Bj dispo cette après-midi vers 13h3 si quelqu'un d intéressé
Bonjour dispo ce soir possibilité de recevoir
Bonsoir dispo ce soir si quelqu'un d intéressé mp
Hello, available until 2:30 p.m., possibility of receiving, send pm if interested
Hello, available tomorrow between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
I'm going there this afternoon, a cock or a mouth welcome
Hello, available this evening, possibility of receiving or traveling if anyone is interested, send pm
Hello, available this evening, possibility of receiving or traveling, send pm if interested
Good evening, still available this evening, possibility of receiving or traveling, otherwise tomorrow morning around 10 a.m.
Good evening, available Monday evening if anyone is interested, possibility of receiving or traveling