before yesterday at 18:04
Du monde se soir ?
Hello, available, real reception in Saint Fons.
I'm going there tonight around 6:30 p.m. If anyone wants to get off, I want to suck some good cock.
Désolé j'annule pour demain je me suis trompé d'emplacement désolé
Qui demain fin de matinée pour me vider ???
Bonjour à tous, Je cherche toujours des mecs pour plan branle sur photos et vidéos de ma femme avec une possibilité de vous accueillir chez moi à Vienne pour qu'on se
Bonjour, si un couple joueur aux alentours de Lyon je peux être disponible en fin d’après-midi ou je peux vous recevoir dans mon camion uniquement pour les couples, je précise
Il y a du monde qui veux de vider?
Y’a pas des routiers bloqué pour me vider
Bonjour, je passe ce soir19h, j’ai les couilles pleines envie de me faire vider
Bonjour, je passe ce soir19h, j’ai les couilles pleines envie de me faire vider
The guy with the white Volvo, come by tonight, I'm there.
Des queues à vider entre 18h30 et 19h00 ?
Is there anyone here tonight?
Du monde pour se faire sucer et vider? Vers 19h30 20h?
En bas juste avant l'église prendre le chemin qui monte et passe près du portail où l'on peut se faire prendre en levrette ou plus haut ou il y a un arbre en travers pour les sodomies.....hum venez avec vos sexes et chattes épilées exibes,nu intégral, fessées,pipes juteuses, sodomie perverse,trio bi ou hétéro Venez baiser!!!!!!
Salut, je passe ce soir il y a un jeune suceur ou routier. Je passe à 19h15.
Sona trav a jus a feconder au jus nocapote imperatif jeudi 6 mars de 19H A 1H je serai mis a dispo par un copain dans un fourgon bleu plan direct je te suce tu me sodo sans capote imperatif et me fecondes au jus pas dispo avant apres je suis de passage pour tbm fecondeurs au jus nocapote
Good evening, there are people here
Anyone out tonight? I really want to suck some good cock, let me know
Des mecs iront ce soir à partir de 20h? J'ai très envie de jouer avec une bite bien dure et juteuse
dommage j ai vu personne !! demain soir apres 20h30 il y aura du mondeou pas ?
Coucou je passe a 19h30 pour me faire sucer
Un couple dispos aux alentours de midi aujourd’hui ou demain fin d’après-midi?
good evening, I can be there tomorrow evening around 8pm until midnight if males are interested! get in touch to confirm! I'm not moving for nothing! fed up with rabbits!
Bonjour femme ou couples libertin
I'll be there late afternoon Really want to suck I love making a cock hard See more
Les mots sont dans le désordre, il faut tout reclasser
Bonjour, Je reçois chez moi ce matin pour plan de ma femme branle entre mecs sur photos et vidéos
J'y suis pour une heure environ
Je repasse ce soir... si le cpl que j'ai vu sortir avec le renault blanc veut revenir... ou autre cpl t.... mp pour me prévenir je m arrangerai pour être la...
Il y a du monde qui y va en début de soirée ? J’ai très envie de me faire prendre
cplvicieux - Everyone knows you're just a fake, stop amusing people pfff funny. You fail all your dates, sometimes here, sometimes there, but never there
Hnatow good evening saw trav who was leaving.....tonight 13/2/25....good for those who stay exhibit and fuck with smooth, soft and waxed sexes, spanking appreciated as well as dildos provided for fucking, sodomy requested, blowjob etc.....COME FUCK ME LIKE A WHORE!
Hi Chris How are you? There is no way to fuck her anymore she was a beautiful woman… I have a great memory of her even if our plan didn’t work. See you later Patrick
Etant donné que la personne qui devait venir chez moi hier soir n' a pas pû venir, je réédite ma proposition pour ce soir. Si tu es un amateur de femmes rondes je te propose un plan branle entre mecs chez moi devant les photos et vidéos de ma femme diffusées sur ma télé.
Bonjour à tous, Je cherche toujours des mecs pour plan branle sur photos et vidéos de ma femme avec une possibilité de vous accueillir chez moi à Vienne pour qu'on se matte ca sur la télé du salon
Looking for big cocks to suck you this Monday afternoon or late evening
I'm passing by, there are people who want to suck me off
bonjuor , j y serai lundi de 14h15 a 15h30 pour sucer lecher une belle bite ! si quelques routier sont interresser penser a me le faire savoir directement ! je n ai pas de preference raciale !!
I'm here to suck send message to those who are present
Hello, there are truckers tonight
I'll be there at 6:40pm to clear the queues.
Trans or crossdresser at this place? Or exhibitionist guy?
Anyone out tonight Tonight around 7pm?
Hi, I'm coming tonight at 7:30 p.m. Really want to get sucked, my balls are full
I'm going by my bike later to get sucked
Hello, I am looking for a couple around 12:30-1:00 here or elsewhere. I travel by car MP
Routier de passage ce soir reçois jeune gay bm 17x6 lisse
Anyone here this Wednesday at 6am?
Too bad no car tonight otherwise I would have come to see I don't know this place
Good evening I really want to suck a good cock and have cum everywhere... I'm going to take a ride later, let me know so I can take care of your cock
I really want a good facial...
