Cruising spots, France
Parking Chenecey buillon
Cruising spot gay in Vorges-les-Pins
proposed by profilsupprime (22/04/2020)
Sexshop Planet X
Cruising spot gay & straight in La Valette-du-Var
proposed by youngmate01 (01/06/2018)
Chancenay. Route Saint Dizier - Bar le Duc
Cruising spot gay & straight in Baudonvilliers
proposed by tomdiscret78 (17/12/2020)
Toilets of CNIT near Decathlon
Cruising spot gay & straight in Puteaux
proposed by jerome94 (20/06/2013)
Trois-Fontaines (10kms St Dizier)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Trois-Fontaines-l'Abbaye
proposed by complice51 (16/04/2020)
Area of La Fontenelle on Autouroute A4
Cruising spot gay & straight in Lucy-le-Bocage
proposed by ameliesupport (15/07/2020)
Aire on the Talmouse Autouroute A4
Cruising spot gay & straight in Essômes-sur-Marne
proposed by ameliesupport (30/05/2018)
The 7 lakes - Beaumont dam
Cruising spot gay in Corbières
proposed by cybbi (07/09/2013)
National forest of Vierzon Vierzon north on the N20
Cruising spot gay in Vierzon
proposed by ameliesupport (31/05/2018)
Yuri Gagarin pool Villejuif
Cruising spot gay in Villejuif
proposed by jerome94 (25/06/2013)
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