distribute or circulate to a third party (including, without limitation, on or through a third party website) or otherwise exploit any content, including contributions from members, without our formal prior written consent.
- publish false statements or false statements that could harm Asgroup or a third party.
- submit content that is illegal, threatening, harassing or hateful, constituting pornodisclosure or revenge porn, encouraging, representing or constituting behavior which would be considered a criminal offense or giving rise to civil liability, violating a law or being otherwise inappropriate.
- submit material depicting violence or abuse (actual harm to another living being, including animals).
- submit content that represents or promotes incest.
- submit content that represents or promotes coprophilia, also known as scatophilia.

In addition, the member is advised that the content he publishes on the site will be disseminated on this website and on any mirror sites or in other languages.

The member is also informed that the content he publishes on the site will be validated by moderators before or after publication..