People who want to get sucked tonight
I'll be back in Lyon from February 19 to 22. I look forward to seeing you. Come and see us!
Bonjour je serais au parking pour la nuit de lundi à mardi dans camion complètement nu 17x6 lisse si tu aime sucer avaler le sperme j ai un scania frappe porte passager
I'm there for about 1 hour
I'll be there at 7:45 p.m.
I'll come by around 2pm for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
I'm in the area I want a morning plan with a couple or woman available?
Is there anyone here tonight?
I'm here for a short time
Hello, there are people to get sucked
This week Passive I am looking for active guys! to empty between Saint Chamond (42) and Givors (69) hunting on Rhone.(38) if there are any truckers stuck this week or passing through or salesmen or other active guys Arab, Black sportsman, biker, guys of all ages and sizes....
Anyone want to empty a queue?
Je suis sur place petite voiture bleue Pour couple ou femme ??
I'll come by around 2pm for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
No one, no transvestite, no woman or couple to empty me
Breathe in Lyon in discreet rbnb woman or couple evening
Coucou routier, merci pour cette fellation que tu m’as fait hier. C’était excellent. Si tu te reconnais envoie-moi un message tu as une bouche très gourmande, j’ai adoré
Bonjour à toutes et à tous Je suis routier et serais garé sur ce lieux fin d'après-midi aux alentours de 18h et ceux pour la nuit Je peux recevoir dans ma cabine Pour femme ou couple n'hésitez pas
I'll come by around 2pm for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
From 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. plan branle exib Today
People who want to empty themselves?
There are people who want to empty themselves, I can come and have a look
Je suis sur place pour un couple Ou femme dans le coin ?
A couple at noon? But hey, as there is never
I'll come by around 2pm for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
Good evening, despite the cold weather, come fuck outside, sodomy and blowjob, priority shaved sexes 10 p.m./11:30 p.m. this 13/1/2025....Happy sexual new year to all the vicious perverts!
I really want cum that is hot
I will come by tonight around 9pm.
Bonjour,ce soir 20h,30/23y et plus sexe bi,EXIB avec des sexes lisses et epilés.Au programme fellation hard core, sodomie,baise dans le bois ....
Anyone out tonight? I want to get fucked or even just suck a good cock and take a good facial…
Anyone who wants to get pumped this afternoon, I'll be there from 2 p.m.
Bonjour de passage vers midi pour une pose de 45 minutes cherche bouche à sperme qui avale tu montés dans ma cabine tu me vide et bye
Anyone want a blowjob in 15 minutes?
Seriously, the guys who drive around the parking lot every two minutes, who park in front of or behind you with their lights on full. It's annoying. And when you see two cars isolating themselves, it's because we want to be left alone, so there's no point in coming to stick to you.
Je suis pas à coter si une femme ou un couple pas loin Dispo pour un plan sex matinal sans bla-bla envoyer message en pv
Who sucks the juice right away
Hello, come by at 7:30 p.m. I'm looking for a young cocksucker who wants my cock
I take a shower and I arrive
I arrive in 30m to do push-ups
J’arrive dans 30m pour me faire pompes
Hello, receive the night at 3
Ok, tails and pussies available.
Hi, I'll be there at 7:30 p.m.
I want to suck a good cock….
Passing through I'm here to be fucked and filled
Good evening, there are people
I can go there today if you leave me a message. Look for an active person instead. I live nearby.
I will be there from 5pm to 6:30pm approximately for active guys
A couple of midday heated cabin mp
de passage dans la soirée/nuit (17/12/24) MP please
I'll be there around 5:30pm to suck
I am a truck driver and I park 5km from this place.
I'm going to take a look at 6:45 p.m.
There are people to suck me off
J’y suis cette après-midi à 14h30
I am available to suck your cock
Who is available to receive real naked on all fours.
My mouth is available for you and my face to empty you tonight
Monday afternoon I receive H mature and active at Chasse.
I'll be there around 10pm to suck me off, get sucked off and get sodomized
I'm coming by tonight to suck your cock
I'm there this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. available plan branle oklm
I'll be there in 10 minutes
Qui veux se faire sucer ?
Who here tomorrow, December 5th, at 6:45, 7:00?
I'm here come PM if you want to be sucked
I'll be there in 10 minutes
Who wants to get sucked as a lemon?
I'm leaving because no one
I'm currently in the parking lot waiting for a tail to suck I like it
There are people to pump me at 5 p.m.
Good evening, hummm my tail is all hot…!
Available tonight around 6:30pm to get emptied
Is it closed or reopened?
I parked there in my couple or woman car
Anyone available this afternoon?
It was announced closed until November 13th
Who's available to empty some balls?
Tonight, Bianca will be available on our lady of limon. See on the carpool parking lot if the parking lot is still closed.
I am on site, parking closed for work until November 13, I am on the carpooling area if anyone is available who wants to do it, great
Closed parking. We are on the carpool area
Passage ce soir en 2ème partie de soirée (environ 23h) Y’a du monde ?
