Troc de l'ile de St Fons


Cruising spot gay in Saint-Fons

proposed by suceuse69  (03/12/2023)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Saint-Fons
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
C'est un petit bois discret à coté d`un parc à 50m du troc de l`ile. il faut prendre la 1ère à gauche après le pont qui passe sur l`autoroute, tout droit sur 200m puis parking sur la gauche. fin d'aprem. j'en reviens a l'instant a 13h00 il y avait 9 voitures la moyenne d'age est élevée: a mon avis la 50aine mais quelques jeunes aussi
Address :
3 Boulevard Lucien Sampaix
69190 Saint-Fons

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05/07/2023 in 14h20
People on corbas tonight

02/08/2021 in 13h56
Hello why discover there today so hot in private

15/07/2019 in 06h02
Who to Corbas to suck me into the truck?

15/03/2014 in 15h21
great cleansing underway! anyone know if this site works again or not? can be in the evening as there is much left to hide

26/04/2013 in 20h37
Revez not, they are still there !!!!

24/04/2013 in 02h34
Yes after a fire that there was

16/01/2013 in 17h20
Little recognition: we have some doubts about the potential of this place. In full industrial area (very discreet), near the A7 (noisy) and open view (no bush or grove). OK it is winter but that lack of discretion ... We will check it in the spring!

31/08/2012 in 20h03
Go Wood Solaise right after the bridge

21/08/2012 in 13h38
someone an idea whether a new place was found

13/08/2012 in 15h08
I thought I saw Roma camp there today from the highway. I think we will have to say goodbye to this place drag ...

07/08/2012 in 20h42
and ????????????

07/08/2012 in 15h47
not to be afraid Adkin, as you're not caught having sex they can do anything to you

06/08/2012 in 15h47
Others are they walkways from? Personally I am afraid to retuurn

30/07/2012 in 21h39
this being if they do not take you to the fact they can not tell you the right to be in the woods! ditto for the plates they can do anything, bastard band anyway

30/07/2012 in 21h35
disgusting ! ah ca for they are good but for the rest!

30/07/2012 in 18h22
beware, cops seem to want to clean up the scene: this afternoon and they went back into the woods: 4 or 5 guys left like rabbits running through the park! Cops took the No. imat of all cars in the parking lot, and then they left and retuurned 10 minutes after

23/07/2012 in 19h58
cops come regularly monitor what happens to it, they'll rarely in wood but ç'est already arrived! usually there are a turn on the parking lot. they stopped up the entrance, it may be because something happened before. I was there at noon, and saw no cops. they also attention that the caravans would not move there ...

23/07/2012 in 15h55
I passed Saturday evening around 0:00 the entrance of the parking lot was blocked by a cop car. So I asked the question; is what they just look to see if there is no drug trafficking or is it really to chase the guys because if they ca really nothing more to cum. This is a super quiet place we come to talk to me exhib and indecency. If this was the appointment heteros they would do less shit, proof anyone ever sees them to the trucks prostitutes. This gay-bashing makes me want to vomit

29/06/2012 in 14h24
I'll be there in a passive am to join me?

26/06/2012 in 17h49
I am every day of 12:30 to 1:00 p.m.

08/06/2012 in 20h37
tonight at 21h00

03/06/2012 in 15h15
which in my car just suck my cock?

01/06/2012 in 17h20
myself am well sucked this afternoon!

29/07/2011 in 15h22
Attention: this morning the world car with flashing light at 6 am.

27/07/2011 in 22h59
person in the morning, a car came to turn back, but can be someone who's lost in the corner;

… close history