Je passerai vendredi vers 17h à Guer, si tu veux t'amuser mp moi
attention avis aux couples jules56 est un fantasmeur qui vous contacte dans l'unique but d'obetnir des photos ensuite il vous bloque
Bonjour, Nous serons samedi 20 toute la journée sur le camp de Guer Coet à l'occasion du Triumph Sommes ouvert à des propositions intéressantes même tard le soir
Petite aire repérée, en sortie de Guer direction Carentoir, a 2,5km sur la droite en bord de route abritée. Régulièrement des voitures arrêtés, qui pour plan suce branle discret ?
Small spotted area, leaving Guer towards Carentoir, 2.5km on the right along a sheltered road. Seen stopped cars, are there regulars or anyone interested in this area? Jerk off in the car possible see +
Hello I'll be near Guer at the end of the morning and looking for h bi active BM see tbm I'm shaved in front behind and very dirty love it be careful here for fun love sex
I will pass around 20h Monday 8/07 for young
I am now c death in death, or are alleged young ki happening here parfois.J'attend juska 9:15 p.m. for young
I'm in the moment but no, I expected to juska 19h virile man and not old please
It is a quiet area, there is no one that young, hot guy. No risk of making bad encounters. There are lots of little corners to isolate
In this period it is well attended. Several military and seen a nice plane with a young student mili ... I go back tonight ...
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