Tonight, November 6, I'm making Bianca available in a whore's van
Very feminine couple or transvestite women tonight by the ?? Interested month
The parking lot will be closed from November 5th to 13th. And given the first trees cut down, I'm afraid the woods will disappear.
C'est plus un lieu à tendance homo que hétéro, beaucoup de voitures tournent en rond ,des mecs dans leurs voitures,on s'ennuie.Si un couple passe ce soir c'est Noël !
Tonight parked for the night, if couple or woman for plan exhibition, dogging and more
People tonight who want to empty themselves? I'm hot
I'm here to suck good cock
I'll be there in 10 minutes to suck
I am there parked for couple or woman
I'm going there in 5 minutes for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
I am here for those interested
I'm here but I'm leaving soon
I go there at the end of the day for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
I will be available this afternoon for a big cock to empty at your choice, in my mouth or in my ass, big ejaculator welcome, you can reach me in pm
sonia trav pure juice tank nocapote made available in a van fitted out for chain plan one by one I suck you you sodomize me without a condom imperative otherwise no need to contact me and fertilize me with juice I want to be full to overflowing no passive no blowjob plan only and no plan with condom to those who understand I will be made available Tuesday 29 FROM 7 PM TO 10 PM FAN OF BIG CALIBERS COME IN NUMBERS MY PHONE IN PRIVATE
Tuesday 29 from 7 to 10 p.m. I'm making Sonia available in my van. Big juice whore to fill naturally and in chains.
I go there at the end of the day for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
Who is available at this location today, a woman or a couple?
Bonjour routier de passage ce mardi 22 en fin d après midi et pour la nuit cherche bouche à sperme t avale un plus lope trav bienvenue je vous attend dans ma cabine à poil sexe 17x6 lisse scania beige
A cock or cocks that want to get sucked and emptied around 6-6:30 p.m.?
I go there at the end of the day for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife
We'll be there for 2 hours
Recherche des grosses queue pour suce Le soir a partire de 19h
Confirmation. Ce soir bianca à dispo. Me contacter
Je passe ce soir vers 19h avec mon utilitaire bleu Aimerai passer bon moment après mon travaille Femmes ou couples même bi me dérange pas j’ai envie de sexe
I'm going to go and have a look right away, I'll be there in 10 minutes, there are some who want to empty themselves. I really want to suck
Want to do a good cunnilingus
Demain soir mercredi 16. Bianca en mode pute au chaud et confortablement installée. Me contacter.
Available tonight I am active
Sur place dans mon camion bleu
Je serai d’ici 30 minutes pour Femme ou couple j’ai un utilitaire bleu
Bonjour, qui a envie d' un plan branle entre mecs sur photos et vidéos de ma femme, j' y passerai vers 17h ou 17h30. Je ne suis pas bi branle uniquement, faites moi signe si intéressé
Anyone want to get sucked?
Is there anyone here tonight?
Je serai de passage ver 18h pour couple ou femme Envoyer moi message privé
I'm there tonight at nightfall to suck
I'll be there in 10 minutes to suck
Je serai sur place au parking Audi noir vers 16h40-17h Pour un plan cul sans prise de tête avec femme et couples
I'm chatting with a handsome trucker. We'd like to plan with trav
I'm here to suck good cock send message who are there
I'll be there in 10 minutes to suck
Tomorrow Wednesday 09/10 in the evening. Bianca in whore mode in a van.
Hello, I'll be there around 3:30 p.m. for a jerk off between guys on photos and videos of my wife, if interested let me know in PM
Want to get sucked by transvestite
J’y suis dans 30 mn J’aime sucer h mur et me faire sucer
I'll be there in 15 minutes to suck
I'm there around 10pm to suck cocks
I have two cars there but they are not interested
Good evening young black man for woman or couple I can travel
There or elsewhere if a guy also gives me an appointment after 8:30 p.m.
someone tonight after 8:30pm to have fun with my pleasure hole
Anyone here this afternoon?
Want to discover this place for women or a couple
Parking notre dame de limon meet the charming bettybocul at the meeting had a good time very sexy and a mouth that takes good care of my cock thank you my beautiful
I'll go for a walk tonight, I hope to meet Bettybocul tonight at 10:30 p.m.
Bettybocul I'll come and have a look
Hi, I'll be there after 10:30 p.m. for the well-hung fuckers
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
I'm here to suck your cock
I confirm that I would be there today around 6-7pm to have my nipples licked.
Really want to have my nipples licked on Friday September 20th around 7pm
I'm here to suck your cock
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Anyone out tonight who wants to get lost?
Hello who is available tonight? I am receiving active BM guy in Saint Font, top class hygiene. In mp thanks.
I'll be there in 20 minutes, is there a good cock to empty, really want to suck... With a good facial
I'm going to go there to suck some good cock
I'm there early in the afternoon for a good cock to suck, very appreciated facial ejaculation!
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Who wants to suck a good cock?
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Bonjour ce soir routier de passage pour la nuitcherche une bonne lope qui aval jus scania
Who wants to get sucked tonight around 8:00 8:30 pm… Let me know
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Hello, who wants a jerk off plan between guys on photos and videos of my wife, I'll be there around 5pm or 5:30pm. I'm not bi jerk off only, let me know if interested
Normal as every year there is a religious meeting
I'm here who wants to get sucked, I really want it
Anyone going tonight? Really want to suck….??
Je recherche sur Lyon et alentours à passer un bon moment entre mecs..... ne soyez pas timide rencontrons-nous et passons un bon moment. Je me déplace sans problème
J’y suis passer entre 20h30 et 21h Personne n’était présent … dommage j’avais très envie de sucer … j’ai toujours très envie d’ailleurs si sa intéresse quelqu’un
I'm there with a friend for a threesome
I'll be there tonight to suck some good cock
I will come this afternoon around 3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. for a blowjob and to get fucked by a good cock.
I'm here to suck good cocks
Anyone want to get sucked?
I'm here to empty some juicy cocks, and my little ass is hungry message on mp
I'm going there tonight to suck your cock
Who's going this afternoon?
Shit je crois que jme suis trompé haha... ce n'est pas le parking covoit en longueur, à la sortie du petit rond point ? Il fallait continuer encore un peu plus loin c'est ça ?
J’y suis mais pas pour lontemp Déjà sucer une belle queue mais encore envie …
Hi, is there anyone coming tomorrow morning?
I've been there several times for business trips, never found anyone.
Hello, passing by this evening, the Bouches à jus, still naked in my cabin, I'm waiting for you, be greedy
Anyone want to get sucked?
Hello everyone, probably passing through there late afternoon, contact me by PM if interested ;)
Hello, I can go there for a jerk off between guys on my wife's photos and videos, I love seeing guys spit for her. Contact in PM
Routier de passage ce jeudi 8 8 24 à partir de 19 h j aime être nu dans mon camion et attendre bouche gourmande kif trave ,minet femme ,mais les hommes aussi scania jaune foncé monte côté passager
I'll be there in 15 minutes, anyone who wants to take care of my mouth?
I'm passing by tonight to empty the queue
I'm going to spend August 5 there around 6-6:30 p.m. to clear lines. Contact me if you are interested.
Hello, someone out there??
Who's there to give me a good facial?
I'm on my way there, I'm running late, I'll be there in 20 minutes if anyone is interested
Je passe faire un tour tout à l’heure vers 22 heures. Envie de bonnes faciales… Amenez vos queue
Ce soir recherche des grosses queue à sucer avec gourmandise Rechetche aussi petite queue fine
Hello, is there anyone there?
Hello, I'll be there this Monday between 6 and 7 p.m. to suck and empty cocks. Maybe more..
I'm here to suck some good cock
If any men want to empty themselves, let me know, I can be there around 6-6:30pm
I'm here to suck good cocks
Never a couple in this place!!!???
Salut routier parking notre Dame de limon ce soir je reçois à poil dans scania beige donc si tu aimes sucer grosse queue et avaler jus épais frappe porte passager
Ludosam, you're the only one who can't find it
Hello, my wife and I are looking for a woman for a very hot threesome, Madame likes women, kisses, licks, fingers, and I will take care of you two until I can't, see you soon, big kisses
Je vais y faire un tour ce soir vers 21h30 , envie de sucer et me faire prendre … Vu le temp je voudrais être sure qu’il y est du monde ? Puis j’ai très très envie ???
Je vais y faire un tour ce soir vers 21h30 , envie de sucer et me faire prendre … Écrivez moi qu’on ce donne rdv et donner moi envie de vos queue
Salut , du monde ce soir à la fraîche? Envie de sucer et me faire jouir dessus
I am very often at this place if a couple wants to take advantage of my cabin for a good time exhibiting or more contact me in MP
I can be there around 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. if men want to be sucked and emptied
Anyone available tonight?
Hello from the exhibition or more planned this evening or night...?
Who's there now? I want to suck and get fucked...
Trucker at the parking lot tonight I'll be naked for plan q
Looking for big cocks to suck
Cc available on site during the day for exhib or more only for single women or couples. Do not hesitate to contact me
Who's going to suck me off this morning?
Hi. I'm there as a hot guy until 3:30. Gray Honda. I suck and more.
Salut Trav ou trans sur place dans la journée ?
Anyone out tonight? I could have emptied a good queue...
Au park ou autres Pour femme et couple joueur Me contacter en pv
Hello Au park pour femme ou couple joueurs
Never anyone? We must not go there at the same times apparently
I was like no one else on this site, send me if you are available?
Who wants to pump a good cock around 5 p.m.?
I'm here until 10pm to suck
Hi, anyone available tonight???
Tonight around 9pm to suck
Passing by, who to empty me deep in his mouth? I'm a tall, sporty, tattooed mixed race guy who's a big cumer.
Good evening, I'm looking for a good sucker. I am here. Private message please.
Hello, I come by around 5:30 p.m. to suck and only suck, no anal, send PM if interested
Trav or trans in the area?
Salut à tous. Quelqu’un de disponible ce soir n’hésite pas à me contacter
May 3 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to clear queues.
Who wants to suck a good cock I'm passing
10h20. Personne ... je repasserai peut être cet am ...
1er mai 9h30. J'y suis là bite à l'air pour sucer dans ma voiture. Honda grise
Hi all. Want to go this morning to suck some cock. Not in work, but really want to. Any candidates?
For a first time it's a success 3 tails to empty. A man took me to a small wood nearby and there 3 tails at once, face covered in sperm!
April 29 from 6 to 7 p.m. to clear queues.
Is it crowded on Saturday night?
If the weather permits and there are active men who want to unwind, I will be there this Friday around 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. I await your messages.
Hi, yesterday you had a gray mini and black clothes, if you recognize yourself contact me.
j y serais de 10h30 à midi garé dans le sens de la descente..
Who is available tonight in the area PM me ;)
If any active men are interested in getting emptied please message me, I can be there April 22nd between 6-7pm.
I will go there in the afternoon.
We went there very early yesterday but no one, we went back around 10am quite a few guys but we didn't have time anymore, too bad...
I'll be there tomorrow around 9:30 a.m. for sex
Routier de passage sur corbas, dispo UNIQUEMENT dans mon camion pour pomper jusqu'au jus NOW
I'm looking for a job to empty my balls
Friday 12/4 in the evening in the Givors St Chamond sector. Looking for passing guys, truckers or other sports bikers construction guy, Black, Arab, Turkish. I'm looking to pump and make a cock spit.....see more. ...leave me a private message well in advance!!! .to your cocks - I come to you or to your place
Bonjour,Je suce en voiture ou camion Moi en tenue sexy Soutien gorge grande taille Minie jupe cool Porte jarretelle bas pour te faire bander Je monte dans ta voiture et je me masturbe avec un gode et toi tu te branle en suite je m'occupe de ta belle queue suce...
tomorrow afternoon receive not far for the pleasure of the rascals
I'll be there around 10pm, if there are any who want to get sucked and cum on me and if your cock isn't too big, you can take me...
Hi I'm on site from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to empty some balls so contact me in PM
Until 9pm - 9:30pm to suck
Passé la première fois aujourd'hui en début d'après-midi. Je me suis garé et ai attendu pour voir. pas été abordé mais les voitures tournent sans arrêt. çà se passe sur le parking ou ailleurs ?
Hello everyone. This Sunday 17/03, I really want to go and offer my mouth and my ass there, even if I'm not working... I really want cock
Anyone? to suck a good cock?
C’était tellement bon hier soir que je pense y retourner ce soir , mais dite moi si vous y allez !!! J’ais sucer deux queue et je me suis fait prendre c’était excellent
Good evening, is there anyone to suck me!!! Private message please.
I'm there, get your tails out
I'll be there around 8pm.
Is there anyone here tonight? I want to suck...
Hello, is anyone there Thursday morning?
Those who go there give me a sign that I'm not going there for nothing
I'm going there this evening, those who want to suck bring me your cock and also want to get caught….
Around here all week until Thursday
Hi everyone, very hot today, I'm going to go for a walk later, available for women or couples only. Impeccable hygiene and very respectful, don't hesitate to message me if interested
I'm looking for a place to get naked in my car, would you come see me here?
Il y a du monde qui y va ce soir ou demain soir? J’ai trop envie de sucer et je me ferai bien prendre sur le capot de mon camion….
Lots of people tonight because I was left hungry yesterday….
I'll be there in 30 minutes, those who want to empty my mouth and you
Who's going tonight? Really want to suck
Hi someone I would like to go there
I can come to this place (or Cesarges) this evening around 8-9 p.m., someone ACTIVE would like to accompany me??
Anyone available Friday 26th afternoon?
On site in 10 min to suck cock without sodomy send mp
I am currently looking to get sucked
Are there people here now?
I'll be there, maybe this evening if it doesn't rain too much
I am available this evening in the surrounding area…
A cock to suck tonight around 8:30 p.m.
A liability this evening around 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m.?
I'm there with my sex in my hand
Who wants to get sucked tonight?
Available not far in the evening…
Hi, I'll come by in the evening.
Available 7 p.m. for a liability
I'm there but not many people
I'm going there tonight around 7:30pm with a strong desire to suck cock....
Are there people going tonight?
Dans 30 minutes, j’y suis. Très envie de sucer. Donnez-moi vos queues.
I'm looking for a cock to suck I'm here until 00:00
In 20 minutes on site looking to pump without sodo send mp
Who is going there today around 5:30 p.m.
Hello everyone happy new year who is available this morning to empty the - 47 years old of course have a good day everyone
Hello everyone, are there any women in this sector? Or couple I'm very hot see you soon big kisses
There's never anyone in this group if someone wants to empty it I really want to suck
This morning a good desire to take one in my mouth who is available?
I will be from 5:45 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. to suck without soda send pm
I'm there from 2:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to suck and empty cock send PM
Hello world tonight or not?
I'm there until 10 p.m. to suck
Really want to suck me...a mouth? A pussy? An ass?
Hi ..anyone there?... want to suck
Park closed for flooding not many people
Good evening, Are there people there?
Someone this late afternoon?
I come by around 11 p.m./midnight.... anyone interested in getting sucked?
Want to suck tonight. Is there anyone there?
Someone between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.?
Hello a coupled transvestite or woman for this evening thank you
I should be there around 7:30 p.m., some nice queues want to empty themselves.
Who's coming over tonight to get a blowjob?
In the corner until December 13th
An ass available at 6:45 p.m. to empty me?
Who is available to offer their ass?
Who is available tonight to empty my balls?
I'm there who plans to go there
Bonjour J'aimerais bien recroiser une trans que je n'ai vu qu'une fois...polo couleur si tu lis ce message
Too much desire for cock... who gives me theirs? I move
Who has 6:30 p.m. to empty me?
Someone who sucks morning happiness 7:00?
Trop envie de sucer des bites , j’y serai ce soir vers 19h30 , envie que vous me juter dessus visage torse bite …. Ou j’avale sans problème … Si deux ou trop vite en même temp pour bukkake je suis ok.
I'll be there in 15 minutes, to suck...
Anyone at the end of the day??
Too bad no one is available….
There are people available for me to suck and for you to squirt on me so that I can spread it everywhere like a good slut....
Anyone want to get sucked?
J’y serai à 19h30. Envie de me faire gicler dessus.
Très envie de recommencer ce soir comme hier soir… De belles pipes, avec votre jus sur la gueule et sur mon torse, comme une bonne petite salope… Et si vous êtes plusieurs à me jouir dessus, en même temps, ce sera encore meilleur
Sure, I'll be there this evening around 8:30 p.m. to empty some cocks and get caught...
I should go there tonight... Anyone who wants to get sucked, let me know.
Hi everyone, are you available today?
Je serai sur la route Valence..lyon A partire de 5h00 Si une femme ou couple joueur Faite moi sing
Passing by 6:00 a.m. if couple or woman who wants to empty me
I get sucked by a big female dog I'm going to fuck her voyeur and wanker welcome 208 white behind the trucks come closer but don't touch
Hi everyone I'm here if woman or couple available for exhibition or voyeurism or duo sex, threesome with great pleasure let me know in PM well built and hot pleasure assured
Hello, I am in a relationship and am looking for a woman or couple to share a good time with.
Up to 2 hours to suck you off
The pretty lady I just passed there with the black Audi, let me know in PM if you want, I wasn't alone, I couldn't
Hello. People this evening? PM for appointment
I might come by tonight around 6pm if anyone is interested multiple men at the same time possible
I can come by around 9:20 p.m....anyone? (Preferably nice)
Passing by tomorrow evening around 11pm…MP
Ce soir vers 23h j'y emmène ma soumise
Anyone out tonight? I'll get fucked sodomy...
I'm here to get sucked or sucked
I'll be there in 30 minutes, if anyone wants to get sucked
No one is sure of the place?
Nearby like in my profile picture
Ce soir peut-être, ici ou ailleurs, à la nuit tombée, pour échanges de tripotages Seulement si hygiène parfaite et réel esprit libertin
There are people tonight, I'm looking for Bankaci
Today from 3:30 p.m. I put my submissive shemale in whore mode.
I'm here for someone to suck me off
Who goes one evening of the week… Really want to suck, and why not more…
Who's going tonight? I want to have some fun?
On the spot. As a schoolgirl
Bonsoir Demain vers 19h30, pour une bouche gourmande ?
People around 4 p.m.? How does it work in this place?
J y serai vers 16h Cherche belle quête à super ou pour me prendre
Who wants to get sucked tonight?
I'm there if anyone needs to vent.
Want to suck me off who's available?
Is there anyone for a little quiet plan, contact me
Yes like every first weekend of September
No parking there for the weekend!
Looking for a small, thin tail to put on me
I suck big cocks in a car or truck in sexy outfit
I'm here to suck until 10 p.m.
Hi I think I'll go who wants to get sucked send me pm
I'm there to suck or get sucked
Hi I'm hot to suck send me a message we join
To suck you until 6:30 p.m.
I'll drop by this afternoon, will anyone be there?
Who wants to get sucked tonight?
The person I sucked 20 minutes ago can you send me a message please
I'm there naked in the woods who's coming to beat me up? No old people thanks
Anyone available this Tuesday 08/15 around 3 or 4 p.m.?
I'm here, finally for now
Until 10:22:30 p.m. to suck you off
I'll be there around 5pm to suck
Anyone around 4:15pm? PM back
I'll be there around 11:45 p.m.
People today for lunch break...
I go there around 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. if anyone wants to get sucked
I'll go find out tonight.
Hello sexy slut looking for good cock
Really want to suck and get fucked... Who wants to meet me there?
I'm going there tonight around 9pm to suck cock.
I'm going there tonight to get my ass licked... let me know if you're coming.
Hi, anyone would like to get sucked off? Around 7 p.m., 7:30 p.m. at the latest
salut, du monde ce soir vers 20h45?
Bonjour , du monde aujourd’hui ou ce soir? J’aurais bien sucer une bonne queue pour qu’elle me prenne ma rondelle ….. Je suis très chaud
Hi and exhibiting in my truck looking for good cock for the same
I'm there 30 minutes in my semi-trailer
I'm there, and not many people...
Anyone out tonight? Really want to suck…and empty some balls…
I will be there tomorrow around 4:15 p.m., until 5:30 p.m.…
Are there people tonight or this end of the day?? I really want to suck or be sucked
Hello, are there people tonight?
Passing by a little before 3 p.m. I want to have fun before the weekend send PM if interested
I'll be there tonight for the night
I'm going to take a look tonight who wants to empty ... Really want to suck my mouth is yours. wave
Anyone would like to get sucked off at max 8:30 p.m.? PM
People around 10 a.m. who want to get sucked, send pm or make lighthouse calls
In the area around 3:30 p.m. di interested send me a message
Hello is there someone I'm there
Hi someone at 6am tomorrow?
I can go there around 8 p.m., 8:30 p.m., who would like to get sucked off? Or + :)
Passing around 3 p.m. who wants to get sucked off?
Big desire to suck a good cock available around 2:15 p.m. between this place is vernaison pm me if interested
I'm going now I'll be there around 7:30 p.m. if anyone wants to get sucked….
I'll be there tonight around 8 p.m. I think, really want to suck and get caught, I'll start to open my ass with my dildo in my car to take your cock without problem. Tell me what car you have so I can show off to you...
I would like to go there tonight, want to suck and get caught… sign if you go…
To be certain of dealing with a libertine, the red lace on the mirrors helps a lot.
I'm there until 9 p.m. to suck
Are there people tonight? I would have been sodomized...
Someone to suck me community area direction Grenoble in 20 min
Je peux y etre vers 21h20 mais j ai pas beaucoup de temps 10 15min Pour branler
I suck cock around 8 p.m.
I want to suck cocks. Send me a pm for an appointment.
Seriously, you're all with your lights on, it's ideal for discreet. Pffff
I'm on my way if dicks wanna come and cum in my mouth
Will there be people tonight? I want to suck a good cock… or even several cocks
Are there people at the end of the morning? I would have taken a little juice in the mouth...
I'm on my way to the chapel really want to suck get caught there are people?
From 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. …..
I'm here until 8:30 p.m. to suck you off
People tomorrow morning around 6:30 who want to get sucked I'll be there for 30 min
Present for plan sucks jerk off. Who is interested?
Anyone want to get sucked around 6:30 p.m.?
Until 8 p.m. to suck you off
I'm going to take a look right away if there are people who want to get sucked, I'm here.
who for plan sucks and jerks off
Error I'm here I stay until midnight ... For the moment nobody ... notice man wall or bi trav
Anyone want to get sucked off this afternoon?
I'll be there around 9 p.m. to suck
Someone tonight to suck me off or jerk me off around 9:30 p.m.?
Anyone interested in being sucked off around 6:30 p.m. send a message and call the lighthouse if interested, I have a black polo shirt
Lots of people over there around 3:30 p.m.
I'm here until 9:30 p.m. to suck you off
I will be there between 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. for those who want to get sucked…
Anyone wanna get sucked off tonight?
Hi everyone, is there someone to suck me this morning around 05h? Private message please.
Are there people going tonight? I want to suck... But don't want to go down for nothing...
I'm on my way to suck some cocks, who want this empty I'm waiting for you
Who's going tonight? I really want to suck a cock, I'm going to go and have a look
Good evening. There is a lot of traffic on the road and often a lot of parked cars. Isn't that annoying? How not to be seen?
I'll be there in 30 minutes if anyone wants to get sucked
Who to get sucked? I'm there until 9 p.m.
Who wants to suck me, suck him, fuck him...? I'm there and I'll be there until 4:30 p.m.
I'm going to check it out now if anyone is interested in getting sucked
Who will be there at noon?
Good evening tomorrow I will be banging a good whore wanting to be fucked by several xl cocks at 45 Quai Riondet in Vienna contact me at 0767570371
At the end of the evening perhaps, here or around, for a playful couple or an exchange of fiddling between guys, perfect cleanliness essential obviously
I'm here for a good plan. Who interested???
I'm there until 2 o'clock. Who to empty?
I'm there Tuesday between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. who joins me
Late and surely useless passage :-)
Hi everyone I'm strong and rather small dick, I'm hetero curious I'm looking for a guy 35 years old max for a first experience sucking
Until 11 p.m. to empty yourself
Hi everyone interested to be sucked around 5:45 am tomorrow pm if interested
I'm there right now I don't understand anything it's super big lol to file me right away
Hello I plan to go there in the pro week this place is always topical? I ch a filer yes yes filer and no old please rebeu highly appreciated
Nobody available this afternoon to have a good time?
I'm going there this afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you know another place around Lyon I move. I am also looking for another dating site. Thanks in advance and see you soon
I'm there in 15 minutes who joins me
Who comes to suck me or get sucked
Who wants to suck my dick 20/5
I'm here to suck... And + if...!
I have a hard-on like a horse that wants to come and suck me off
Hi everyone, who's coming to suck me off tonight?
I have the stick that comes to suck me
Sunday evening, after the game, I'll suck some nice cocks. Meet in the car park around 11:30 p.m.
Good to wait until 10 p.m. Thanks to the hunk who gave me his cock and juice in the woods
I can be there in about 1/2 hour to suck you off
Want to suck and get sucked
I have a white Toyota Yaris hybrid
I already have a serious band! Who would like to take care of my box?
I'm there with a stiff cock
Tomorrow I will be there around 9:00 p.m.
Recherche grosse queue à sucre en voiture ou branle Recherche aussi petite queue pour me prendre !! Libre ce lundi en voiture si libre !
Good evening, I am the 30min. PM
Who for soft plan around 5:30 p.m.?
Routiers ou quelqu'un de dispo pour ce soir...
Hi I'm there tonight around 9pm. If there is an active because I am totally passive hairless.
Bonjour, Est-ce que quelqu'un est disponible mercredi après-midi ?
Who wants to have fun with me, tomorrow night, after the game in Devines? I'll be there around 11:30 p.m.
I will be there from 9:00 p.m. In the dark, I love it. I suck and take it
Pour ceux qui veulent s'éclater de nuit, rendez-vous demain soir vers minuit
See you Saturday evening around midnight, to all those, like me, who like to have fun in the dark
Hello, Du monde cet après midi et qui aimerait se faire sucer ?
hello world for plan sucks on Lyon is
The world, tomorrow around 9:00 p.m.?
I'll be there tomorrow night between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
I suck tonight around midnight
I'll be there this afternoon around 6:00 p.m. and tonight around midnight to suck a nice cock.
Excellent place in the evening after dark I go there often
Hello Looking for small or medium cock to gently deflower myself I masturbate with a dildo to prepare the ground then you gently penetrate me with a lubricant that I prepare in advance
Qq'un wants to be sucked tonight?
Chances of finding F or couples?
Looking big cock to suck in car
I would be in the woods opposite this apm for a ride as a man with feminine underwear, it's up to you to find me and maybe. ....
for men, women, travs, road
I'm coming tonight at 10 p.m. for a walk around the corner I'll be a girl, leave a message
Who today around 5.15 p.m. I could pass. MP
Hot active lorry spends the night on the spot. Hot passive search for ass plan
A lady and a gentleman who play, in the evening, late, here or elsewhere, to naughty with a good spirit .....?
hello who available tonight?
Hello ! who at the end of aprem?
For tonight hp trav or guy in lingerie
I offer my mouth and my ass Saturday night
Hello madam do you want a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven as anything to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very helpful waiting for your retu
Tuesday night around 22 hours. we kissed at length. I had never kissed a guy that way. We were super excited. You ejaculated (too!) Quickly. I collected a few drops of your seed in my mouth. that was delicious. I still have the taste in mind. And you're gone (too) fast. If you recognize you, and if, like me, you want to start again, let me know.
The blocks were put in place because every year there is an outdoor Mass. This is to protect people.
Today, there are more concrete blocks
Bjr all there as we put concrete blocks to impede the passage of cars is following sites like Lieudieu and chamagnieu
Somebody to 17:30 for exhibitionism, swindling, motion or sucks, mutual ....? perfect imperative Hygiene
Someone wants to get sucked this afternoon?
A trav or woman tonight on this car?
Hello, are people on Sunday night?
Hi I have a things to say here and really sincerely fuck you and all like you and discuss after this false map mdrrrr a last things you spoil all go all played barbie is better for you goodbye
the world tonight Thursday?
I am, work area, but I have parked the truck, I really want to make me suck!
I'll be there tonight, the world's available?
Sorry for interested assets But I'll have to leave
An active this afternoon?
I could go on this place for good plan sucks motion today and tomorrow during lunch break and tomorrow afternoon. Who interested, send me PM
Vicelow what time are you coming?
I will surely pass tonight if interesting proposal!
I am on site, cokine would she want to get licked!?!?
I'll be there around 22h for trans lope sent mp!
Road, I spend the night here or givors, the world?
I'll spend Tuesday morning. Only if someone gives me RdV.
Someone in the area in the evening? Looking couples sharer or mutual intrigues with own boy, and if possible hairiness maintained ...;) if tried mp
Someone in the evening ..? I ch torque sharer or intrigues with boy, clean and if possible hairiness maintained ...;) if tried mp
In suction mode tonight .....
Monday 23 at 8:45 p.m. I would be on hand to make the prostitute .....
Available tomorrow Sunday for woman or couple
I passed today, for the second time in two weeks and I have seen 2 times a blue station wagon dacia with a man in it ... will I have to wait a little more? hihi?
Huummm is 1 very good road the bottom .....
Huummm is 1 very good road the bottom .....
Women looking for plane weekend July 8, 09 June at the afternoon me mp
I do not know this place ... I'll go find out ... day
here there âs place to hide, you better go:
one time whore time and a couple with an old but rarely! But if you want you suck, I'm quite often! by cons to park your truck, must go to the small area in the other direction a step further by going to come next to the chapel
is there a specific day and time to find the world?
dalesque jy were this evening from 18h to 7:30 p.m.'s true ke person tonight
sometimes it's best to contact a woman like that ... it's good and if it helps to live ... everyone can find happiness.
And your whore kel age 25 or more to 50
it is may be worth trying. sometimes it is better to share the cost and being well served. to have ...
ki torque demand an extra charge it is a retirement couple may 69 70
bjr when there will be the young woman ready to unveil its charms?
close history